times is truly changin'


Well-Known Member
2 days ago i had went to a party with my dick head-of-a friend an my closest pal. we we're invited by my old high school friend. the party only had like about 12 girls an over 30 dudes so it was as dead as the 1st known language in there so me an my closest boy decided to light up a blunt to escape the mood swing the party was giving off, my guy went to dance with the (fine) girls an two just came an sat by me an only one of em looked okay. after all that my friend 'invited' me to one of his sessions so i'm thinking cool i get to blaze up a little more so i can get this girl named tia in the mood, i head to the back an what the fuck do i see these bastards are snorting.:!::!::!::?::-( my old friend passes me a straw i say no thanks an he gets a little pissed:fire:. they egg me on into doing it then i leave my friend pushes me an thinks i dissed em so i tell him i ain't a coke head; he swung on me caught of guard an jumped on me thats when i inhaled then hit him in the gut then proceeded to kick him up an down his mom's house (i forgot to mention that most people left after we fought). so anyway, after hopping on the train to my house an checking to make sure all my teeth were still intact, me and the boys decided to head home. we started smelling a very shitty smell an saw that the smell was from a crack-head getting high on the train, my friend decided to instigate him until the cops came an got him off. that's when my guy pulled out the other blunt we rolled :clap: :bigjoint:(i was so high i forgot i rolled one). as we had the cart to just the 3 of us we lit the OWL relaxing. my other guy (the comedian) looked at me like i'm a fuck up so me an my other friend started laughing at him an got on him: wu-tang style all the way home.
(ex: i fuckin' cut ya kneecaps off an make you kneel in some staircase piss).


Well-Known Member
no my former high school friend is a coke head. he always did hang with shady company but i just never thought he'd be to stupid as to where he actually ;fit in' y'know.


wow many . great story . my roomie does blow . a few times at partys weve held . him and his friends do some


Well-Known Member
I agree, calling the cops on a crackhead is not the business. I would've just told him to get off the train or stop smoking. As far as coke, I have no problem with the drug, but some people let it control them.


Well-Known Member
I agree, calling the cops on a crackhead is not the business. I would've just told him to get off the train or stop smoking. As far as coke, I have no problem with the drug, but some people let it control them.
if some dude force you to try it, would you go along with it or die knowing you had a good run. not exactly what happened to me but this is america that could of been me.


Active Member
man coke is a geekers drug. have you noticed that people who do coke always also do every other drug, its fucked up man. Weed is all ya need, weed is all ya need my friend. oh, did you kick his ass or did he go all scarface, i cant feel you punching me type shit?


Well-Known Member
man coke is a geekers drug. have you noticed that people who do coke always also do every other drug, its fucked up man. Weed is all ya need, weed is all ya need my friend. oh, did you kick his ass or did he go all scarface, i cant feel you punching me type shit?
man i kick his ass in front of everyone including his girl.


Active Member
hell yeah, never get whooped by a coke head. That would make you a disappointment.lol. Isn't it crazy how the people you grow up with, who you think are you right hand man, turn out to be stealing, envious, back stabbing bastards. Man day one niggas, aint acting like day one niggas.