Well-Known Member
Ok, I am now convinced that I haved stunted my plants!
mine looks "nothing" like yours @ 3wks!!! they are only about 4"-5" tall! i think it was a combination of things...PH was off in the beginning<5.3!!
Didn't realize that my soil<MG seed starter mixed with MG peat moss PH is very acidic, LOW! adjusted it with some D. Lime...AND took to long to transplant<I know, I know, should start sprouts in container they will finish in....But, I cant! because I have 3gal bags and a lot of sprouts, there is no way I can fit that many in my clonebox under my 4' 4 bulb light...and IMHO, it's a waste of soil and money.....why? the males...that's why I started in 18oz party cups...but took to damm long to transplant...<was outta twn.

I have 4 more just over 3 weeks pics below ill have a look @ your journal when i get a spare hour