Too Traumatized!?!


Active Member
I was given 6 young ones a few weeks ago that were started in gel... 4 have since died (all were in horrible condition when I got them, 2 died because of which, & 2 died due my own clumsiness)... The 2 that are left are now about 8+ weeks old, but still only approximately 3" tall. They've been thru a LOT of shock.. Change of atmosphere 3x, transplanting, etc etc etc... All before I even got them! :/
Right now I've got them in the 6" (maybe 8") Jiffy Pots, great soil mix, with adequate PH levels, & drains well etc. I think I've finally got the watering thing at least semi-mastered.
I just started using 25% 10-15-10 nutes yesterday. To be honest I don't remember exactly what the lights are right now. Not HPS or MH, had to take the cheap route & go w/ some kind of crazy flourescent, but I've got it set at approx 2000 lumens/sq ft.
They're starting to fill out more, but not GROW...
I'm guessing they weren't quite close enough to the lights, so I did move them closer... But they're still sorta stuck in a rut of not growning.
Any better ideas, or suggestions!?!?

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
well if they are alive they are not dead. lol . Maybe they are working on their root systems because you disturbed it so much. You may want to prolong veg for like another month even to compensate for stress. Keep it at legit conditions this whole time and it should pull through. They dont vegetate when their roots are building stronger.


Active Member
well if they are alive they are not dead. lol . Maybe they are working on their root systems because you disturbed it so much. You may want to prolong veg for like another month even to compensate for stress. Keep it at legit conditions this whole time and it should pull through. They dont vegetate when their roots are building stronger.

Thanks! :) That was my thought too... To be completely honest, when I got them, when they were in the gel, they had nothing for roots. I took them out and put them in soil just as they were, because they were starting to die in the gel cups. I did just add a heating mat/pad thing also, I think they might have been a little too cool since the lights don't emit tons of heat!
We'll see... I've just been working so hard on keeping them alive, I don't want to lose them! haha...


Well-Known Member
Picyures and more info, would help us to help you. What kind of light you're using (crazy floro isn't really a description), temp, humidity, soil? If they didn't have much of a root system, maybe you're overwatering them. It's hard to guess, with no picture.


Active Member
Picyures and more info, would help us to help you. What kind of light you're using (crazy floro isn't really a description), temp, humidity, soil? If they didn't have much of a root system, maybe you're overwatering them. It's hard to guess, with no picture.

I've got pics in an album on my prof. Trying to figure out how to post them on here right now actually (??)..
Temp now: 76F
Humidity is around 40-50%
pH: 6.2
Soil: combo of Jiffy Organic Seed Starter & Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil
Lights: CFL... Don't remember the exact wattage.. But, for what it's worth I do know it's approx 2000 lumens/sq ft.


Active Member
Aha! figured it out! There's my haggard looking babies!
& Obviously the lighting is normally MUCH better, just had to move them away to take the pics!



Well-Known Member
Not enough light there bud. The more lumens you have on them the better they will grow. The more Lumen output your light has the better your plants will grow. Lumen is used to measure the lights output intensity and not to measure usable light to the plant. The spectrum is also another factor that plays a great roll in a plants growth. With a bluer spectrum you will get better results in veg and with an orange / red light spectrum you will get a better result for flower.

The high points on this chart indicate the activity of chlorophyll in your plant (meaning the growth) This chart basically indicated you need the certain spectrum for certain results. I would recommend you adding some more CFL's to your grow area. I would also make sure to cover surface space with mylar or white paint. As far as nutrients I would seriously seriously hold off on that since you are using MG soil. I have found through research and experience that MG will amplify your nutrient intake which will burn your plants more easily. I had to stop using nutrients because even at 1/8 the strength the plants would burn. I switched my soil to Fox Farm Ocean Forest and have had much more success. I use soil for my mother plants and regenerated plants, I go hydro with everything else. I would also recommend you RH (Room Humidity) up a little to allow for better growth as well. They enjoy warm moist areas while vegging and a dryer area for flower. Your room should have minimum 2500 lumens / sqft to grow a "proper plant"
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, Get a small HPS light from a grow shop or of ebay. Say like a 250w and they will explode in growth..... There not that costly and will help so much in the growth and will be great for flowering too. Do a little research on light's, you wont go wrong....




Active Member
Helps tons.. I knew most of that, but considering these were kind of a last minute thing, I didn't really have the money dish out for all the fancy lights, etc. So I just went w/ the cheaper way out that I've heard works. But I'll definitely check into getting the HPS some more! But for now I'll just go with more of the CFLs, see what that does. And noted on the nutes, I was quite leary about trying them but everything I had read basically said to GO GO GO for it... Stopping the nutes now won't hurt tho, will it? They only got it once...
Man I thought I had all this crap down... But this crap's not as simple as I thought it'd be! Maybe I should have just started from scratch, instead of trying to play Dr!! haha

& btw............ I'm a girl ;)


Well-Known Member
I figured but I still call females dude, man, and bud sometimes. If it was offensive then I repent and do apologize


Active Member
I figured but I still call females dude, man, and bud sometimes. If it was offensive then I repent and do apologize

No offense taken, gotta give you crap! lol
& I totally just redid that last response anyway... I totally didn't pay attention to the bottom part of your first post! OOPS!! So now I apologize :)
For real tho, thanks for the advice! I was thinking about more lights, but I didn't wanna over do it... But wth, might as well try!


Well-Known Member
While I agree that more light almost always helps, I honestly don't think that's the problem. The rest of the conditions sound optimal. In most cases - the plant mimics what's going on below ground. In other words, the small root system is what's holding you back. I think they are growing, or what you have, would have died already. Keep the humidity up, and feed very lightly, until she has a chance to grow more roots.


Active Member
While I agree that more light almost always helps, I honestly don't think that's the problem. The rest of the conditions sound optimal. In most cases - the plant mimics what's going on below ground. In other words, the small root system is what's holding you back. I think they are growing, or what you have, would have died already. Keep the humidity up, and feed very lightly, until she has a chance to grow more roots.

I did go with more lights today & got it all set up to start up tomorrow... I know I needed it anyway!
But how much watering/feeding would you suggest!? One grower I know suggested spraying just until soil is moist all the way thru, on a daily basis. That's what has helped boost them up to what they are now. Have any better suggestions?? I'm so lost with these babies!

I truly appreciate everyone's imput! Thanks a ton!


Well-Known Member
Just this: be calm, try not to worry so much, and be patient. I think you're doing the right things already - but the other half of this game, is waiting it out. Once she gets some better roots on her, she should take off for you.


Active Member
Just this: be calm, try not to worry so much, and be patient. I think you're doing the right things already - but the other half of this game, is waiting it out. Once she gets some better roots on her, she should take off for you.
definitely sum good advice^^^
you gotta stay patient :bigjoint:
man i wish my girl was into growing like you;-)
i try to teach her stuff i learn, but she'll be like :roll::dunce:
haha but anyways welcome to the forum and good luck wit your new babies. i hope they pull thru for ya:blsmoke:


Active Member
definitely sum good advice^^^
you gotta stay patient :bigjoint:
man i wish my girl was into growing like you;-)
i try to teach her stuff i learn, but she'll be like :roll::dunce:
haha but anyways welcome to the forum and good luck wit your new babies. i hope they pull thru for ya:blsmoke:
Haha, thanks! Yeah, I'm trying to be patient, I've just put so much time & effort into these little squirts!
& yeah, I LOVE this crap! I've done *SO* much research, & have sorta shadowed other peoples' grows. It's so fascinating to me! I have always secretly dreamed about doin it, just never had the guts to buy any... So someone I knew gave me these sickly ones. Then I got some seeds in the bud I bought, I swear there were probably like 10/per dub! Then I got hooked & ordered more ;)
I'm waiting to see how these go before I start the new ones.. & I'm probably moving soon, so I'll set up a new & better grow room-the new place has the most awesome little room for it!
(Sorry...... I talk a lot--when things really interest me-- :/ haha)


Well-Known Member
If you are watering daily I would probably lighten that up a little too. Were these cuttings rooted when you got them? I think I read you say something about not rooted but not sure. If they are rooted I would suggest watering until the water drains out the bottom then allow it to dry to the point where the soil pulls from the edges of the pot before watering. If you allow the soil to completely dry out the roots will get the O2 saturation they require to grow fast and strong. If they are not rooted make sure to mist the plant 2-4 times daily until she starts to take off then water like I mentioned above. Hope this helps DUDE na na I'm jk :D


Active Member
If you are watering daily I would probably lighten that up a little too. Were these cuttings rooted when you got them? I think I read you say something about not rooted but not sure. If they are rooted I would suggest watering until the water drains out the bottom then allow it to dry to the point where the soil pulls from the edges of the pot before watering. If you allow the soil to completely dry out the roots will get the O2 saturation they require to grow fast and strong. If they are not rooted make sure to mist the plant 2-4 times daily until she starts to take off then water like I mentioned above. Hope this helps DUDE na na I'm jk :D

Haha.. Yeah yeah :P
They weren't rooted when I got them.. Nothing at all! I'm thinking they must be now, since they seem a little more sturdy, but I really don't think they are nearly where they should be. I did notice the boost when I started the daily misting.. Maybe I'll try misting more often then!? Cuz they seem so dry all the time.. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid! Idfk! lol... Suppose it can't hurt any more.. If I notice signs of overwaterign I'll back off & try the other way w/ letting it dry out more..


Well-Known Member
I just read your edited post and got a pretty good laugh at the playing Dr. thing. It can be rough at times but once you got your shit down you got it on lock. I can still remember the first seed I popped and I almost killed it at least a dozen times before I started reading lol. It takes time but you will eventually get it. Keep on reading that's the best advice I can give you. This site is full of good advice and a lot of people out there searching these threads to help like I did. Anyway the more you know the more you grow. Good luck

Edit/ If you only gave them nutes 1 time you shouldn't have to worry, they should be fine. If you are only misting then they shouldn't get over watered. If you see signs of droop I would back off the misting by just a little. Keep an eye on the soil don't let it dry out while they're trying to initiate roots.


Well-Known Member
If for some reason, they don't make it -don't be too hard on yourself. Clones are a lot harder to care for, while rooting, than any other MJ plant. If you had seedlings going, in your current conditions, they would be thriving for you. It is nice to see another female grower, btw. Not many of us here, compared to the menfolk.