Sweet tarts :)


Well-Known Member
whats the wrap on the lsd sweet tarts, are they known to be good, bad etc... just bought some and just wonderin
yea i was told it was madd good my friend did half of one over the weeekend said it was the strongest hes ever had
Very interesting question. High doses of lsd are still soo minute though, i bet you could fit very high levels if you wanted to with a good vial.
First off.. this calls for a black light test. Turn on a black light, put the sweet tart underneath (don't hold it there as UV light will degrade LSD), if it glows blue it is LSD, if it does not it is either a DOx or 5-MeO-aMT.

Since I have indeed heard of DOx's on sweet tarts, Kaleo, to answer your question, this leads me to believe you can hold milligrams on a sweet tart, not micrograms.
it could well be DOx, good point shep. i would imagine a sweettart has a lot more surface area than a 1cmx1cm piece of blotter paper. if it is indeed lsd then you got a deal(depending on how much is actually on each piece of candy)

shep; your black light test could be flawwed in this situation. sweet tearts are many colors and are coated in sour sugar, the color they glow may not have anything to do with the drug they are "enhanced" with
shep; your black light test could be flawwed in this situation. sweet tearts are many colors and are coated in sour sugar, the color they glow may not have anything to do with the drug they are "enhanced" with

I specified a color to look for, blue. Since it was dropped the blue will not be a perfect circle, it will look as if someone dropped it.

If a sweet tart would naturally fluoresce (due to some dye/coating/etc) it would be in the shape of a sweet tart, you would still see if you put something on top of that.

It may not be the best test in the world, but it does not hurt to try.
oh i wasnt doubting your test; ive done the same thing on blotter, i was just saying that sweet tarts might throw the test off (the same as cabbage juice Ph tests on red wine vinegar, just recalling bio lab....)
had sweet tarts and sour patch kids before... i had the same trip as i did when i got it on tabs. I don't know a whole lot about lsd though... I just don't do it until i watch other people try it first to determine if i'm going to take it and how many hits i'm going to take haha
bout to try a blacklight test, how should i do it without damaging the L

LSD fluoresces like a motherfucker.. it should not take more than a split second to see if it is present.

Turn on the black light, hold the sweet tart under it.. if it glows it COULD be LSD, if it does not glow, it IS NOT LSD.

Fuck me that's expensive!

Hard to say, there could be a milligram of LSD on these bitches. Or there could be like 25 mics.. or none.
