Well-Known Member
yeah mate i do sound a bit off my head being sober, thats one of the reason i drink so fuckin much, i'd drive everycunt up the wall if i stayed straight constantly!! i'd end up taking over the world.( think nuremburg rallies)that sure dont sound like the dura whos posts iv been readin the last few months "organised"wtf do you reckon that month of being sober has done some permanent damage lol ! if you keep expandin at this rate youll be supplyin half of scotland !!!
2 quick question 4 ya
your la woman u got 7 oz off how long did you veg that bitch ? (7 oz wow)
an i read somewhere you had problems with hermies quite a while back an used reverse is that stuff any good does it actually solve the problem or just control it ?
oh an 1 more the treacle u use is it the light golden stuff or the black nasty shit
thanks in advance an keep them jokes comin you crack me up
ok first question; i vegged her for about 5 weeks with maybe another 2 weeks of seedling time on( then around 9 weeks of flower)
not too sure what u mean about solving or controling, the plants in question stopped producing male seeds and no other plants became affected, i began with one plant but i moved it totally away and i sent away for the dm reverse stuff, that took maybe 3 days to arrive so i sprayed them all with but i believe that the original had pollinated at least two others as they quickly showed signs of seed growth. i still noticed occasional seed during the last few weeks of flower but only a few. personally i'd say the stuff worked( if u want a really detailed run down of the product ive got a link to a couple of threads that give extremely detailed info on it) it cost around £30 but i'd say its worth it, i'll always keep sum of it around and if i remember correctly one guy on the thread i mentioned actually sprays his as soon as his plants go into flowering coz he believes that it will negate the chance of hermieing.
its the nasty black shit mate , put sum boiling water in a measuring jug put ur amount of treacle in by the spoonful( its not easy being exact but it doesnt really matter) mix it up and add it to ur feed/water.