Sperskunk Sensi Seed Bank


Thanks for taking a look! These are my luscious ladies. I must say that they are quite young at this point and still require about 30 more days of flowering time, but other than that, I would say it's a pretty decent grow, wouldn't you agree? My setup consists of 3 HPS 600W Lamps covering 20 plants. This is my 2nd grow and I am a seed man. Both times I grew from seed because: 1. I don't have enough space for 2 rooms, one for growing and one for the clones.
2. I find it interesting to grow something else every time.

I don't know what more I'm supposed to say. It would be nice if 2 harvests from now I would be able to switch to a hydro setup and grow with bioponic nutrients.




You're right, they do look stretched:) I think I kept the lamps a bit too far away from them for fear of burning the tops (last time I managed to ruin a top cola by keeping the lamp too close, so now I guess I'm just a bit paranoid about that). And I must say that the herb is not helping with my paranoia. :))


Active Member
I am following you close brother as you are a week ahead of me it looks like and this is my first time growing. I wish I could grow as many as you have. lol.

Nice pics. Got any new close ups though?


These are some pictures from a friends grow box. I just couldn't believe the size of the leafs. These plants are still very early in the flowering stages and they have a required flowering period of about 9 weeks. I think they look great!:D The stems are incredibly thick for their age.



Active Member

Your stalk is a little thicker than mine, but I don't have a little fan to put in my closet. lol.


If anybody could provide any information about this bug, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
The thing is that I am about 3 weeks away from harvest. These things don't seem interested in the leafs or buds or stems. They are mostly interested in the soil which kind of makes me afraid for the roots :!:
Sorry, but this is actually the best shot I was able to take of one of them, the quality of the pic would be much better with a top of the line camera, I know, but for now this will have to suffice.


Active Member
It looks like a gnat or something. I can't really make it out from that pic. Is it doing anything to the soil or just flying around it?


It looks like a gnat or something. I can't really make it out from that pic. Is it doing anything to the soil or just flying around it?
Well... I can't see any change in the soil other than the fact they keep going under the top of the soil and resurfacing constantly.


Active Member
They are after your nutrients. They smell them. Sprinkle a little bit of dry tobbaco around the base of the plant and it should keep them away.


OK, so the first thing I noticed is that the pots of soap and water solution I left yesterday around the grow room really helped. A bunch of those little things are swimming with the fishes. :D
Today I did the following things:
1. I put potato slices on top of the soil to attract the larvae.
2. I put sticky fly paper around the room to enhance my chances of catching the flying ones.
3. I had an idea (we'll see tomorrow how bright it was) to put a small plate with honey in every pot, next to the plant so that maybe the pests stick to it.
4. I sprayed soap solution around the grow-room.
Tomorrow you will get the feedback on how effective all these methods were, but for now, enjoy the pics I posted. :)




Moobyghost, dude, I'm going to take your advice about the tobacco tomorrow. I would've tried it today, but I didn't find any tobacco in my house so I'll go shopping tomorrow. :D Are you pretty confident that it might work? :) And should I sprinkle all around the top of the soil or just at the center of the pot? Thanks for the potentially crop saving advice. (-: bongsmilie