Pulling through a 400w cool tube with...


Well-Known Member
a Crystal King 6" vortex inline fan going (rated at 350cfm) be enough to cool my 3'x3'x7.5' closet? I'm looking at fans....and i think i'm gonna just use my cheap little inline fan from lowes for intake...and get a vortex to pull through the cool tube..and exhaust my closet at the same time...this sound like a relatively decent idea? Or am i going to need a better fan?


Well-Known Member
bump bump, nothing? C'mon someone's gotta know...i don't know whether to get the 350cfm or the 470 cfm.


Well-Known Member
youve got plenty of fan there i have same size room with 600w. hps 4'' ducting & 190 cfm pulling through cool tube & exausting out the top & i have an ocillating fan to move things around & im not using an intake fan on 2nd grow using this set up. started out with 400w. non-cool tube had heat issues but was able to complete grow cool tube &600w. was major improvement i would think 350 cfm would do the job quite well try that first then add other fan if needed hope this helps i can only say what has worked 4 me im sure there is some formula to do the math but im not that sharp get a few more replies & ideas good luck h.h.


Well-Known Member
youve got plenty of fan there i have same size room with 600w. hps 4'' ducting & 190 cfm pulling through cool tube & exausting out the top & i have an ocillating fan to move things around & im not using an intake fan on 2nd grow using this set up. started out with 400w. non-cool tube had heat issues but was able to complete grow cool tube &600w. was major improvement i would think 350 cfm would do the job quite well try that first then add other fan if needed hope this helps i can only say what has worked 4 me im sure there is some formula to do the math but im not that sharp get a few more replies & ideas good luck h.h.
Thanks man...yeah...it seems like it should be perfect...pricing them now on ebay. Thanks again.