Ripped off by boss

What to do

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So I just picked up from my dealer, who also happens to work for the same company as I do. He is in a position higher then myself with the company.

He ripped me off 3 grams, I purchased one half short 3 grams. all bagged as eighths weighing out to 3 x 2.7 1 x 2.9

What do I do? I can't cause a problem with him, what if someday he is in charge and I am working for him? He's one of the only dealers I have contact with.

I think he has been ripping me off for a while but I only just recently purchased a scale.

I'm pissed my high is gone and I want to break his face :fire::wall:

What do I do now.... anything?
nothing you can do really, you got had. i guess you could call him and complain

next time have him weigh it out in front of you. and dont buy weed in separate bags. and find a better dealer
I would just call him and say, "hey, didn't know if you knew or not... but i just weighed that bag out and it was 3 grams short". If he's not a complete asshole he should just play dumb like he didn't know and it was an accident and then give you the rest (there's a small chance his scale could be off, but most likely he knew about it and was being shady). If he is an asshole then he will tell you to fuck off i guess. If i was in either of your shoes, i wouldn't let a little bit of bud get in the way of more important things, ya know? But i've also never ripped anyone off... i weigh everything .1 or .2 over just for the fact if someone questions it i can throw it on the scale and say oh.. you're right, it is off.... There's a little extra in here, and then pluck a little bit back out of their sack and give it back to them! haha, i love the looks on people's faces when you do that. All in all, i'm guessing he was just trying to pull the usual "fast one" on you that he has probably been doing for some time now.... but it's really too late to say anything about anything you have previously bought. Just try to be nice and don't make a big deal out of it, if he isn't going to do anything about it then just don't buy from him again and pretend it never happened. Your job and work relationships are more important than a little half ounce side deal you know??
just call him casually right now and bring it up.. he is the one that has to decide where it goes from there... Don't be rude right away because then you are setting the tone for the discussion right off the bat and there is still the chance that he accidentally fucked up or got it from someone else like that and just passed it straight to you. You don't want to start off by being offensive about it. As the olds saying goes, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar".

If being nice doesn't work, then i vote waith 6 months and burn his house down if you still feel like it's worth it.
I am better friends with his wife then I am with him, sometimes he even has her pass it on to me. I was thinking about telling her and getting him in huge shit, but I am not sure I want her to feel bad for his fuck up. I am just gonna go with the flow, bagseed surprise will only have a month or so left THEN I'LL BE LAUGHING!!!! cause I'll take all his business.
I would give him a heads up the next time you see him / bought from him. No need to be confrontational. Just say that you weighed it when you got home and you were short. If he is shorting you intentionally; he is now on notice that you will be checking his work and that should stop. For all you know he bagged it a week ago when the bud was "wet" and it has dried out since then. Be careful with the scales. Get caught with 3 1/8th bags and a scale and they are going to get you for distribution.

My buddy called his dealer out in a VERY confrontational way. The guy wont even pick up the phone or return a message.
I would give him a heads up the next time you see him / bought from him. No need to be confrontational. Just say that you weighed it when you got home and you were short. If he is shorting you intentionally; he is now on notice that you will be checking his work and that should stop. For all you know he bagged it a week ago when the bud was "wet" and it has dried out since then. Be careful with the scales. Get caught with 3 1/8th bags and a scale and they are going to get you for distribution.

My buddy called his dealer out in a VERY confrontational way. The guy wont even pick up the phone or return a message.

things can definately get confrontational sometimes.. I yelled one of my guys ears off a week or two ago because i bought 2 lbs from him and he thought it would be slick to meet me at night and give me my 2 lbs that ended up having over a qp of shake between them in the bags. i ended up with about 28 oz bud and 4 oz of shake! I got him to drop the price when he realized i'm his biggest customer by far, i'm the only one who pays with cash everytime, and it would be no problem for me to use a different connect... he just happens to be the cheapest by a couple hundred dollars....I hate middlemen...But Anyways, i ended up with a free qp of shake for blunts out of the whole deal and an apology... I wouldn't recommend doing this to someone you work with or someone who you are good friends with their wife though. It will just make tension everywhere for you, i reacted that way because our relationship is strictly business.. if i lost 3 grams on a half i would say something to him casually and if nothing results... drop it and buy the stuff elsewhere. friends and business just don't mix sometimes like you would think.
Yea, I'm weighing the options as you guys post them. Thanks for the advice, I really can't start shit because of my connections with him. I've called people out in the past no problem, but I just want to tread lightly here, also good call to not have a scale and bags with me that could be a felony.
things can definately get confrontational sometimes.. I yelled one of my guys ears off a week or two ago because i bought 2 lbs from him and he thought it would be slick to meet me at night and give me my 2 lbs that ended up having over a qp of shake between them in the bags. i ended up with about 28 oz bud and 4 oz of shake! I got him to drop the price when he realized i'm his biggest customer by far, i'm the only one who pays with cash everytime, and it would be no problem for me to use a different connect... he just happens to be the cheapest by a couple hundred dollars....I hate middlemen...But Anyways, i ended up with a free qp of shake for blunts out of the whole deal and an apology... I wouldn't recommend doing this to someone you work with or someone who you are good friends with their wife though. It will just make tension everywhere for you, i reacted that way because our relationship is strictly business.. if i lost 3 grams on a half i would say something to him casually and if nothing results... drop it and buy the stuff elsewhere. friends and business just don't mix sometimes like you would think.

Agreed Amen!
i would just bring it up next time too, act like you realy dont care and let him know that the bag was for a fact short and go from there if he dont hook you up buy what ever you need from him other wise i just wouldnt talk to him, if you had the choice that is. no need to make a big deal out of it i mean 3 grams the value for that anywhere should be 60 bucks TOPS and is that realy worth dealing with some bullshit, but thats just me i hate drama
Next time I'd just tell him to calibrate his scale. Casualy mention that you weighed it out and it came up short, thinking it was your own scale that was off, you checked yours against another and turns out yours is correct. Just mention it as an FYI type of thing so that there is no kind of accusation being made. Tell him it's no big deal but others would likely raise hell and you're just giving him a heads up. Doing it with tact and diplomacy will likely make him feel guilty enough to spiff you a few grams (that you actually already paid for) and if he's any kind of a decent human being you'll likely get bags that weigh a little over from now on.

It's just so risky finding new connections and if you already feel safe with this guy then I do what I had to in order to protect that. Beyond trying the above, I'd be inclined to just let it go as long as I felt the quality of what I bought was worth the price I paid.