

Well-Known Member
true story.

the waiting room at liberty always has people sitting, waiting their turn. and these places are pulling in MADD dough


Well-Known Member
so anywhere in SE michigan... sterling heights, utica, macomb, warren etc that has this kind of operation?

i know of 2 only that are like an hour away from me

would be nice to sample a few strains before i make my next purchase on seeds

i only grow from BCseeds right now and would like to try something else just for a comparison

and FINALLY just got my card today... cashed check on Dec 15th so im pretty happy and ready for heavy medicating lol


Well-Known Member
oh ok so that nice to know, they are processing decembers now so ill get mine any time ...good shit.

theres one i know of in warren its called pcu patients and caregivers united but BEWARE i have got bud there from the guy and it was HORRRRRRIBLE. like the worst ive evever had ever. and it was wet so i laye dit out to dry and it shrunk to a half oz so a month later i went in for my half oz replacement and the shit was just as bad and just as wet. however he had some blueberry nugs that were super delicious but it was for his 5 "patients" not for sale. you can get his number on craigslist. search marijuana under for sale/wanted


Well-Known Member
rzza - my great great grandparents migrated to that area from poland in 1871 so it woulda been the early 1900's that warren was all farmland.

the michigan law is very fuzzy and contradicting on some points imo, if you google michigan medical marijuana laws you'll see that some lawyers and lawmakers think the same thing.

its crazy how much these places are charging for bud. 450 an O and 15/20 a gram for just ok product is ridiculous. just more people takin advantage of the sick imo...

deprave - nice story. but yeah, its legal, you will run into people that talk about it like its nothing. as long as that dude is within the limits it wouldnt matter if the cops have been there, they cant do shit about lol, i love it. i DO think its kinda odd that he showed you his grow op though...i mean talkin about it is one thing but showing a stranger who could potentially try to rob him is a little weird to me...better safe than sorry i always say.


Well-Known Member
yeah everyone has their own interpretation of the law and until a judge passes judgmenet on these issues, we the people have no idea on how it is to be interpreted by the law

prices are RIDICULOUS... i have been helping a few local people when i have overages and give them zips for 250 since most of the people are on social security or disability and these people cant afford 450 a zip which some people say they have paid for white widow... i looked at the product they had and it was high quality but still, 450 is a lot for any income, especially a fixed one


Well-Known Member
even 250 is crazy to me....ive never worked out the math but im sure it doesnt cost that much to grow it. i mean i know ya gotta make some pocket money but dam. is my thinking wrong here? :leaf:

i hope to become a caregiver in the future (gota do some major electrical upgrades to the house first) and i always figured i would sell a zone for 100-150..


Well-Known Member
i think 250 is acceptable for right now. my patients get a free zip a month then 250 after that.


Well-Known Member
i think 250 is acceptable for right now. my patients get a free zip a month then 250 after that.
oh yeah, forgot about that..i think you mentioned that before. that sounds much better to me, but still that 250 is hard to swallow. how many patients do you have?


Well-Known Member
a patient just stopped by my house and brought some of what he called white widow/buddha. thats all he knew tho. any clue what it is? its good good good.

its on the left. on the right is my purple kush. the plant is my wwisow from dinafem still in veg, topped a bunch of times.



Well-Known Member
white widow and big buddha cheese maybe?

met with someone who had both those strains... but not a mix

and 250 is what my overages go for like i said... my personal patients dont pay that much

if you arent my patient and grow yourself... im not giving them the good deals.. if they want it they can sign up with me... its not insane


Well-Known Member
i will say this ...it cost me around 2500 for everything i use to grow. also i spend a shit ton on nutes and water and lights. water alone is like $12 a week cuz i have buy bottled. nutes arent much but electric is rediculous over 200 a month.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah im right with ya
i spend about 5k building a whole new room and everything to set it up

electricity is right under 200 a month and water like you say... adds up using and flushing out over 100 gallons for my hydro setup

not to mention the nutes and time i devote to my babies


Well-Known Member
yeah thats true...i completely left out the start up cost. and i guess if michigan would let people have more than just a pissy ass 2.5oz at once it could get cheaper...you could just have one big harvest a year in a greenhouse fed by sunlight. having to pay for water is definitely costly. like i said...ive never done the math. i guess 250 isnt so bad, but 450 i would never ever pay.

rzza, wwisow? i think im too high to decode that one.. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol oh fuck, yeah thought it was an acronym not a typo...

i was high and playin with camera settings so im gona get some bud porn up here in a minute...


Well-Known Member
oh i cant wait to get a camera. mines broke, and im broke so....

i started my journal. link in my signature. it sucks for now tho cuz the pics are horrible but soon ill be updating with much good pics.


Well-Known Member
oh i cant wait to get a camera. mines broke, and im broke so....

i started my journal. link in my signature. it sucks for now tho cuz the pics are horrible but soon ill be updating with much good pics.
yeah my camera isnt the best but it works...kodak easyshare that i got off ebay for 40 bucks :bigjoint: ill check out your journal when im done here...and after i smoke one...

anyway, here are some pics. they are all bag seed that i got from a friend..kinda wish i didnt grow em cuz they dont look all that impressive :finger: lol

forgive the quality, the camera does much better when i keep my hand steady but i was in the ER for 3 hours last night and im still kinda shaky...

anyone know what kind of filter you would need to normalize the coloring from an hps? i have one for fluorescent lighting but it doesnt seem to do anything with the hps...

