FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Well-Known Member
That doesn't really tell me weather or not you want them removed haha

I just got finished with reading everything in this thread and I have to say this is truely amazing. You get to see full potential of a plant when you are able to watch what goes on below the stem and soil. I think it has always amazed me to be able to watch a plants roots as they develop. Good job man I will +rep if I can.


Yo Fuzz I just have to stop by n give u MAD props bro! I started reading your thread a while ago and I subscribed right around that time! I've just never stopped in to say wasup! But I just can't help myself anymore dude... I GOTTA put my piece in! Dude that girl is fukin fine as hell! I can't believe its your 1st try at DWC... And with no PH meter?!?!?.... that's just awesome! ++++REP bro! Can't wait to see the finished product! I'll be keepin up with ya... keep them pics comin! Final words... AWESOME... Just fukin AWESOME!!!!! Keep it up brotha......HB


So u veg'd her for a lil over 2 mths then kicked her into high gear huh? Do u plan on re-veg'n her after u harvest or are u planin on choppin her all up? That's a nice girl u got there bro... u could use her as a mother n get some nice clones! At least that's what I think I'd do... But what the heck, I'm a newb so I prolly don't know what the hell I'm talkin about anyway! Lol. I'm attempting something similar to what your doing but all I have to work with is a 250w MH, n that's what I'm gonna have to use till the end unless I can find a HPS conversion bulb that'll work on my MH ballast! U think I'll be ok using the MH the whole way thru? Can I pull that off and still get good yields and good buds? I see your using a MH now for the last stretch! I just wonder if I'll be ok with the MH the whole way thru or if I should invest in a conversion bulb or even a whole new HPS ballast for flowering! Money's tight around my way so if I can pull it off with just the MH then that's what I'll do and then I'll just get a HPS for my second go-round! Well... can't wait to see some more bud porn. Lol. I'll deff be lookin out.... HB


Well-Known Member
yo fuzzy! u and ditty asked for proof mayne.. u dont feel threatend by my towering colas do ya man?!... hahaha
na, ill delete 'em bro.. all good


Well-Known Member
So u veg'd her for a lil over 2 mths then kicked her into high gear huh? Do u plan on re-veg'n her after u harvest or are u planin on choppin her all up? That's a nice girl u got there bro... u could use her as a mother n get some nice clones! At least that's what I think I'd do... But what the heck, I'm a newb so I prolly don't know what the hell I'm talkin about anyway! Lol. I'm attempting something similar to what your doing but all I have to work with is a 250w MH, n that's what I'm gonna have to use till the end unless I can find a HPS conversion bulb that'll work on my MH ballast! U think I'll be ok using the MH the whole way thru? Can I pull that off and still get good yields and good buds? I see your using a MH now for the last stretch! I just wonder if I'll be ok with the MH the whole way thru or if I should invest in a conversion bulb or even a whole new HPS ballast for flowering! Money's tight around my way so if I can pull it off with just the MH then that's what I'll do and then I'll just get a HPS for my second go-round! Well... can't wait to see some more bud porn. Lol. I'll deff be lookin out.... HB
YEA use the MH, u will have some VERY frostee buds! try to get a hold of a hardener nutrient tho! MH is less lummens witch = less density. but you will bw haPPY IN THE END!!

yo fuzzy! u and ditty asked for proof mayne.. u dont feel threatend by my towering colas do ya man?!... hahaha
na, ill delete 'em bro.. all good

Ow naw! theres always a bigger fish (nug) LoL thanx tho man!


Frosty buds?... Well shit, I can live with that! Lol. Hardener nute??? Like what? I just got some GreenLight Super Bloom from Lowes which I've heard sum good stuff about so I was plannin on usin that. Unless u can recommend something else that won't burn a hole in my pocket! IDK.... This is my 1st run at anything so I'm not expecting too much but I wouldn't mind a nice surprize at the end at all.... Ya kno?!?! So what kinda nute would u recomend for hardening since ima have to stick with MH the whole way thru! Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thx bro... HB


Well-Known Member
well i got the greatest shit to say about ATAMIs bloombastic, but the price is STEEP!! but if 20-30 aint too much than mayb FF cha ching, witch yes is a foliage killer, thats y i use it in the last 5th week and then till i flush her out. the cha ching does a nice job stiffining up the buds, be sure to grow an indica domminate plant tho too, as they r more naturally dence.


I'll have to take a ride to my local hydro shop n see what they got! I did buy the GH flowering nutes but the NPK level is really low (3-12-6) compared to the Super Bloom which is 12-55-6 which is why I picked it up! Not sure exactly what strain they are since its bag seeds off some really good christmas bud! But I'm pretty sure it is indica dominant cuz of the shapes of the leaves! You say ur girl drinks about 4 gallons every few days... Do you replenish her nutes every time you water her or only once a week when you do your rez changes? Hey man I really appreciate all the advice you've given me so far! Its really nice to find people like you that don't mind sharing their wisdom and helping other people out! I've come accross a couple people that basically tell you to wing it on your own and don't offer much help! So thx again bro..... HB


Well-Known Member
yea i was feeding nutes every feeding, just let the res go down a bit before u fill it. i usually let her drink the bucket up til about 5-6 inches from the bottom then refill.

and i think that kool bloom is a hardener tho too!

and i dont mind helping anyone. wen i joined this site was MUCH bigger and i got TONS of help, now i would just like to see the site back to its well being.


New Member
Man, looking sweet.
I noticed alot more trich's since I put the Mh in, pretty well doubled the amount.
I see it's the same for you too.
Some nice damn colas on her


Well-Known Member
yo fuzz, prob wont be the first time u heard it but u have a mad-ass stoner room..
man, its that cliche it looks like a movie set,.. sweet!


Well-Known Member
yea FER SURE notice a difference in the number of trikes, and i MIGHT be high, but the pinheads look bigger than recently??:shock:

HAHHAAAA!! yea its covered in bud piks, candy from
raves,cool drinks and cans like...

i spent MOST (all) of my time in here so i make it comfy for me and the peeps i have over, witch r very few.
