advanced nutrients problems

need help. using an 3-part in hydro setup. says 1.54 teaspoons per gallon. for 6 gal that would be 9 teaspoons. i am using 3 teaspoons of micro and grow. plants are drooping and starting to turn yellow. ph is fine,humidity, and water temp are also good. do i need to add more water? would liquid miracle grow work? My plants that are outside use miracle grow and have flourished for the last two years. i also use 4 duel spectrum II 85wt cfl grow and veg lights.:-(


need help. using an 3-part in hydro setup. says 1.54 teaspoons per gallon. for 6 gal that would be 9 teaspoons. i am using 3 teaspoons of micro and grow. plants are drooping and starting to turn yellow. ph is fine,humidity, and water temp are also good. do i need to add more water? would liquid miracle grow work? My plants that are outside use miracle grow and have flourished for the last two years. i also use 4 duel spectrum II 85wt cfl grow and veg lights.:-(
When plants are drooping, it seems like the plants are thirsty. If everything else is okay, then yeah, I would add more water.

As for Miracle Grow, don't use that AT ALL. That stuff is noxious and horrible for your grow. That's for stuff that you eat, not stuff you smoke.

And it's not really made for MJ, so stay away from it. It will help your plants grow, but you (or anyone else who uses your weed) will be exposed to chemicals you shouldn't be smoking.

While MG might use work outside for those plants, you're not smoking them, well, not most of them.

Really, truly, stay away from the MG.

And this thread really isn't about Advanced Nutrients - it's an underwatering problem. You seem to have followed a decent program, so why jump to conclusions? I mean, your pH and growth were fine, so the nutes are working just fine...:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: