Stones Journal


Active Member
man that is a great plant man i love it and too think whiterhino told me i couldnt start of flowering early and you started from seed I will have to go ahead and put mine on the 12/12 cycle. +rep


Well-Known Member
So i went ahead and took a video of my setup today at lunch and posted it to my youtube account. It gives you a good idea how big these buds are getting and how the box works. The beginning of the vid, you can see my exhaust system that sucks the exhaust from my hot water heater and my box and vents it out my roof. I have zero smell in my room. You can also see my small A/C that is hooked up to the box. Next you can see the lights im using, all 930 watts of CFL. Then I show the plants, remote moitoring, and then my golden cannibis cup awaiting harvest!! enjoy!!


New Member
That has got to be the best cfl setup I've ever seen man. +rep man, you're gonna get some nice buds off them bitches.
You better post some pix of some nice dank dried buds in that cup man.
Your fist plant seems to have 1 hella cola on it already, the runt is comming through too eh, seems you had enough room for her.
Nice grow man.


Active Member
That's a nice setup man! I'm just on my first grow, had purchased HPS but decided to go 100% CFL and threads like this show that used right you can get great results by pumping shedloads of energy onto them. Will keep my eye on this one :) +rep


Well-Known Member
That's a nice setup man! I'm just on my first grow, had purchased HPS but decided to go 100% CFL and threads like this show that used right you can get great results by pumping shedloads of energy onto them. Will keep my eye on this one :) +rep
Thanks man!!, this is my first CFL grow so I wanted to get as much as I could out of them. Also this is still my first test, these are bagseeds!!, I got real seeds for my next run in july...LOL Those plants will be amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Was looking at my plants today and noticed one plant in the back of the box (not the runt) that the base of the pistils on top of the plant starting turning purple. Here is a picture, kind of hard to see from the picture but very pronounced when looking at it.



Active Member
Grow baby grow I'm loving it! I set up my first grow half and half soil/hydro. The soil grow has been so freaking easy it's all I want now! I put them in and haven't had to water or do any nutrients just watch I'll probably water once a week until They get big and need more but I want to be a soil man for sure.


Well-Known Member
Grow baby grow I'm loving it! I set up my first grow half and half soil/hydro. The soil grow has been so freaking easy it's all I want now! I put them in and haven't had to water or do any nutrients just watch I'll probably water once a week until They get big and need more but I want to be a soil man for sure.
Soil is pretty easy. Next grow will definatly be DWC and more full size than these 12/12 from seed grows. Thanks for the comment!!


Well-Known Member
Some good shots this morning.

oh and the last shot is from my streaming

