Do these seedlings look healthy?


New Member
They look good man, you soil does look a little on the dry side.
How much do you water and how often?
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Well-Known Member
The one in the fourth pic could have an issue. the rest look ok. Im a bit concerned about the leaf curling. give us some more detail like. type of light, room temp/humidity, and what your growing in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response!

I've been a little on the light side, watering them about every 2 days. Giving them a light watering the day I don't give them a full dose.

They are under a 600W about 20" and temps are around 80F so should I be watering every day?


Well-Known Member
Soil is neutral seed starting soil.

Using RO water, fed them a half dose of Fox Farms Big Bloom and then watered them twice with just straight RO water... PH of the water is just under 7 I think won't know for sure until I get my electronic PH meter (using the drops right now.)

Humidity is around 30ish


Well-Known Member
Soil is neutral seed starting soil.

Using RO water, fed them a half dose of Fox Farms Big Bloom and then watered them twice with just straight RO water... PH of the water is just under 7 I think won't know for sure until I get my electronic PH meter (using the drops right now.)

Humidity is around 30ish
why did you feed seedlings half strength nutes? or at all? was it for vigorous root growth? sometimes people use bloom nutes to jumpstart root growth. but 1/2 strength is a bit much.


Well-Known Member
I've read a few people have success using this chart:

Plus the soil had no nutes in it at all so I thought I would give it a shot. I will hold off on nutes for another week or so if that is best.

What do you think about the watering schedule? It's the thing I'm worried most about messing up. If I stick my finger in about an inch and a half it starts to get damp..


Well-Known Member
I've read a few people have success using this chart:

Plus the soil had no nutes in it at all so I thought I would give it a shot. I will hold off on nutes for another week or so if that is best.

What do you think about the watering schedule? It's the thing I'm worried most about messing up. If I stick my finger in about an inch and a half it starts to get damp..
every 3 days is a good frequency. but get a pot the same size as the ones your using and fill it with the same soil. keep this pot dry and use it as a reference. When your soil needs water is when they weigh about the same as the dry pot. also If you pay attention to your leaves they will start to droop when its about time. Like I said bloom nutes early jumpstart root growth but I would go lighter on it like 1/4 strength maybe. and btw no soil has no nutes in it. just very minimal amounts and trace minerals. Also there is enough stored energy in a seedling to carry it through the first 2 weeks of growth usually, every wonder why the seed leaves are so fat? there like little battery packs for plants, only an analogy. I dont think you've done too much harm at all they look fairly healthy but im almost sure its the reason for the curly leave you have on the one. if they start looking blotcy or start yellowing and browning at the tip of the leaves. flush the soil with 3x the volume of the soil with your RO water. should be ok just use a smaller dose next time if at all.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! +rep for both :D

I gave them some water before bed, it really seemed like they were dry to me and the leaves were drooping.

Will try out the extra container of soil thing, or maybe a moisture meter??


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! +rep for both :D

I gave them some water before bed, it really seemed like they were dry to me and the leaves were drooping.

Will try out the extra container of soil thing, or maybe a moisture meter??
either one. its possible for leave to droop from too much water also.


Well-Known Member
Bix, please re read post nine I had to revise it some. I felt I was a bit inspecific... I havent had my herb today so I'm not quite focused. Just wanted to make sure you got the correct information.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again everybody!

svchop889 - I think I read it that way last night but thanks for clarifying.

Checking on them this morning, the leaves are pointing more towards the light so I think they liked the watering :)