Stones Journal


Active Member
Nice, I liked the tunes, that big girl's cola looks lovely :)

Today is my last day before builders turn up and I have to go 100% stealth for a couple of weeks so I'll be pulling my box apart for last minute tweaks. I may well have to get some footage of my setup (and younger ladies) to match :)


Well-Known Member
Well i woke up yesterday to some burned fan leaves. I added in addition to my nute schedule fox farm grow big the last two feedings so im sure its nute burn. I would not recommend following their schedule and adding grow big unless showing signs of deficiency. I didnt flush because it was only two feedings so im just reverting back to my old feeding schedule that was working great: Fox farm big bloom, and tiger bloom according the the schedule on fox farm site for soil. Its on all the plants so im positive it was nute burn. No spots under the leaves so its not mites or fungus. My tap is usually around 7.5 ph level so i havent been checking because i never had a problem before. I did order a ph meter and will be here in a couple of days. The spots are rust colored spots on the top of the leaves. Its not fungus because i have great ventilation, and there is nothing on the underside of the leaves. Also the spots do not wipe off. I checked closely and there are no mites either. I will post pictures today at lunch when i get home. Any suggestions?

-Edit- Here is a link to the pictures. I posted the thread in the nutrient section.


Well-Known Member
whew - what an awesome journal so far sub'd and rep+ also fingers crossed that switching back to the previous nutes solves your burn issue!
Thanks for the comment and yeah I hope things turn around. I followed the advice of the experienced and very intelligent riddleme and flushed this morning. Yeah im glad i did that because the first half of the flush per pot the water was yellow, not real yellow just a tint. Then half way through the flush the water runoff was clear. From now on each watering will be enough to produce plenty of runoff and not just to get the soil wet to avoid any salt build ups. My fault for not watering correctly. Thanks riddleme for the instructions. I didnt quite get the 36 gallons but around 30. All but 5 gallons were ph'ed to 6.5. Then I finished each pot with a gallon of 6.0 R/O flush. Which this flush was alot for my little plants. Now ill wait about 4-5 days and water again? or feed? Would it be good to get in the habbit to do a flush mid-flower for the heck of it even though from now on im going to ph every water and feeding? (still dont know how to ph the nutrient gallon, its still waayyyy low. Baking soda?)


Well-Known Member
Well here are some updated pictures of the leaves. Its hard telling if anything improved from this morning. Prob wont be able to tell for a couple of days. Here is what they looked like today. Sorry when i take pictures i take a ton. Trichomes are 60% cloudy and 40% clear.



Well-Known Member
Well here are some updated pictures of the leaves. Its hard telling if anything improved from this morning. Prob wont be able to tell for a couple of days. Here is what they looked like today. Sorry when i take pictures i take a ton. Trichomes are 60% cloudy and 40% clear.
Yeah can take 3 or 4 days to show signs of improvment, don't expect the damage to heal anytime soon, what your now looking for is the damage to stop and for any/all new growth to be healthy, these are the signs you've turned em back around

keep us posted


Well-Known Member
Yeah can take 3 or 4 days to show signs of improvment, don't expect the damage to heal anytime soon, what your now looking for is the damage to stop and for any/all new growth to be healthy, these are the signs you've turned em back around

keep us posted
Thats what i thought, but i figure i should take pictures so i can judge wether its getting better or worse. Im horrible at judging things like this.


Well-Known Member
lookin fucin great man :) good pics keep it up +REP
Thanks man, I think im getting things dialed in for my nirvana seed grow starting in july when i get back from vacation. Those will be bigger and better than these bag seed plants. But they have turned out pretty freaking good so far. Except my faulty watering and lack of ph testing....I learned from it though.


Well-Known Member
Got my digital soil PH tester today, it read 5.8 in most of the pots 6.0 in one pot. Think this meter is broken, it reads 6.5 out of the case, and suppose to read 7 (junk crap). Going to get a new and better one this afternoon. Plants dont show new signs of problems but the leaves that are effected are going downhill (slowly). Buds are still good to go though. Could it be that these plants are just getting close to harvest and most of the energy is going to bud production? I mean I got my 30x loupe today in the mail and i would say 70% of the trichomes are cloudy. Plus it is nearing the end of week 5 of flowering and nearing 8 weeks from seed. Should i just lay off the nutes anyways for the next couple of weeks? By the pictures what do you guys think I will yield from the three plants? Runt is still going to be behind anyways. (fourth plant)


Well-Known Member
give us some mre pics :bigjoint:

and if the soil is actually dry the leaves will start to droop, no droop = ok
No not drooping but the soil is drying out some. Its still damp 2 inches down.

Here are some pictures, pretty crappy. Ill take some more tomorrow. The leaves do look like they are getting worse. I double tested the ph of the soil and its definatly between 6.3 and 6.7. I tested with two different meters. But no new spots just the ones that are there now are getting worse.



Well-Known Member
Well the other plants seem to be stable now. The biggest plant on the other hand is not stable. Existing leaves are getting worse each day. New spots are developing on some of the smaller leaves. Should I flush the big plant again? Need advice please. She definatly needs 2 more weeks left for sure, if not three.



Well-Known Member
Well the other plants seem to be stable now. The biggest plant on the other hand is not stable. Existing leaves are getting worse each day. New spots are developing on some of the smaller leaves. Should I flush the big plant again? Need advice please. She definatly needs 2 more weeks left for sure, if not three.
Looks like a Cal/Mag def do you have a Cal/Mag suppliment? If so give her a light feeding of Cal/Mag only (enough water to see slight runoff) been 2 days since the flush so your ok, then watch for a few more days

Not uncommon for Cal/Mag defs to show up in the last weeks (MJ loves it) seems to happen most often in FFOF from post I have read (I have had it as well)

next step would be to pull the root ball and check it

Glad to hear the others are puling out of it


Well-Known Member
Looks like a Cal/Mag def do you have a Cal/Mag suppliment? If so give her a light feeding of Cal/Mag only (enough water to see slight runoff) been 2 days since the flush so your ok, then watch for a few more days

Not uncommon for Cal/Mag defs to show up in the last weeks (MJ loves it) seems to happen most often in FFOF from post I have read (I have had it as well)

next step would be to pull the root ball and check it

Glad to hear the others are puling out of it

Thanks, no I dont have any Cal/Mag but I can go to my local flower shop and pick some up. You think I should give them all a light feeding or just the one big one that is not stable? Thanks for replying.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, no I dont have any Cal/Mag but I can go to my local flower shop and pick some up. You think I should give them all a light feeding or just the one big one that is not stable? Thanks for replying.
Give em all a light feeding as is posible big one merely showing first (others could easily folow) no other nutes yet, wait 2 more days looking for damage to slow or stop then feed a light nute feeding (like 1/4 strength)


Well-Known Member
Big one was dry, watered with 5ml per gallon of cal/mag until it had a little run off, then foliar feed all of them with a good misting. Hope to see signs of improvement in the next couple of days.