500watt hps grow Lil Ganja Princess

mr west

Well-Known Member
I jus got hold of a couple of livers clones. They a uk clone only like the cheese and psychosis. Also growing some head band 707 atm. Be a wile b4 casey jones is avalable in the uk wont it if atall lol.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
i havent got a clue what im growing in ma tent nxt might grow a few chees and phyco clones thats if the fairy will drop passed min. but it might b a while coz im waiting on the council to refit ma bathroom an kitchen so god knows when that will b done but hopefully soon as they get there budget this month

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just dropping by to say whoaaaaabdeepadeebloop! that's ome weight you pulled from the AI!

next drink, next smoke! har!!!1 go!!!!!!

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
i know i was well suprised. she did me proud that lanky bitch filled herself out. im hopeing thats it due to her having a week or so of 500 watts all to herself.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, well i think that light to itself or not, my lanky mothafucker of a strawberry is going to shatter my reality. 12 weeks flower for bloody what now! long brown hairs!

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
haha, well i think that light to itself or not, my lanky mothafucker of a strawberry is going to shatter my reality. 12 weeks flower for bloody what now! long brown hairs!
i only let the AI go to 11 weeks. that was long enough.

its a realli nice smoke doesnt smell much bit like hay, but when u shove it in the grinder it smells completely different more of a widow lemony smell.
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Well-Known Member
Congrats on the harvest, LGP. I hope the sativa Barbagseed I am growing just now gives me a 100g...I doubt it, but we shall see. Good job, showed Me West the way I guess. hehe.

Peace, DST

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
just summit i found that might b interesting

Grow Room Efficiency Calculator

You need figures for -

Total light wattage
Total flowering time in days
Light cycle hours
Total yield in grams

For example my setup. A 500w system used on a 12/12 hourly cycle in flowering for 70 days which produces (323.6g) of dry bud.

1) Divide total lamp wattage by 1000 to get Kw/h.
500w/1000 = 0.5.

2) Multiply this figure by the hours of the light cycle.
0.5 x 12 = 6

3) Multiply this figure by the number of days in flowering.
6 x 70 = 420

4) Now divide the gram yield figure by the kilowatt figure.
323.6g / 420 = 0.7 That's 0.7g per K/w

Experienced growers should be shooting for a GE (Garden Efficiency) rating of 1.0, so anything over 1.0 is very good going.


Well-Known Member
Seems interestesting, but what about size of your grow space? type of plant genetic (i.e some plants yield differently)