Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Active Member
The younglings are growing good :bigjoint: but the third one is reallly reallly really damn slow, it's as if Tom Bergeron using his "slowmo-gizmo" on her...LOL!

Here's 2 pics.

So far so good...




Active Member
Haha...I know not much has hapened since yesterday, but here's another pictorial update! Not much to say, going on as planned, cept for the third bastard. Ima give it a chance and see how it grows once it sprouts. The plant on the right in the pics have strted to grow its second set of leaves.

Have a nice Sunday, best day of the week! :mrgreen:





New Member
Looking good, sorry to hear about the slow poke.
Nice thick stems you got going on there, loving the soil they're in, what's the mix you're using? Sorry if you already posted, I've been away for a couple days and got alot of reading ahead of me still.
Good luck with the rest of the grow, hope the slow poke makes it outta the soil.


Active Member
Looking good, sorry to hear about the slow poke.
Nice thick stems you got going on there, loving the soil they're in, what's the mix you're using? Sorry if you already posted, I've been away for a couple days and got alot of reading ahead of me still.
Good luck with the rest of the grow, hope the slow poke makes it outta the soil.
Thx! LOL the slow poke STILL hasn't sprouted. The soil is a cheap super market starter soil w low NPK value and calcium, nothing else. Then I mixed in just a tad of home made bone meal, made from cow bones my dogs have gotten first, then scrubbed and grated to meal, to boost w some xtra P for germing and "youngling" stage. Watered the soil w a light solution of micro nutrients, and will keep on so for the first 7-10 days. After that they will be transplanted to a "hot" soil w time released ferts and will be given nothing but water and Super Vit for 5-6 weeks. Then it's time to clone them :bigjoint:


Active Member
I have one headband plant you can look at her in my grow journal https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/320595-started-flowering-clones-dwc.html#post4020175 . The most recent photos are nice, but since my clones were already flowering when I received them they had to be re-vegged and arent producing ridged leaves so it does'nt even really look like a pot plant. OH and she is branching horizontally all on her own like nuts.
Yeah they branch like crazy but doesn't really stretch the tops and grow weird leaves, that's how "flowering clones" I've taken has grown. I gave 6 flowering clones, Bubblegum, to a friend. I've never seen anything branching like that, he vegged them longer than I did before 12/12.

Took a look at your grow, looking nice! ;)



Well-Known Member
Hey Pc, slowly slowly catchey monkey.....good things come to those who wait eh! Peace, DST


Active Member
Hey Pc, slowly slowly catchey monkey.....good things come to those who wait eh! Peace, DST
I sure hope so! Funny thing is, first it cracked, grew a tiny tap root tip then started "sprouting" under soil only to stop w that for 2 days and grow a root and now it's "sprouting" again, LOL!



Active Member
It's a nice spring day here at the Northern hemisphere! An eventfull day to say the least! Went to the plantschool and bought soil and more nutes...I'll write more soon a friend came by, sry! ;)

EDIT: Ok, I'm back! As I said I went to the plant school bought nutes and soil and some fun plants for my apartment. I met a nice girl who works there, she also has a dog so we decided to meet this weekend for a walk w our dogs ;)

I've transplanted some flowering plants and watered the younglings. Here are 2 pics of the babies :joint:

Aren't they cute? :hug:

Here is a list of the N-P-K values of the nutrient solution during the flowering period:

Week 1: 7-7-10,5
Week 2: 10,5-10,5-15,75
Week 3: 14-14,5-17,5
Week 4: 16-20,5-21,5
Week 5: 20-21,5-24,5
Week 6: 21-22-25
Week 7: 21-22-25
Week 8: 14-26-22
Week 9: Flush

Now I'm beat after a day of labour and deserve a :joint:

//peace, CaL


I would take the foil off the cups-the cups might dry out faster if warmer but warmer soil means the plant will grow fast.If you put clear plastic over the dirt it will get the soil even warmer from green house effect. Thats why farmers use clear plastic on straw berries. They use darker plastics to keep weeds down but the plant grow slower.Black seconded warmest after clear and white will keep things the coolest.


Well-Known Member
Good skills Pc, they looking green and happy.

So, happy dog walking playa, hehe.

Peace, DST


Active Member
I would take the foil off the cups-the cups might dry out faster if warmer but warmer soil means the plant will grow fast.If you put clear plastic over the dirt it will get the soil even warmer from green house effect. Thats why farmers use clear plastic on straw berries. They use darker plastics to keep weeds down but the plant grow slower.Black seconded warmest after clear and white will keep things the coolest.
Hmm...take off the aluminium tape?! I use fluoros, day temp is between 26-28, the cups stay moist for 4-5 days and the RH is around 40-50% + the foil reflects light so it woulda kept them cooler if I had stronger light. I really don't see how the aluminium foil would make them dry up faster? Enlighten me...

I have a humidity dome for when I need higher RH for say clones or germination, at this point I don't see any use of plastic to cover them. Yup, clear lets "it" through, blakk absorbs and white reflect.



Active Member
Good skills Pc, they looking green and happy.

So, happy dog walking playa, hehe.

Peace, DST
Thx and thx for popping by! Yeah they're off to a good start ;) We'll see if there will be more "dog walkings" to come...I'll keep you updated :) Btw, you like my new avatar?...hehe



Well-Known Member
Thx and thx for popping by! Yeah they're off to a good start ;) We'll see if there will be more "dog walkings" to come...I'll keep you updated :) Btw, you like my new avatar?...hehe

haha, after i posted i thought, damn, I meant to comment on the avatar....so yes, I am still imagining being that pillar!!!I was of the Olivia Newton John era, Greese and her video, Lets Get Physical...physical....
.......so yup, there is something about women in leotards:weed:


Active Member
haha, after i posted i thought, damn, I meant to comment on the avatar....so yes, I am still imagining being that pillar!!!I was of the Olivia Newton John era, Greese and her video, Lets Get Physical...physical....
.......so yup, there is something about women in leotards:weed:
LOL Olivia N-J...if only I had a time machine cuz today....well shes probably still smexy but aged ;)

Shame I had to resize the GIF, max 120Kb for custom avatars T_T


Active Member
This is how I do my home meade bone meal wich I add just a tad of to the starter soil and at week 4 of 12/12 to boost P.

One bone from a cow, one rasp. Get going! ;) I was first thinking of buying bone meal but then I googled some and decided to use the bones my dogs were "finnished" with. Nothing goes to waste in this household :hug:

This is the cloning powder I bought. I've done side by side on clones using Clonex (gel) vs Rhizopon (powder), and the powder showed to be superior.




Active Member
It's a clear blue sky today and the sun is getting "warmer", so I thought why not let the younglings get some sun for 5-6 hours, must be better than the fluoros even though it's "behind" a window?!



