Did my room mate just get me fired?

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Well-Known Member
i cant believe what i am reading. This person right here is the reason that we have to continue to fight for our rights. Ignorance is not the answer here. First off you come on a site that is based of MJ cultivators as well as connoisseurs and ask a retarded question and expect us to be serious with you. You need to read and learn about it before you freak out. Like one guy said before you already have the paranoia of a smoker so maybe you will relax a little if you pick up a bowl. Get your facts straight before you freak, thast what gets stupid people caught.

But to answer your question there is no way that it will show in the blood test. If you hung out in the room for hours while the smoking was going on you may feel something, and i stress the "may" part. Just relax take your test and maybe do a little reading before you come in here and act like a total tool.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe what i am reading. This person right here is the reason that we have to continue to fight for our rights. Ignorance is not the answer here. First off you come on a site that is based of MJ cultivators as well as connoisseurs and ask a retarded question and expect us to be serious with you. You need to read and learn about it before you freak out. Like one guy said before you already have the paranoia of a smoker so maybe you will relax a little if you pick up a bowl. Get your facts straight before you freak, thast what gets stupid people caught.

But to answer your question there is no way that it will show in the blood test. If you hung out in the room for hours while the smoking was going on you may feel something, and i stress the "may" part. Just relax take your test and maybe do a little reading before you come in here and act like a total tool.

someone who does not know about pot came and asked a legitimate question. you just tore them a new one. nice way to represent.

you say "you need to read and learn" i think that is the exact purpose of this thread.

enjoy your infraction.

edit: you may be lucky for now, the system didn't seem to accept your red square. i can always come back when it's working properly. :)


New Member
On a linux forum elsewhere in the internets....
I've never really cared that people use Liunx. What they do on their own time to their own systems, what ever. Having grown up in Ubuntu county, ca I've seen it, saw how east it was, extra.

But today, I was heading up stairs when I realized the very clear and distinct sound of multiple linux machines. I've been living with my room mate for almost 3 years. But I've never caught them having a LAN party before. I don't know how much they wrote, or for how long. But the room stinked heavily of doritos an Mountain dew even with all the windows and doors open.

Truthfully I wouldn't care, not at all. except that I really love Steve Jobs! Blah, Blah, Blah, Bad Grammar, Blah, Etc.

I swear to god if I loose this job over her stupid recreational choice I'm going to find her computer and break it.

And do you think the Linux users thought that was a legitimate post>? There are thousands of on-line help/answer sites as that would love to help him bash stoner's. Op's post is inappropriate, Bottom line.


New Member
someone who does not know about pot came and asked a legitimate question. you just tore them a new one. nice way to represent.

you say "you need to read and learn" i think that is the exact purpose of this thread.

enjoy your infraction.

edit: you may be lucky for now, the system didn't seem to accept your red square. i can always come back when it's working properly. :)
Legitimate question, My Ass. He cam here to troll his ideals and release a day gone bad. To a forum that could care less to help a "cop calling", Over-zealous liberal gone bad and you as a moderator not only support him but try to punish a valuable user with over 300 posts and two journals, Nice way to represent.

Infraction to you "Good Sir"


Well-Known Member
Legitimate question, My Ass. He cam here to troll his ideals and release a day gone bad. To a forum that could care less to help a "cop calling", Over-zealous liberal gone bad and you as a moderator not only support him but try to punish a valuable user with over 300 posts and two journals, Nice way to represent.

Infraction to you "Good Sir"
you have no proof of anything. sounds legit to me. once the system is fully operational you will be rewarded. :)


New Member
@fdd2blk: Wow, your conversational skills seems to be clouded be the dark-side. Why don't you come down from your mod-cloud and defend your side like the rest of us rather than strike the unworthy noob with your all mighty ban-hammer.


Active Member
Legitimate question, My Ass. He cam here to troll his ideals and release a day gone bad. To a forum that could care less to help a "cop calling", Over-zealous liberal gone bad and you as a moderator not only support him but try to punish a valuable user with over 300 posts and two journals, Nice way to represent.

Infraction to you "Good Sir"
even if he is a troll if seen questions just as dumb go by, and get answerd. just take it in stride and have a laugh, ignore the thread like a adult, or go find a new forum to be angry on.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
On a linux forum elsewhere in the internets....
I've never really cared that people use Liunx. What they do on their own time to their own systems, what ever. Having grown up in Ubuntu county, ca I've seen it, saw how east it was, extra.

But today, I was heading up stairs when I realized the very clear and distinct sound of multiple linux machines. I've been living with my room mate for almost 3 years. But I've never caught them having a LAN party before. I don't know how much they wrote, or for how long. But the room stinked heavily of doritos an Mountain dew even with all the windows and doors open.

Truthfully I wouldn't care, not at all. except that I really love Steve Jobs! Blah, Blah, Blah, Bad Grammar, Blah, Etc.

I swear to god if I loose this job over her stupid recreational choice I'm going to find her computer and break it.

And do you think the Linux users thought that was a legitimate post>? There are thousands of on-line help/answer sites as that would love to help him bash stoner's. Op's post is inappropriate, Bottom line.
that must be one of the most absurd analogy's i've read...

smelling BO and mountain due because you walk upstairs is not the same as possibly inhaling THC and failing a drug test. lol. it doesn't even make sense. where is the link between encountering the LAN party and not getting the job because of the lan party. maybe you're just high, always a good excuse eh :D


New Member
I thought his motives for posting and the motives of all threads is for user input opinions. And as an adult I chose to reply to this thread I apoligize if my opinion came off as angry to you. But you could always "just take it in stride and have a laugh, and ignore me like a adult: :P

tea tree

Well-Known Member
easy. go to the druge store and get a home thc test. if it is positive then yu got a reason to avoid teh drug test. if not yu are clear. make yur roomate pay for it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
@tip top toker: Of course it doesn't make sense. And there is no link between the two. Not so much an analogy as it is an absurdity much like the original post.:p
should i get into a conversation with somethin g you know nothing about and then kick your ass for being a little uneducated...

yours makes no sense from an educated or non-educated stance. the OP does not know any better so would like a little reassurance.

i know if i was not a smoker i'd probably be just as concerned to be quite fair. difference is i've been smoking long enough to know that it's a bit of a silly notion, but the OP is not to know that. i see it as a fair enough question.

but i don't agree with the comment about calling the cops, that's just lame. next thing you'll have bought a personal speed camera and start making citizens speeidng arrests outside your front door :lol: that would be entertaining though, i must admit, ignore everyone but cocks in sports cars :lol:

anwyays, enough of this silliness.


Well-Known Member
I found like most of you that this was a funny question to be asked, but i also yesterday read my first post on this thread and now it was the.stupidest question I think I could of possibly asked lol. But I'm glad the guy ended up here asking people who KNOW more about this plant than most other places he was likely to end up. He worked hard for his job and it was important to him we all freak out when something is important to us think about some silly plant problem you had when you first started growing. Did you guys not freak out over something now that seems silly. Like this dudest Q? To answere it no way bro you could of kicked it in there with them and wouldnt fail. And the only reason you felt high was because you were looking for it. was brain induced GL with your new job bro and grats
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