First time grow..ready for flowering?...Male or female

Hey people,

Just need advice on my first grow which i am 2 months into. I started my grow by just popping a few seeds into some soil and hey presto a couple of weeks later i had a baby plant! i wasnt really taking it seriously for the first few weeks and got an 11w fluorescent lamp which i put on for about 17hrs per day but used to keep the plant in the living room.
The plant started to grow but at first only the stem. i then got very interested and bought a intermediate bud box with a 125w fluorescent 6400k and 2700k bulbs with reflector.
I have had it in the budbox for just about a month on 18hrs light and 6hrs dark and it has grown a fair bit. im watering once the top goes crusty and feeding nutes every 3-4 days.
i have included some pics and want to know if it looks ready for flowering and if anyone can tell if it looks male or female?? any advice would be greatly apreciated.....Also do you guys n gals think it looks healthy n if its a female what the yield would be??? :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
plants look nice and healthy. with the pics included i cant see any sex. like wiseguy said take a clear/close pic of the nodes.

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Okay not be a dick or anything, its pretty strechted, you may want to get the light closer or consider adding some supplimental light, like add a few more cfls with some reflectors for side lighting which can make a huge difference! The color looks great, but for being 2 months its pretty small but I can understand because you said you didnt take it serious at first. But I bought a clone that was rooted in some soil that look exactly like your plant, but mine was ChemDog, within a week of me having it yoou could even tell the plant was stretched, it just turned into a bush! But consider some more lights, you'll see a huge difference!


Well-Known Member
nope can'tt ell from those pics either. the first pic might show balls. hard to tell. if you don't see white hairs in a v shape coming out of the nodes in a week it's pobably male.

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
No not a week, give it at least two weeks of flowering. Feamles usually like to show their sex last, males are the quick ones usally, sometimes it might be reversed though! Just look for a football shape ball with 2 white hairs coming out of it, that means it feamle, if it has a group of balls coming out of the nodes then you got a male.
No not a week, give it at least two weeks of flowering. Feamles usually like to show their sex last, males are the quick ones usally, sometimes it might be reversed though! Just look for a football shape ball with 2 white hairs coming out of it, that means it feamle, if it has a group of balls coming out of the nodes then you got a male.
so du think its about time i started flowering it??? not too sure as it looks like there are a few more leaves that want to come out?:joint:
ok thanks to all of you for your gonna start flowering from tomorrow. hopefully its a girl cos if its not i wont be a happy chappy....well at least i have experience for next time...


Well-Known Member
that's why I couldn't see a sex , unless a plant is mature enough it won't show preflowers. I thought you had already switched the light cycle to 12/12. that's why i said a week. he is right it may take up to two weeks but usually not. cross your fingers and good luck