Well-Known Member
13% wtf lol
was thinkin the same? lol
13% wtf lol
Haha, that's good. I guess I'm glad I do most of our cooking myselftaste it, hell yeah, often it hikes upto the next level and cuts you up in the form of crushed bones in yer fooood.
oh god, i've got to see if i can remember that product, wtf was it, basically it was " processedshittymeal chicken X" and the primary ingredient was pork.. what was it, go brain. arg. thought too hard
also watched a show where thay take perfectly good chicken breasts and kinda pressure wash them and then immediately freeze the fuckers, adds about 20 to 25% on in weight. .....until u cook the fucker and it looks like it came outta fuckin quail. word to the wise here peeps, when at a festival NEVER eat from the vans ....i worked in them and did all the big gigs and sum of the stuff i saw would make u throw up ur i actually saw burgers cooked i london, thrown into a chill box with no lid , driven back to scotland, left in a garge for a week with no cover taken back down to london the following week ,reheated and sold.
Lmaochicken roll was like huge jelly albino cock, all slimy and the fuckin smell was horrific, i never met anyone in the entire factory that would eat it, it was truly disgusting and believe me i'm the least fussy guy in the world, christ u wanna see sum of the things ive muff dived.