G13 Haze - HQ Seeds Avalanche - DWC coco crouton 400w grow


Well-Known Member
G13 haze were germed and sprouted about 10 days ago. Today I just put together the 18 gallon rubbermaid tote for the veg chamber. I transplanted the G13 seedlings over to the DWC today which went extremely well. The plants drooped 30 minutes after transplant... 30 minutes later they perked right back up.

The plans are for a 4-6 week veg time depending on growth and size. Then a 10 week flower time, for a 2 week revolving harvest.

The hydro store was out of hydroton so I had to go with Coco croutons. I hope that wasn't a mistake!

I'll add pics soon!


hey divine just had a g13 last crop beautiful plant as all hazes are im just finishing off my super lemon haze whilst prepping for next. 4-6 weeks sound right for seedling mate. what ive discoverd aswell is that with dwc it is highly possible to use no medium. ive now done away with rockwoll cubes, clay pebbles and belive it or not i dont even use net pots lol and results have been awsome thus far .


Well-Known Member
Well... soon rambled on into a couple weeks but hey - I've been taking pictures along the way. Including a root picture I'm looking for input on.

Pictures to be added in the next few minutes. The grow is going great. Took a while for the little ladies to get used to going from soil to hydro but one of them is well on its way now with an amazing growth rate and another is catching up. The last one may be culled out as its not even showing roots out the bottom of the net pot yet.


Well-Known Member
Here they are today - one with awesome growth and another starting to play catch up... but a third is lagging behind which may be culled out.



Well-Known Member
Did some upgrades today. Got rid of the two $11 aquarium pumps and replaced them with the General Hydroponics Dual Diaphram Pump. I had some issues with my old bubble wands producing to much backpressure even after I cleaned them quick. So I ran to the pet store and found similar ones that were made of a different material. They wouldn't let me open the package in the store without purchasing them so I went in the parking lot - put it together and blew in the end. Still had some backpressure but definitely not as much. Came home and hooked them both up and am now ready to rock and roll. Lots of air and bubbles for these babies to feed off of.

I'll post some pictures up again in the next day or two.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks nice here man! I have the same problem with one of my plants taking off ahead of the other ones. All mine are basically at the same point, but I have one who is like at least a week ahead almost in growth. Look forward to seeing more pics here!


Well-Known Member
I have a few more that I will post up tomorrow. Dont feel like dealing with it at the moment... to high!!!

Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Here are what my bubbles look like. The camera doesn't seem to quite show the amount of water movement that is evident in person. I'm sure it would show up in a video.. but you get the picture...



Well-Known Member
This picture was taken a few minutes ago.

Going to veg one more week and then they are all going 12/12 for a bit to see which are females. The smallest one wont become a mother even if its the only female!!



Active Member
Hi Divinepower, looking lovely! cant wait to see em grow!

Quick question, has adding a big pump helped ya grow speed?


Well-Known Member
got those white hairs out yet? is your system just a 1 tank with an air pump then the 3 net pots dipped in?
Sure is. No white hairs yet... going to through all three into a few days of 12/12 soon to figure out the sex so I can declare a mother. Only two of these will have a chance to become mothers... the smallest one even if the only female will just get flowered and I'll pop some new beans.