First time grow. Blue Cheese Clones


Active Member
Hi, this is my first attempt to grow tasty marijuana in the privacy of my own home. I purchased five "Blue Cheese" clones from Harborside in Oakland,Ca on 3/22. My room is 4x11x6.6 and is constructed out of Panda film. I am connected to another room which is 4x5x6.6 that is being used by another fellow grower. We run a propane CO2 genertator in the larger room, and circulate the air by using two different air flowing direction inline fans. The smaller plants on the bottom right of the group pictures are purple kush and belong to my fellow grower.


Light-1000w Blue MH for veg

Media- 50% Bcuzz CoCo 50% Perlite

Nutes- Humboldt- Master A&B, Myco Madness and Hygrozyme.

Temp- 90 deg. 35% Hum.

I have been watering about every other day, and I have been feeding them about every other watering.

Like I have mentioned already, this is my first grow. I have tried to learn, research, ask questions, and now actually doing it myself to higher my knowledge of becoming a grower. I am always looking for advice, compliments, concerns, and questions from anybody.

The only thing I have been a little concerned about is for example in the first picture how some of the leaves look healthy, but tend to look a little sluggish. They have been growing very very very well, so Ive been told by my fellow grower, yet I don't know if these are signs of some environmental issues or maybe it just could be that they are suppose to look that way.

The humidity is at 35%. Should I higher it?

The temp is pretty high at 90 deg, but I've read that with Co2 they will do just fine. The co2 generator I have always has its pilot on, adding that I never turn on the other burners. The grow shop owner i bought it from said leaving the pilot on will be ok for the size of the room i have. I haven't purchased a PPM meter, but I will when I can afford one.

They are grown very fast. I will continue to keep posting some pics and info

These pics are from 4/1/10. They are droopy in this pic, I under watered them. I accidentally placed this thread in the wrong section, therefore the next blog will be from today's pics.



Active Member
Day 24. In the last few updates Ive been incorrectly stating the age of the plant. The is the actual 3rd and final week. The previous updates were actual one week and two week pics.

I just transplanted my blue cheese plants from 3gal pots to 15 gal pots. I will put a pic of the roots asap. I was surprised and very satisfied how well the roots grew from the previous transplant. In just 6 days the roots started to come out.

Either way, here's the pics.



Active Member
great pics m8 im in 2 my second week on the blue cheese any tips ???? thanks
Well this is my first grow, so all the I've been doing is been reading many different materials from many different sources. What I've come to find out for me is that coco/perlite mix works very well for first time growers. I've been watering them every day with their feedings along with it. I've been using Humboldt Master A & B. Myco Madness for roots ( which is awesoms!!!), and hygrozyme which I think is great too. I used 18/6 for veg. Check up on them daily, play classical music for them a few hours a day while they are awake.

Pretty much I feel like their my children. When I water them, I think about how happy they make me feel, and how I enjoy supplying them with their nutrients. I don't know if its making a difference, but so far they seem to be responding great to all the things I've been doing. I'm going to flower them tonight, and I've hear and read that many won't see and deficiencies till the flowering stage. Therefore, I still have much more learning and experience to go through. I will keep on posting my pics, and I'll let you know how it goes.


Active Member
First Day of Flowering!!!! Well, the veg cycle has ended, and I'm now placing them under 1000watt hps. Few of the pics are a few hours into their first day of flowering, and the rest are rite when they woke up. Hope you enjoy the pics.



Active Member
It's been now been about 4 complete weeks of flowering. The plants are looking great. Hope you enjoy the pics



Active Member
Day 47 of flowering. I have seen some close up shots with the 30x magnifying scope, and about 60-70% are cloudy while only 5% are amber. The rest are clear. They are blue cheese from big buddha and they suggest 9 weeks of flowering. My concern is whether or not I should keep on feeding them nutes or start flushing? Any help would be appreciated. Here are some pics by the way. Hope you enjoy

First Time Grow. Blue Cheese Big Buddha



Well-Known Member
Thats nice bro. I will be following in your footstep with coco myself. Awesome looking ladies!!