• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

using co2 with yeast how many bottles i need

pj puffen

i just seen how 2 make co2 using yeast n i really want 2 put this 2 the test i want the best results i have a growing room of 10 feet buy 20 feet n about 100 plants how many bottles do u think i need i will be using 2 liter bottles with 2 cups of sugar n 1/2 tsp of yeast or is there a better way of doing this like a bigger bottle could i use a 5 gallon jug with a big mixture


Well-Known Member
hes using 3 1000 hps's, very good ventilation in his room, he needs to boost co2. HOW MANY BOTTLES WILL HE NEED?


Active Member
You got 15watts per sqft goin on in there............not enough to have healthy plants..................i've never use Co2 anything below 80watt per sqft and 90 degree temps...................either consolidate or get more lights....................you also might wanna drop the number of plants you got going on......................

pj puffen

lol my plans r so healthy really good i know how much light i need i have been growing 4 at lest 5 years that was not the question shit read before u answer

pj puffen

look at my pixs my plants pull of at leat 3 o from each plant i know i was just wondering how much co2 i need nothing about lights


I make beer to produce co2 in my grow room. The beer ferments for about 2 weeks producing co2 that whole time. when its almost done fermenting just make more beer. I make 5-10 gallons at a time. Its like using the two best things in the world to work together.


Active Member
well i like a bottle per plant but that seems outta the question here.
id set up 5or 6 with tube connecting them and run it around the whole room.
it may not do a ton but it will help some.


Well-Known Member
I think for a room your size you would need about 200 2 liter bottles to raise the co2 in your room at all. Yeast co2 is for small unvented cabs and anyone else is wasting there time and money with this method.


Active Member
id say a generator aswell if you have a grow area of that big , with air pipe going round your room , and regulate the time for on and off . Google , calculator for co2 and cannnabis , type in your grow area and then you will get a pricise calculation of the amount of co2 you will need for your area


lol my plans r so healthy really good i know how much light i need i have been growing 4 at lest 5 years that was not the question shit read before u answer
this guy says hes been growing for 4-5 years but i guess he dosent know you can search all his posts. my favorite post is the one where he calls himself a noob dated recently and another one when he askes "how to grow the plants bigger" Maybe add more light like the guy told you 15watt per square foot isnt going to cut it. im sorry to call u out on your bull but you asked for it, heres a log of his posts, it dosent sounds like a 4-5 year vet, u be the judge

Forum: Marijuana Plant Problems
04-13-2010, 08:15 PM Replies: 13
Spider mites
Views: 155
Posted By pj puffen
lady bugs dont work trust me i tried n fogs will...

lady bugs dont work trust me i tried n fogs will kill them but not the eggs so spears n try 2 keep the temp down when its warm the will produced more try 2 keeep the room moist spray them...

Forum: Outdoor Growing
04-13-2010, 08:05 PM Replies: 11
Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant
Views: 144
Posted By pj puffen
i good idea is 2 add air 2 your water before u...

i good idea is 2 add air 2 your water before u water your plants like use a airpump like keep it in the water 4 like 2 hours it helps alot

Forum: Grow Journals
04-13-2010, 07:56 PM Replies: 22
Medical Grow op, NEWBIE!!! so far so good. Comments are welcome
Views: 255
Posted By pj puffen
looking good

looking good

Forum: General Marijuana Growing
04-13-2010, 07:53 PM Replies: 6
How often do you water new clones in rockwool?
Views: 80
Posted By pj puffen
yes you r over watering them the roots r still...

yes you r over watering them the roots r still new so try 2 keep it a bit dryer so the roots can grow more when its dry the roots will grow faster cause they try 2 reach 4 the water try spraying...

Forum: General Marijuana Growing
04-13-2010, 07:37 PM Replies: 149
is this rare or what!!!!!!!!!!!
Views: 2,189
Posted By pj puffen
your plant is fine give it a few more weeks n it...

your plant is fine give it a few more weeks n it will look normal it has nothing 2 do with over watering the light may be a little close if the notes r very close together when it gets a bit older...

Showing results 1 to 25 of 25
04-17-2010, 11:49 PM Replies: 11
First time grow. so go BIG or go home. (could use your suggestions and help.)
Views: 140
Posted By pj puffen
looking good keep it up

looking good keep it up

Forum: Marijuana Plant Problems
04-17-2010, 11:46 PM Replies: 6
Will they fix themselves?
Views: 65
Posted By pj puffen
they should be fine keep them under go light n...

they should be fine keep them under go light n let time do its thing

Forum: Indoor Growing
04-17-2010, 11:37 PM Replies: 3
Not sure where to post this ballast question
Views: 45
Posted By pj puffen
the buzzing has nothing with the light not going...

the buzzing has nothing with the light not going on i think it might be the ignitor but if u dont know what u doing then dont try i did n i got a big shocks lol do u have a halagen light try...

Forum: Advanced Marijuana Cultivation
04-17-2010, 09:57 PM Replies: 11
using co2 with yeast how many bottles i need
Views: 86
Posted By pj puffen
im using 3 1000 phs very good Ventilation ...

im using 3 1000 phs very good Ventilation in dirt

Forum: Indoor Growing
04-17-2010, 08:14 PM Replies: 3
Not sure where to post this ballast question
Views: 45
Posted By pj puffen
im lost is it makeing the buzzing when the...

im lost is it makeing the buzzing when the light is on or off if its on its not the ignitor i wouldnt worried about it tho unless u cant take the noies

Forum: Marijuana Plant Problems
04-17-2010, 08:07 PM Replies: 5
whats wrong with this plant
Views: 72
Posted By pj puffen
whats wrong with it ? it looks ok 2 me just...

whats wrong with it ? it looks ok 2 me just the notes r really close 2 the stock but its fine

Forum: Marijuana Plant Problems
04-17-2010, 07:56 PM Replies: 10
I have bugs. What do I do
Views: 100
Posted By pj puffen
r u sure there green well most bug n i said...

r u sure there green well most bug n i said most bugs just suck the juices out of the plant since you r in buding mode i sudgest that u try 2 keep the temp down you dont realy want 2 use any...

Forum: General Marijuana Growing
04-17-2010, 07:20 PM Replies: 12
1 to 25 of 25


Well-Known Member
Dud you need 25, 4 plant per bot bottles you need what i made 5 gal pale with a cap and a small air pump fill pal 1/2 water suger and yest then dril holes put 1 line from the pump into the pal is al ways moving yest/water/suger around
you get more c02 that way now dril holes for your feed lines

pj puffen

lol n clispe0 i was replying 2 them i did not make them lol your funny my pix of my new crop will be up soon it will blow your mind i have 140 plants 3 1000 hps look at my pix on already your a joke


I'm not sure how many bottles you need but I think your sugar/yeast ratio is off. I use a 2 ltr bottle half full of water, add 1 cup of sugar and one teaspoon of yeast.....shake it up....add your top with diffuser View attachment 928882 and you should be good for about 2 weeks....keep the top of the diffuser above the canopy of your grow.....co2 is heavier then air.....also if your using and kind of exhaust fan with charcoal filtering, your just gonna suck all the co2 out of the air with very little benefit......I would probably staet with 20 at least.....but it sure sounds like in that size grow there would be a better (although more expensive) way of controlling the ppm of co2 in the air......but if you just want to try for shits and giggles then I woul try 2 bottles over 4-6 plants and see if you get better results with the buds that were exposed to the boost in co2 levels versus your other plants.....if it works on those 4-6.....then you can upsize! Invite me up for the harvest! LOL Peace out


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even fuck with that sugar yeast method with this many plants in that size room.

invest in a can of co2 and a regulator, you will be so happy you did.
its only like 250 bucks for the set.


Well-Known Member
buy a generator or go on craigslist and get 2 20lb or 50lb co2 bottles with regulators for like $50-$100 each