You sound quite inspired deary! I wish I had the space, time & resources to try something like your hopefully-next grow! Maybe in due time!
I've read & heard a lot about Crystal... Pretty freakin amazing from what I've heard! I would also love to invest in more higher end seeds & all... But in my location, people just don't appreciate that crap. See, I've grown up being quite proud that I've never touched any form of illegal substance my entire life. My best friend of 15yrs couldn't even get my to try weed!!! But then some how my bf managed to convince me to just try it in Jan '09. First few times were worthless, & I saw no point. But I figured there HAD to be SOMETHING to it, or people wouldn't keep doing it! Right? Finally after a few random tries, around August/Sept I got the hang of it & fell in love

& Now here I am tryin to grow the shit! Point is, most people I know around here have been doin this for YEARS. They don't really care what they smoke. As long as it burns, it's good, pretty much. I hope to start a new revolution in how & what people smoke around this podunk town!!
So after much research (& lack of major funding), I decided to go with KC 36. Has fabulous ratings, TONS better than the crap around here. & From the info provided on it should do quite well in this cool-ish environment.