t dubs first go round

t dub c

Well-Known Member
hey rocky,
give it a try, if you need more info pm me, and ill give you some more tips on supercropping. if you need.


Well-Known Member
thats sick your a bad mother fucker hope mine look like that do you think mine are good for 13 days thay dident show sex till day 6

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Soo here is some more pic's of the big g 13 haze, and the last pic is my g13 clones a week into flower. any comments.....?:blsmoke:





Well-Known Member
hey man....looking sweet....that g13xhaze is so incredibly gorgeous! good work! and the g13's they look like they're starting into flowering really well too. smoke on..man!


Well-Known Member
I'm just gonna take some clones and get them started this morning....wish me luck...my first time doing that?!

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Ehhh, thanks rocky, may be Ill frame or may be I frame some pics a little closer to bud, it might look even better. any ways I sure hope she smokes well. thanks mang.


Well-Known Member
well t dub c....goter done all over again...hopefully right this time....how friggin embarassing is that!

t dub c

Well-Known Member
haha, I think many people have done the very same thing it all good tahoe, at least you tried dude. hope all goes well tahoe. peace


Well-Known Member
thanks...the new ones abviously look much better...with preoper growth and nodes etc.....I guess we'll see how we make out. thank you for your guidance!

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure these G 13 clones will be a bit better plants because with this big G 13 I wasnt sure how close to the 600w I could go, so it stretched a little. I have these clones way closer than I had the big girl, and the nodes are so much closer together. woot woot. Also Im thining of getting some hashberry seeds anyone think this is a good idea?


Well-Known Member
morning t dub.....I have read some good stuff about hashberry...there was a thread going....can't remember where its at now....the one I want to try is blue moonshine....btw - clones did really well through their first night...look awesome this morning....not as much droop as I was expecting....:peace:
Im pretty sure these G 13 clones will be a bit better plants because with this big G 13 I wasnt sure how close to the 600w I could go, so it stretched a little. I have these clones way closer than I had the big girl, and the nodes are so much closer together. woot woot. Also Im thining of getting some hashberry seeds anyone think this is a good idea?

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Nice Tahoe good to hear clones are doing fine. That dope that the hashberry is pretty good stuff, cause im a broke ass right now and they are cheap, like $50 with tax and shipping and it would grow perfect in my room kind of short. I think Im getting some until I have cash then Im going to buy some staight up hashplant. I love hash but I need cash.....


Well-Known Member
hahahaha...aint that the way it always is....I love that one sig on here....dope will get you through time of no money, better than money will get you through times of no dope! hahahahahaha - both is best!

on another note...I am VERY serious about getting into breeding, and crossing...that is gonna be a lot of fun...and after seeing Thai strains.....I have to do an outdoor Thai grow...

t dub c

Well-Known Member
ohhhhh mang, have you seen the vid for thai tanic from greenhouse seed co, fucking crazieness, they get like 3.5 kilos from 1 plant or some shit. its on youtube.