I have always put my seeds strait in the soil after soaking them in water for 12 hrs and had no problems. I have only used bag seed up untill this grow. I have 10 fem white dwarf seeds that I want to start outdoor this week. Do yal think I should chance my normal method, or do the paper towel thing?
to be quite honest there is no harm in putting your seeds directly into soil.
in fact i never even heard of putting seeds in damp paper towels until it came to marijuana.
i did no formal germination w/ my seeds and they came out just fine.
i even got a seed that was a year old (that i found in some bud) to sprout without germinating.
i think both methods work well i just never germ because i dont want to risk damaging the taproot once it pops from the seed.
so i plant mine straight in.
and no worries because of the taproot pops out of the top when its in the dirt the seed will rearrange itself in the soil so its facing downward (as it should be).
either way is fine. it all comes down to preference.