Attention Atheist

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seriously religion causes nothing but problems now adays.In the past people lived like animals and where really ignorant to the world arounfd them. when they had no scientific explination it had to "come from the heavens" or god did this for your sins bs. i wouldnt steal a piece of bread for eternity in the fires of hell. and thats how all of these religions came to be. the more popular "Religion" consumed the masses. over thousands of years it became a part of societys all around the world.

now that the world is really becoming a small place there isnt room for all of these different ideals. especially those who feel it is necessary to tell other people what to belive or what is right and wrong. im not hating on religions either here belive what you want but be respectful of others. and i dont get why j-hovas witnesses hafto go door to door and try to get people to join. is it to get to heaven? is it a money thing? are they working for the gov?

i wish we could all just live in peace and belive what we want to belive.... like my cell theory haha
Exactly.... the Atheists are the next step UP for mankind. religion is holding us all back....because it is backward thinking.

Develop some mental discipline if you can, and live free of superstition.

420 is unable to make the jump up.... so he wants to keep others down ...with him.

Misery and superstition love company.
i wish we could all just live in peace and belive what we want to belive
I totally agree. My faith or lack thereof is not your concern nor is yours to me.
I will defend the concept of faith in that it is a necessary coping mechanism to get through life. It's study also provides insight into human psychology.
Faith is distinct from religion and serves a useful psychological purpose.
But, religion's social results throughout history have been more disastrous than helpful. Religion and liberalism share many of the same social defects, such as placing society's administration in the hands of elites, easy corruption of power, self-righteousness, divisiveness and the redistribution of wealth. We have the first amendment to clearly protect the people from the abuses of religion, but the protections against liberalism are apparently not sufficient.
Personal faith and self-determination was the foundation of this country. I don't mind if you have faith in god, man, or self, but people must have some to survive.
( sorry for the political rant )
alex grey and a single hit of LSD would open your eyes more than any number of bible testaments torrah koran exct ever could

your just not giving the man a chance, because you disagree with me and my beliefs, therefore disagree with my input

If you honestly believe that this one man can touch the knowlege of the prophets you are unbelievably mistaken.
Exactly.... the Atheists are the next step UP for mankind. religion is holding us all back....because it is backward thinking.

Develop some mental discipline if you can, and live free of superstition.

420 is unable to make the jump up.... so he wants to keep others down ...with him.

Misery and superstition love company.

So im holding you all back from proving to yourselves that your existance is an accident?

Atheism = ???uncertainty???

Next thing I know your gonna be saying that bush didnt know about 9-11. LoL
you a troll 420

everyone here has argued intellectually with you, but you still havent realized one thing; i cant change your opinion and you cant change my opinion

im pretty sure i said it on page one; arguing religion is pointless
oh you mean the people that lived thousands of years ago possessed more knowledge than the scientists of today?

rofl waffle

Think outside of the box and use what little brainpower you have.

Who the hell cares about quantum physics and molecular distrophy?

How the hell is this going to help me pay my bills & feed my children everyday?

(The smarter man gets with meaningless knowledge, The more he loses the knowledge that really matters.)

-Words of wisdom
Curtesy of Me
Well to be fair Kaleo....arguing religion with someone like 420 is pointless.

He can't muster enough IQ up to debate with any sense. Notice he has no actual content of his own...he just bounces off whatever anyone else says.
Well to be fair Kaleo....arguing religion with someone like 420 is pointless.

He can't muster enough IQ up to debate with any sense. Notice he has no actual content of his own...he just bounces off whatever anyone else says.

ROTFL....Name me one fact that any of you have presented......I have named many and they have all been instantly dismmissed & ignored.

I bounce off? please tell me your joking.....LoL..

Im not the ones who thinks richard dawkins knows it all......

I cant deny he is one of the best fictional writers ive seen.
ROTFL....Name me one fact that any of you have presented......I have named many and they have all been instantly dismmissed & ignored.

I bounce off? please tell me your joking.....LoL..

Im not the ones who thinks richard dawkins knows it all......

I cant deny he is one of the best fictional writers ive seen.

Im positive CrackerJax pointed out that not only are you a troll, but that you also dont know what you are talking about....

No one dismissed or ignored those facts that he as well as many others have presented.

Ouch...... Bet that hurt.

Im positive CrackerJax pointed out that not only are you a troll, but that you also dont know what you are talking about....

No one dismissed or ignored those facts that he as well as many others have presented.


If i had a penny for every time you guys call me a troll I could go buy a fatty 1/2oz.

"Who smelt it delt it" comes to mind.
Im positive CrackerJax pointed out that not only are you a troll, but that you also dont know what you are talking about....

No one dismissed or ignored those facts that he as well as many others have presented.


Really name one fact, and I was talking about my FACTS genius.