The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Am not a fan of the blue cheese some lad grows a nice 1 but still not for me raw cheese plz
as far as i can tell mate theirs no blue in it but it doesn't taste right to me like i said every1 loves bar me i can't put my finger on the taste but i don't think it's cheese either if it is it's not like the others i've had the others have been obvious where as mine just tastes and smells different i think they mixed the seeds up or something?


Active Member
i could give up smoking i have a few times but i couldnt stop growing. proper HOOKED:bigjoint:

my heavy duty fruity

big box full of sweet fruityness, not the heaviest hitting dope ever but quite tasty:bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

WOW!!! THAT TOP COLA IS LIKE TWICE THE SIZE OF YOUR ARM!!!! (on knees) teach me o wise lady lol i am at your mercy lol wat was the wet weight of that haul?? + rep

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i could give up smoking i have a few times but i couldnt stop growing. proper HOOKED:bigjoint:

my heavy duty fruity

big box full of sweet fruityness, not the heaviest hitting dope ever but quite tasty:bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

thats a lovely looking plant mate i'm not surprised you can't stop lol is that th seeds hdf i know they say it's monsterous in their description but hell thats a beast mate

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I see your using air pots , what they like ??? i got 5 here but never bothered with them
aye yeah pot on they are man you should see the root ball that comes out compared to normal roots. they'll be going into auto pots next for an extra boost journals in the sig if your interested man
Don if u want to stop smoking u can u could just grow an il smoke it lol
thanks man ill bare it in mind...........:lol:


yeh its a bit of a ghetto grow like im straped for cash so i was gonna stick 1 good fan in there ( i know not to have the fan on to strong) heres a pic also i dunno what to screw my 2 cfls into im goin out in a bit to go hunting for somthing any idea's


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats a lovely looking plant mate i'm not surprised you can't stop lol is that th seeds hdf i know they say it's monsterous in their description but hell thats a beast mate

cheers i think its a duff pheno of what its meant to be but yeah its th seeds

looks nowt like their pic. wispier buds. im just hoping the box full doesnt dry to a matchbox full


Well-Known Member
as far as i can tell mate theirs no blue in it but it doesn't taste right to me like i said every1 loves bar me i can't put my finger on the taste but i don't think it's cheese either if it is it's not like the others i've had the others have been obvious where as mine just tastes and smells different i think they mixed the seeds up or something?

I get ya now but I still dnt really rate the blue cheese dnt get me wrong il smoke it but wouldn't go looking for it if ya no wat I mean

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeh its a bit of a ghetto grow like im straped for cash so i was gonna stick 1 good fan in there ( i know not to have the fan on to strong) heres a pic also i dunno what to screw my 2 cfls into im goin out in a bit to go hunting for somthing any idea's
something simple will do mate save your cash, if you got the cfls ready to go use something you have around the house you could even just put a hook on the roof of your area and hang them from it and tape or tack the leads out of the way that way it'll be easy to raise and lower them, cable clips would prob work well the things you tack phone and cables along the skirting boards with mine i just wrapped them over the bars in my tent and double looped them to create a bite in the lead so they stayed where i wanted them their easy enough because theres no wait in them mate


Well-Known Member
hey don do you recon that fuckin monster is down to ur aero pots ( along with the usual care, attention and quality upbringing of course). give us a lil rundown on ur set up and feeding/care regime if u dont mind mate( i know uv probably done it b4 on the thread but keep in mind 'ive a very drug addled brain and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only 1, christ man ive lost my car at least twice). and what did u pay for the pots mate.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I get ya now but I still dnt really rate the blue cheese dnt get me wrong il smoke it but wouldn't go looking for it if ya no wat I mean
yeah i'm with you mate i've had it a couple of times recently and it was shit it hadn't been grown very well either which didn't help but yeah i'd never grow them again i only picked them up because i didn't know what i was doing at the time and i thought if it turns out shit i'd smoke it myself lol i'd never used the lappy until i started my grow so i picked them up at my local bong shop and even paid over price for them they charged me £50 for them, that also makes me think i got different beans but i'm fucked if i know lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah your too kind dura , to be honest i reckon the overall vigour of the plant was helped by the airpots but i wouldnt say it was just that.

i use canna coco
canna A&B
canna boost
canna pk 13/14

humboldt county purple maxx as a foliar feed and the odd ml at 3 weeks from finish
humboldt countys gravity to finish things up a little

i toyed about with shooting powder which reminds me i need to buy another sachet.

the airpots were £26 for 10


Active Member
Here is what i have done so far if anyone cares . Advice and constructive criticism the key word being constructive would be very helpful seens as i have only the knowlage gathered form studying this forum for weeks :) tolk me a long while to rip all the bricks out and figure a way to get them past the parents but worth it in the end stealth is key.

that is all the pics start to finnish the space is 30" top to bottom 18" fomr left to right and 13" front to back.
Very creative! But doesn't the bottom part fill up most of that space when it's in against the wall? Does that lil fireplace actually work (or did?) :o

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
you just helped me make a decision cheers mate i was gonna go hempy with clones but i'm gonna stick with soil now i know i can get little pots that'll definately give them enough root space where did you get your 1's from mate?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
WOW!!! THAT TOP COLA IS LIKE TWICE THE SIZE OF YOUR ARM!!!! (on knees) teach me o wise lady lol i am at your mercy lol wat was the wet weight of that haul?? + rep
cheers man haha i aint no lady though.... no idea i never weigh wet but theres a big box full im looking for 4 oz hopefully between5-6
Mmmm beauty
thankye kindly katt
you just helped me make a decision cheers mate i was gonna go hempy with clones but i'm gonna stick with soil now i know i can get little pots that'll definately give them enough root space where did you get your 1's from mate?
i found my feet with soil then switched to coco, its fantastic medium cant overwater it unless your plants are sat in inches of water. much better roots much healthier.

the roots are solid right the way through like to the point its work to break up the ball

i hould sign up as an affiliate of theirs the folks ive turned on to these things lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lmfao im just an average bloke growing a couple of plants....

thanks for the kind words tho peeps
thank you oh great 1 lol i'll be ordering me a couple of 10packs 2mo cheers for the info mate i'll have a look at the coco option as i haven't got any soil left now after i dumped it all