meter guy came twice in 1 day. should i be worried?


Active Member
ok im running a few thousands watts in my grow room. ive only been on this property for a few months, the meter guy came to do the reading i went out there and we had a chat for about 10 minutes about crap just being friendly he did the reading and left.

about 1 hour later he comes back and says he may have took the readying wrong caz it was really high. I said to him im excepting a high bill caz i breed fish and i got alot of water heaters, pumbs lights and crap, he said he will just check it again anway caz if he doesnt do it now the company is gonna send him anyway to do it when they see the difference from the last tenant.

he checked it and the reading was right, we had another chat for 10 minutes i went into alot of detail about my fish breeding caz ive bred fish in the past so it sounded like i new what i was saying.

Sorry for such a long post, just wanna no if i should be worried?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry too much, as long as you pay the bill they wont be able to do jack about it even if they wanted to, its perfectly legal to breed fish and use high wattage appliances/equipment. just follow standard growing rules and youll be fine(dont tell anyone, dont show anyone,dont let anyone smell them w/sloppy odor control etc)


Well-Known Member
hey DD rep to you for preaching the #1 rule! DONT TELL ANYONE

i would be paranoid, but not worried. if that makes any sense at all lol

tea tree

Well-Known Member
they did that to me and it turned out they were overcharging me for gas or something. i got a check and that was it. there could have been probs but yu got lucky


Active Member
hopefully ill be ok, i got nervous when he came back and said i gotta check to make sure its working, i thought he wanted to come in, but he went straight to the meter thank god. i got rid of all my clones and a few i started to veg, i just left my monsters. i no i probbaly got nothing to worry about but worse case if i dont hear anything from them or the cops in a couple weeks ill just cut some new clones


Well-Known Member
I think you went a little overboard, lol, but whats done is done. As long as you follow the rules you wont be giving them anything other than a high electric bill as evidence of anything at all, and high electric bills are legal......if they ever came over dont answer the door or just say no, you dont want to show them around or talk with them, you are busy or need your sleep b4 you gotta work later or something . dont let them push you around repeatedly either, tell them no means no and if they really feel they have a good reason for looking around they can go get a warrant.....which they wont be able to unless you fuck up somehow. lol

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i am so glad you shared this
please keep this thread up to date on the communications you are having with the power company or any thing they do outside of this following this
i have never hered of this , very interesting

a wise man learens from other people mistake.........

a few things you said that opened my mind
you said he said that the company would have made him come back out anyways
so that tells me that the do notic when bills are oldly high, if he would have handed in the paper work as is. who ever checks his work would have made him redo it, and for him to just redo it on his own till me that this could be a problem, maybe he is a complete fuck up at work so now you should be expecting a vist form a superviser or maneger, if i was you i would have asked him what the next step for paper work where the bill runs to high

maybe you should have a trusted friend call the power company to ask if you have to put them on notice if your running a homebased bussness that will draw a lot of power so as to not cause any alarm. they know that people are strange and would try to build a time machine in the base ment.. so they have to know why you are drawing . atom bomb type energy. for all they know you could haved a home hair salon, or a bunch of illegal living in you basement(*1) dont forget how many people still energy there could be a general concern that you next door neighbor could be tapping in to your line(*2) i mean why not they still your cable all the time. i remimber one time the gas company came to my house to check for leaks because they felt my bill was way to high they sent a guy over he was all over the house spraying shit on pipes looking for bubbles, following every line it was crazy......

please keep us up to date
it could be paranoia or this could end up a learning lession for us all
i vote to keep growing

(*1)theres a guy here in chicago that gat caught with 30 illegals living in a 2 bedroom that he converted into 30 tiny stalls (the power bill tiped them off, the neighbors say they never saw anyone coming or going)
(*2) hey thats not a bad idea, i can run a 600w off each neighbor, maybe i'll cut there grass and shovel there snow for free...LOL, and you wonder why your neighbor is soooo nice to you)


Active Member
hey ill give you abit of background of the whole situation, i didnt want to start with a 100 page question but here it is.

Firstly I live on a property that has no neighours form my house 360 degrees view are just mountains bush and a shit load of animals.
When i moved here i visited the electric comapny told them i had to big dogs who had attacked the previous electric man in the state i used to live in, the girl was really nice she gave the electric guy my number so he could call me before he came, but she also told me the date and time he was supposed to arrive, which he did. there is a fan that runs pretty load near the electric meter so i wanted to make sure it was off when he checked it, even with a silence u can still here it a bit.
I also told her im a fish breeder and wanted 3 phase power becasue im using alot of electricity so if someone could come out and install it for me, she said the area i live in doesnt support 3 phase power(which i new anyway but wanted to show i had nothing to hide and she didnt call my bluff).
The lady told me if my bill is over $1000 (for 3 months) they can switch me offpeak rate if most of my usuage is through the night(which it is) i said to her caz of the cold climate the heaters swith on through the night to warm the watter so this would suit me perfectly, she told me when i get my bill to come again and speak to her.

i also rang the electric comapny the morning he arrived to check if he was still scheduled to come in the afternoon she said yes and when she looked up my file (this is a different lady probbaly from head office) she said oh your the fish breeder who was enquiring for 3 phase power, and i said "yeah i got a bill coming this month so i been saving for it, she started to laugh and said good luck. so on there system they know i am giong to be a high user.

So when he pulled up at the gate its a fair drive to my house its a big property, i jump in the shower got all wet(lol) put a towel around me, when he drove up to the house he beeped his horn i came out all wet with the towel had a chat with him about crap, life he was abit of a talker u no what country town people are like, he checked it and he left. then later that afternoon he came back i freaked out about but kept my cool, then u no the rest from my original post.

Im thinking if the cops were on to me they would supena the electric company to give them my bill to use it as a part of there investigation but im hoping they dont just hand it over to them for no reason. there is no reason the cops would be investigating me, to give u some background on my life, im pretty self sufficent i live alone, vegetarian grow all my fruit, vegies and weed. i spend my days training kickboxing, smoking and on RIU, i have no TV no radio no no im abit of weirdo) and a couple times a year i head over to thailand for a couple months each time and train in the muay thai boxing camps have a few fights and then head back home(the fights pay for my training and food so it evens out. So when im home i go months without seeing a single soul sometimes, so my piont to all this is there is no way i would be under any investigation so if the cops did come here it would purely be the electric company doing it as standard procedure.
I dont grow that many plants, but my plants are really big, i average 1200watts per 1 plant veg for 2 months. im expecting my bill to be around $1000 to $1200 for the 3 months, it is a big bill but its not like
ill keep u guys posted when the bill comes and then ill go visit the electric girl with my bill and the usual coffee i bring her and ill see what happens.


Active Member
1st rule of marijuana growing: Don't tell anyone.

2nd rule of marijuana growing: DO NOT TELL ANYONE.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
hey ill give you abit of background of the whole situation, i didnt want to start with a 100 page question but here it is.

Firstly I live on a property that has no neighours form my house 360 degrees view are just mountains bush and a shit load of animals.
When i moved here i visited the electric comapny told them i had to big dogs who had attacked the previous electric man in the state i used to live in, the girl was really nice she gave the electric guy my number so he could call me before he came, but she also told me the date and time he was supposed to arrive, which he did. there is a fan that runs pretty load near the electric meter so i wanted to make sure it was off when he checked it, even with a silence u can still here it a bit.
I also told her im a fish breeder and wanted 3 phase power becasue im using alot of electricity so if someone could come out and install it for me, she said the area i live in doesnt support 3 phase power(which i new anyway but wanted to show i had nothing to hide and she didnt call my bluff).
The lady told me if my bill is over $1000 (for 3 months) they can switch me offpeak rate if most of my usuage is through the night(which it is) i said to her caz of the cold climate the heaters swith on through the night to warm the watter so this would suit me perfectly, she told me when i get my bill to come again and speak to her.

i also rang the electric comapny the morning he arrived to check if he was still scheduled to come in the afternoon she said yes and when she looked up my file (this is a different lady probbaly from head office) she said oh your the fish breeder who was enquiring for 3 phase power, and i said "yeah i got a bill coming this month so i been saving for it, she started to laugh and said good luck. so on there system they know i am giong to be a high user.

So when he pulled up at the gate its a fair drive to my house its a big property, i jump in the shower got all wet(lol) put a towel around me, when he drove up to the house he beeped his horn i came out all wet with the towel had a chat with him about crap, life he was abit of a talker u no what country town people are like, he checked it and he left. then later that afternoon he came back i freaked out about but kept my cool, then u no the rest from my original post.

Im thinking if the cops were on to me they would supena the electric company to give them my bill to use it as a part of there investigation but im hoping they dont just hand it over to them for no reason. there is no reason the cops would be investigating me, to give u some background on my life, im pretty self sufficent i live alone, vegetarian grow all my fruit, vegies and weed. i spend my days training kickboxing, smoking and on RIU, i have no TV no radio no no im abit of weirdo) and a couple times a year i head over to thailand for a couple months each time and train in the muay thai boxing camps have a few fights and then head back home(the fights pay for my training and food so it evens out. So when im home i go months without seeing a single soul sometimes, so my piont to all this is there is no way i would be under any investigation so if the cops did come here it would purely be the electric company doing it as standard procedure.
I dont grow that many plants, but my plants are really big, i average 1200watts per 1 plant veg for 2 months. im expecting my bill to be around $1000 to $1200 for the 3 months, it is a big bill but its not like
ill keep u guys posted when the bill comes and then ill go visit the electric girl with my bill and the usual coffee i bring her and ill see what happens.
wow. you are like some awesome weed smoking dope growing kick-boxing super hero

I would love to smoke a joint sometime and pick your brain

no ladies in your life? don't you get lonely?


Well-Known Member
hahahah i liked the woman comment! yea sounds like ur good.. did u say 1200 watts per plant??!!

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah i was going to ask him how many plants he grow
but after he said he burned 1200w per plant
i thought to my self if he said per plant that means that at the very least he had more then 1, and that some crazy shit .....way to many head shots
this guy prolly has gat a body like a super villain lives in his own compond telling everyone he raise fish...yeah right



Active Member
wow. you are like some awesome weed smoking dope growing kick-boxing super hero

I would love to smoke a joint sometime and pick your brain

no ladies in your life? don't you get lonely?

hahaha nah no ladies, when i go to thailand ill get a root here and there, but too many head aches with relationships i like to be in control of my own happiness life and decsions


Active Member
yeah i was going to ask him how many plants he grow
but after he said he burned 1200w per plant
i thought to my self if he said per plant that means that at the very least he had more then 1, and that some crazy shit .....way to many head shots
this guy prolly has gat a body like a super villain lives in his own compond telling everyone he raise fish...yeah right

hahaha not quite
yeah i usually run about 4 or 5 plants at a time so im using about 5000-6000watts at a time,