Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

An esky, what a bloody great idea... If the rubbermaid doesn't seal, I'll give that a go... Bloody genius...lol..


Thanks Lacy. I wish I could take full credit but I saw someone make one out of a cooler about a year ago here on RIU. Here is a pic of the one I found here. And an update on my roots at 10 days from being put into the cloner.

Oh and the main reason I use the timer is so my pump doesn't heat up the water to much.

This one also doesn't use the net pots Lacy

Here is my roots


Water temp... I never thought of that... I don't think I'll have to worry about it too much as we are heading into a bloody cold winter and my grow is in a garage, so it will help keep it above freezing...lol:-P

But for the summer months I'll definately keep an eye on it... Hopefully by then I will have spent the $250 on a cyclic timer...

slowly reading this thread over the last few weeks I am on page 168 and laughing at the electrical knowledge here.

The Eco396 draws 0.18 amps. I thought the 8 amp draw at turn on and a few amps running was really high for a small pump with no torque, Then someone said the 6xx Eco pump only uses 35 watts and then I knew the other numbers were way too high. 35 watts divided by 120 volts is 0.29 amps. Thats for the Eco633. It's listed at 0.32amps though. Anyway still way lower than you guys were thinking.

You can see all the pump specs (Eco) here http://www.horticulturesource.com/ecoplus-ecoplus-eco-396-submersible-inline-pump-p878/

Lots of great grows in here and invaluable knowledge also. Keep up the good work.

Maybe this bit got fixed in the next 600 something pages. Back to reading.
PharoahBud - thank you for your post - this is good information that I've been wondering. I think I'm around page 700 and it hasn't been put out like this - I've been going off of the comments about the 8amp initial draw, so I ordered a 50A contactor online so I can run more than two pumps.

I'm no electrician, so please excuse me for this question if it sounds stupid, but is there a constant initial draw any electrical device will use given its constant draw? Or does this need to be found out by using a multimeter?

Does anyone have a multimeter they can run a test on this? I'm very curious, and I need to go back to Home Depot to get me a multimeter in order for me to find out on my own :)
PharoahBud - thank you for your post - this is good information that I've been wondering. I think I'm around page 700 and it hasn't been put out like this - I've been going off of the comments about the 8amp initial draw, so I ordered a 50A contactor online so I can run more than two pumps.

I'm no electrician, so please excuse me for this question if it sounds stupid, but is there a constant initial draw any electrical device will use given its constant draw? Or does this need to be found out by using a multimeter?

Does anyone have a multimeter they can run a test on this? I'm very curious, and I need to go back to Home Depot to get me a multimeter in order for me to find out on my own :)

I am pretty sure that there is no way something drawing 0.18 amps will have an initial 8 amp draw. Inductors do act like shorts to AC...for the first 1/60th of a second. Most household breakers are thermal. More current, more heat and too much heat and it trips off. There is no set amount of initial draw it depends on the equipment and it would be hard to find with a multimeter since the duration is so short. Maybe if you had one that would lock in the highest reading you could get some idea what the initial draw is. I wouldnt worry about it.

At 0.18A you could literally run 100 of those Eco396 pumps on 20 amps. Maybe 85 once you take into account the initial current draw. They are 20 watts. One third of your typical light bulb. I have seen whole houses with all their lights tied to one 20A breaker.

If pumps are burning up and breakers are tripping the problem probably isnt too many pumps.
I find it funny everyone wanting "cheapest" stuff. Cheap compared to what? When I was going through Chemo, my pharmacy bill was $250 per day. My arthritis meds might have only been $7 per day, but with my last blood test the doctor announced that my liver has been impacted in a really bad way from the very drug that kept me on a daily "I can tolerate" level. Mind you I went in because I had killer heartburn---not for a liver function test. You guess it, all the other meds to help me control my pain levels so that I could at least cook for my family gave me an ulcer and hurt my liver.

So $100 for a timer, or the TDS and pH meters hardly seems like so much to pay. When growing for medicine look at what we the patients are used to paying each and every day to live 5% of the life of healthy people our same age.

QUALITY folks.....im not alone when I say that the "quantity for cheap" of the drug companies attitude has put many of us in these pain riddled, "Oops there goes the stomach and liver" boats.

It has been impossible to find a good medical grower where I live...... so I have been reading this thread for three days now. and 80% of the questions have already been answered. As for CHEAP----guys get real. Pay the money for quality, you will harvest quality and your patient will thank you for it.
Overall I agree with your premise. But I doubt my medicine knows an inexpensive timer from an atomic clock as long as they both turn on and off at the same time.
Interesting, have you used it?


I do own one of these timers, although it's the model that came before this one. Iv'e used it for this same kind of project years ago. It works great!

The relay is only rated for 3Amps@120volts though, so you should be able to run a couple pumps off one of these, or a contactor coil.

I see no reason in spending so much ($70-$100) on something that provides such a simple service like this.
Not that anyone cares but I am not a member of Stinkbuddies any longer. I have given it a lot of thought and I just feel better not getting PM from idiots claiming to be Stinkbud's personal friends who know oh so much.

I am absolutely sure that is absolute bull shit and anyone claiming to be his friend is too much of a chump to actually be so. Only a chump would PM me with shit like that. But in the end I post too much, I am always on the front lines and I end up getting attacked. So off I am, the Stinkbud system works and the man himself is no chump. to the rest of you I urge you to ignore the chumps. For me, my skin is thick enough and I don't like to argue on a forum.

Please do not PM me about this, I was a very active member and I think a statement is due. That is all though I don't wanna talk.

Mejuana?!?! What happened? I know you think that no one cares that you quit the site, but I do! People kept PM'ing you? What were they saying? Man, you and WTFXX and a few others were the main reason I was so into stinkbuddies...I hope you didn't let a few bad apples run you off....I feel horrible that you felt you had to quit being a member. That is so sad....As for me, I stopped posting at the site because of all the crashes and the loss of all the old posts and stuff, but I still go by everyonce in a while...I hope you one day change your mind or still come around here or stinkbuddies. It was a pleasure reading your posts.
is stinkbuddies forum down again? Or have I forgotten my password???

MeJuana I found you to be an asset to the stinkbuddies forum. Grow a pair and get over it, who gives a shit what some nerd PM's you
is stinkbuddies forum down again? Or have I forgotten my password???

MeJuana I found you to be an asset to the stinkbuddies forum. Grow a pair and get over it, who gives a shit what some nerd PM's you
Mej! I had to get out of my caveman comfort zone on SB and evolve over to RIU to find you! Dude, you had me worried! I'm not sure what happened but let's stay in touch!
Mej! I had to get out of my caveman comfort zone on SB and evolve over to RIU to find you! Dude, you had me worried! I'm not sure what happened but let's stay in touch!
Hello everyone!
I decided to take a more indepth look over here on RIU. Nice to see so many familar folks here....
no worries all, im still around!
It sucks that mej took off but hey, thats how life goes.
Ive got a whole new plan up my sleeve and im discussing it over at Stinkbuddies!
Drop by and check it out!
I hate to ask such a newbee question, but here it goes anyway. I reside in Riverside, Ca where can I find some "neoprene sleeves."

Hi there, I had to get mine from your side of town...lol.. I'm australian and I found my 2" neoprene plugs on ebay in America...... A shop called the Hydro Source... Super fast delivery... They also have net pots if you need them.... cheap... I bought 65 for like $32.00... :-)

Here is the link

Not that anyone cares but I am not a member of Stinkbuddies any longer.

I care dude, as well as the vast majority of the Stinkbuddies. You have been a big help to myself as well as many other noobs.
Don't let one or two bad eggs spoil the whole nest.

I really hope you will come back soon.