Ghosts, Spirits and Poltergeists

Activity was regular in that house. I never liked going into the dining room, in there we had a large bowl/plate (with a raised rim) and several ornaments. One day, we went in there to find the bowl/plate had been smashed into breadcrumb sized pieces, lying flat on the surface yet retaining its original circular shape, impossible. Me, my mother and father all inspected it in confusion, but there was a very bad feeling/presence in the room, we left the house not long after.

There were often sounds coming from the bathroom, once we even heard footsteps running along hardwood floor down the hall, despite the hall being carpeted. My child moniter was sometimes turned off at the socket whilst I was asleep, ofcourse panicking my parents. On entering the master bedroom (where nobody dared to stay or sleep) I used to get terrible yet seemingly real visions and disturbing thoughts.

I often saw a 'ghost cat', always either curled up on the stairs and in the dining room, it once ranaway scared when I heard a loud, unexplained bang. I once thought I saw an old lady walking to the corner of the livingroom once, but as I was a youngster, these ghosts may have been my imagination.

Cheers for sharing xboxwarrior and welcome.

As for UFOs, many are reported in my area (middle of England) including the well known orange orbs. My most recent sighting began with a high pitched noise getting closer, appearing to wake a few neighbours. As the 'screaming' got louder I saw a dark triangle moving swiftly towards some nearby fields, it had a light on each corner, but did'nt stay around for long.

The most memorable happened late last summer while I was writing at about 1am. I would rather not go into detail as I've told nobody the whole story and don't really wish to. A slow moving craft with a small, cycling green and white light was heading in my direction. When nearby it slowed, perhaps stopping still, turned to a different angle and crossed infront of me as I fully opened my window in awe and intrigue. I remained accepting of its arrival and feel warm in myself. It descended lower, leaving over my next door neighbours rooftop, powered be 2 spectacular white thrusters. It made an ambient humming noise, coupled with a similar sound to a hot air balloons flame igniting, but constant, altogether near silent. It gradually hovered away into the distance at which point I attempted to record the craft leaving, but the video camera picked up nothing at all, not even other objects.

I knew this experience was happening and it felt other worldly in itself, I knew none of our aircraft fit any part of its appearance, manuevering capability, patient travelling speed and noise and I knew no human pilot could match the mild communication techniques, both cerebral and visual (changing light displays). I don't like to explain everything, I have witnessed other UFOs (long crafts high in the sky and another large dark triangle) but none will compare.

How about you Philly?
I too have been doing alot of research recently, I can think of few things more interesting and I always believe that all that matters, and all that is misunderstood, is connected. Let me know if you find any breaking news. :peace:
When I was younger I remember seeing 'ghosts', even a cat, rather strangely, was often walking the halls of my old house

I saw a dog once with burning red eyes, scared the shit out of me. Something I'll never forget.
Yeah i'm going to school to be a nurse and one time i had
to go be at the hospital at night, me and one of the legit
nurses were walking down a hall and there was a couple
water bottles on a desk thing and it looked like they got
pushed off the desk .. IT WAS SCARY LOL
and i believe my moms house is haunted. I'm not used to
talking about ghosts and stuff like that because most people
think your crazy if you believe in that shit. but I DO AND I
LOVE IT lol anyways like i said my moms house is really
haunted. i HATE going there stoned because it just trips me
out. one time i was on the laptop in the livingroom and
all of a sudden the lamp on the side table fell. and there
were other experiences. heres some other examples. my
younger brother loves basketball so he had a few downstairs
they were in baskets, i dont know why but then when i was
home alone, i would hear them bouncing or something like
that. whenever i would go down stairs, they'd be out of place.
and the chairs, they would be out of the table. its hard to explain
lol but they would always be moved. just random things like that!
oh heres one i'll never forget, so when i lived at home, i had a
bathroom in my room, ( the bathroom is by my door thats by
the hallway so you can clearly see the hallway ) anyways i was
getting ready and i swear to god i seen a shadow like figure walk
pass and walk into my moms room, 5 minutes later i went into my
moms room and asked my brother(atleast i thought it was him)
why is he in there.. no one was in there!!!! i was SO shocked cause
i seen someone lol i can go on forever.
my grandma's ghost follows (literally) me around an i think one of my houses i used to live in had a spector or ghost cause at night no could see their shadows an everyone always got nightmares, not to mention the random thumps we heard.
wow wtf i expected to see 5 pages of people says bs and flameing and all that.

i am VERY interested in all these storys and dont want this thred to die can more people poast more storys there all good i dont no what to beleve ive had family members say theyve sceen ghosts but i dunno.

i saw some thing long ago when i was a kid in my old house it was a dark figure in the reflection of the t.v moveing around like a burgler would (it was in the bathroom oppersit my room) i kept watchin it wouldnt go away till i started screaming and called my mum lol but i put it down to me being a dumb kid.

i want to beleve but defantly dont want any encounters im a pussy lol
wow wtf i expected to see 5 pages of people says bs and flameing and all that.

i am VERY interested in all these storys and dont want this thred to die can more people poast more storys there all good i dont no what to beleve ive had family members say theyve sceen ghosts but i dunno.

i saw some thing long ago when i was a kid in my old house it was a dark figure in the reflection of the t.v moveing around like a burgler would (it was in the bathroom oppersit my room) i kept watchin it wouldnt go away till i started screaming and called my mum lol but i put it down to me being a dumb kid.

i want to beleve but defantly dont want any encounters im a pussy lol

I'm all out of my personal experiences, I've wrote all the ones I certainly know were ghosts.
this is the truth: everything exists in eleven dimentions and your sole is on one of those dimentions then you higher self then differnt types of energy then there is the dimension which where God is. i have been practising meditation and been attemping to look at these offer dimentions it is truely amasing as you can see all eleven if you do practising to see auras. and cant who ever mentioned string theory cant see the names on my computer screen but it is true and that will lead scientist the final prove that religon exists. i have seen it just reseach how to see auras and you will see the truth and i doesnt take long.
this is the truth: everything exists in eleven dimentions and your sole is on one of those dimentions then you higher self then differnt types of energy then there is the dimension which where God is. i have been practising meditation and been attemping to look at these offer dimentions it is truely amasing as you can see all eleven if you do practising to see auras. and cant who ever mentioned string theory cant see the names on my computer screen but it is true and that will lead scientist the final prove that religon exists. i have seen it just reseach how to see auras and you will see the truth and i doesnt take long.
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