Can't figure this out.


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for quite awhile in hydro. Maybe 3-4 years, probably somewhere between 10-15 grows. I'm not even exactly sure anymore.

But I've recently decided to give soil a try and I'm no soil expert. I have these 6 Sour D clones that I picked up from a dispensary. There were originally 12, but the other 6 had a bit of PM so I just decided to trash them.

I did spray a fungicide on these plants a week ago and I thought that was the cause for the leaf damage, but it seems to be continuing.

These plants JUST started 12/12 and are planted in FFOF. They started out in solo cups w/ Happy Frog. My last batch went so smoothly that I figured hey, what the hell, why not continue to grow in soil?

Has anyone ever seen this before? Any insight into what's going on here?



Well-Known Member
I've been growing for quite awhile in hydro. Maybe 3-4 years, probably somewhere between 10-15 grows. I'm not even exactly sure anymore.

But I've recently decided to give soil a try and I'm no soil expert. I have these 6 Sour D clones that I picked up from a dispensary. There were originally 12, but the other 6 had a bit of PM so I just decided to trash them.

I did spray a fungicide on these plants a week ago and I thought that was the cause for the leaf damage, but it seems to be continuing.

These plants JUST started 12/12 and are planted in FFOF. They started out in solo cups w/ Happy Frog. My last batch went so smoothly that I figured hey, what the hell, why not continue to grow in soil?

Has anyone ever seen this before? Any insight into what's going on here?
Looks kinda like slight nute burn.. back off the ferts for a while..(if you used any)

otherwise, the new growth dont look bad.


Well-Known Member
hmm i dunno man, it looks like it could be from overwatering but it looks like you also have some deficiencies... I really dunno, it could be from the pesticide as well, its wierd that some look like only half the leaf set is injured.. Id stay away from whatever pesticide ur using and switch to neem oil.. maybe even spray them down really good to get the pesticide off...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's not overwatering. Doesn't seem like overwatering at all to me. That and I haven't overwatered them. I stay WAY to the other side of that problem. I've seen overwatering (unfortunately I think I've seen it all, fuck). I will try cleaning the leaves off and removing the fungicide and see if that resolves the problem. I thought the same thing about the new growth, but then noticed that some of these HAVE to be new since the fungicide spray.

The spots did seem to appear right after the spray, but I figured if anything the new growth wouldn't show the problem at all.

I haven't fed any nutes and I suppose the soil could be too hot, but it doesn't really look like nute burn to me either. Some of those lower leaves were yellow from the cloning process. My clones don't turn yellow, but I know alot of the dispensary ones do.

I'm just so disheartened with the whole thing now. I've been growing killer shit over the past years and now all of a sudden the last 6-8 months have just been a wave of bad shit. I want to go fuckin' ballistic on someone right now just trying to find some good clean cuts. No PM, no fucked up other problems. Should be plenty of nutes in this soil to get them by for the next 4 weeks without needing anything, but alas here I sit.

I have no idea what to do because all good logic in this situation tells me I'm doing everything right and if I change something I will inevitbaly be adding to the problem. Shouldn't have sprayed the fuckin' things and should've just killed off the others immediately. SO FUCKIN' ANNOYED. I think I'm honestly going to go back and order more DP White Widow. That shit didn't dissapoint AT ALL and growing from beans gave me the least headache.

I have always had problems buying clones from others. Their shit is always infested or infected. I've had mold, PM, bugs, all sorts of shit.......sick of it.

Maybe next week I'll order some new beans that aren't fucked up hermie beans from VISC. Time to find some tried and true strains and keep myself from having an anuerysm.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's not overwatering. Doesn't seem like overwatering at all to me. That and I haven't overwatered them. I stay WAY to the other side of that problem. I've seen overwatering (unfortunately I think I've seen it all, fuck). I will try cleaning the leaves off and removing the fungicide and see if that resolves the problem. I thought the same thing about the new growth, but then noticed that some of these HAVE to be new since the fungicide spray.

The spots did seem to appear right after the spray, but I figured if anything the new growth wouldn't show the problem at all.

I haven't fed any nutes and I suppose the soil could be too hot, but it doesn't really look like nute burn to me either. Some of those lower leaves were yellow from the cloning process. My clones don't turn yellow, but I know alot of the dispensary ones do.

I'm just so disheartened with the whole thing now. I've been growing killer shit over the past years and now all of a sudden the last 6-8 months have just been a wave of bad shit. I want to go fuckin' ballistic on someone right now just trying to find some good clean cuts. No PM, no fucked up other problems. Should be plenty of nutes in this soil to get them by for the next 4 weeks without needing anything, but alas here I sit.

I have no idea what to do because all good logic in this situation tells me I'm doing everything right and if I change something I will inevitbaly be adding to the problem. Shouldn't have sprayed the fuckin' things and should've just killed off the others immediately. SO FUCKIN' ANNOYED. I think I'm honestly going to go back and order more DP White Widow. That shit didn't dissapoint AT ALL and growing from beans gave me the least headache.

I have always had problems buying clones from others. Their shit is always infested or infected. I've had mold, PM, bugs, all sorts of shit.......sick of it.

Maybe next week I'll order some new beans that aren't fucked up hermie beans from VISC. Time to find some tried and true strains and keep myself from having an anuerysm.
Ya man, I don't buy clones but I see lots of people having problems with bugs, disease, ect. all the time.. Its really not even worth it in my eyes.. Just stick with seeds. I tried to suggest to spray all your leaves down with water, but RIU got all fucked up and it wouldnt let me post. Id be willing to bet it's the pesticide.. Or maybe your losing ur greenthumb :o lol. I would stick with neem oil only, though i have seen similar symptoms when using too high of a concentration.. I sprayed my leaves with water right as I noticed it.. Neem oil usually keeps my bug population in control... Doesnt kill them all but keeps them from doing any damage to my plants... GL man!


Well-Known Member
Ya man, I don't buy clones but I see lots of people having problems with bugs, disease, ect. all the time.. Its really not even worth it in my eyes.. Just stick with seeds. I tried to suggest to spray all your leaves down with water, but RIU got all fucked up and it wouldnt let me post. Id be willing to bet it's the pesticide.. Or maybe your losing ur greenthumb :o lol. I would stick with neem oil only, though i have seen similar symptoms when using too high of a concentration.. I sprayed my leaves with water right as I noticed it.. Neem oil usually keeps my bug population in control... Doesnt kill them all but keeps them from doing any damage to my plants... GL man!

I'll try cleaning down the leaves tonight and see if it improves. I'm over buying clones, I was over buying clones last time they caused me problems. PM is really the only problem that I've had that wasn't easy to resolve though. I shouldn't have sprayed them being so young and small...but I figured if they had any chance against the PM from the Madman they would need all the help they could get. They had already been a room with them for a 4-5 days. There's a good chance all this shit is a waste so I'll order up some beans and do the smart thing. Straight up good genetics, no more questionable shit. I'm losing my fuckin' mind over here. Electricity ain't cheap out here, I'm paying $300-$500/mo. I can't keep up with the bullshit, hermies and fuckin' diseased plants.

The 2009-2010 (my seasons run through the winter when I can use my lights without the A/C) sucked balls. I'll get some shit going over the summer (like I did with the DP White Widow) and I'll run at next winter like a fuckin' guerilla. Relentless growing is going to the be style for next winter.


Well-Known Member
They just look to be deficient, asking for food. If there is enough food there for them, then check to make sure the water's ph is within range or it wont be able to use it. I would give them a quick flush with ph adjusted water, and check the ph and ppm of your runoff.

bongsmilieGood Luck!

ADDED.... before you trash the PM clones, try giving them a bath in a solution on 9 parts water - 1 part Whole Milk, and a few drops of DishSoap. If you can, just dunk them in the solution and swish around, rub off any visible PM. Then put in a very ventilated area to dry quickly. Should be fine after that.

ALSO....If you are sure it is not ph, then add 1/4 strength nutes to see if this helps, they are deficient!


Well-Known Member
They just look to be deficient, asking for food. If there is enough food there for them, then check to make sure the water's ph is within range or it wont be able to use it. I would give them a quick flush with ph adjusted water, and check the ph and ppm of your runoff.

bongsmilieGood Luck!
I hadn't checked the ph of the runoff. They've really only been watered a couple of times in this soil, but it was a brand new bag of FFOF. I used FFOF on my last grow and my plants went forever and were just happy as shit. As a matter of fact the other plants with the powdery mildew look fine, other than powedery mildew of course. They are in the same soil and were in the same conditions. Even sprayed with the same shit. Why is this Sour D just buggin' out on me?

These plants haven't had any light (the Madman shown below). They have been just kickin it in another tent while I think about my disposal plants. I ripped one up and the roots looked great. No signs of rotting or anything unhealthy. The watering is definitely spot on, and I'll check the runoff tonight when I water, but I have no reason to believe the ph would be way off.

These plants are identical in watering and feeding (well, lack of feeding) and these are green and healthy (except a lot of folliage was removed in trying to keep the PM at bay, but I decided not to play the game and just gave up on them.

Keep in mind, I'm not arguing with you guys/gals I just need some convincing...I'm really think everything is spot on. Could it be a fungal infection in this fuckin' strain too? Is that a stretch?



Well-Known Member
laserbrn why u decided to switch from hydro to soil?
I haven't made a final decision about anything. I'm trying soil because alot of people claim the test, smell and overall appeal of the bud is much better with soil. I would hate to grow for 20 years in hydro only to find out I LOVE soil, so I'm giving it a try (and trying to give it a fair one, at least a few grows and some good genetics.) I'm figuring this counts more as practice the way this shit is going. I'm going to probably try a different soil, maybe this Promix that seems to be holding to a better quality standard than FFOF these days and I'll order some solid beans. I may even just order fuckin' DP White Widow again. I'm incredibly tired of smoking White Widow. But I'm alot more tired of questionable genetics and that whole factor. Those beans I got from the 'tude did me solid. I mean this has been a disaster and this was the disaster I was living in before I decided to go with that route.