backyard grow, will neighbors smell this?


Well-Known Member
i am looking into making a garden bed with some tall plants and a few of our fav plants mixed in and surrounding it with garden netting. is this feesable and will the smell waft into the surrounding yards?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
throw some Moth Balls on the property line and around the yard. that will help with the smell and keep some of the small animals way.


Well-Known Member
Hell YES, they will! And their neighbors will too, depending which way the wind is blowing!

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys. i havent grown outdoors yet and i just didnt know if maybe the scent dissolved in the wind or something.


Well-Known Member
i looked into this and apparently the plants must be in locked closet or room to be legal. bummer, i wanted to grow outdoors too.


Well-Known Member
i grow in my back yard and havent had that problem until almost harvest time . this is what it comes down to do your neighbors like you.


Well-Known Member
If the wind is blowing in their direction then yes they will. Don't think you can get away with it either. You will put in months of work by the time they start to smell, by then its too late to move them.
This is why people hike Miles into the forest to plant their gardens


What if I crop my plants at 4-5 feet? will that cut down on the smell at all or just decreasing my yield?


Active Member
What if I crop my plants at 4-5 feet? will that cut down on the smell at all or just decreasing my yield?
a little bit of both. im not sure what other people have experienced, but all ive seen in person is mid seed growing and I couldn't even smell that until I was about 5-10 feet away. It totally depends on genetics tho. Growin purp? Yes they will smell. Skunk, you bet. Middies? Maybe not? If it's mixed in with other veggies then it might be doable. You can always LST if it gets too big.


Well-Known Member
I would recommed keeping it short and plant a lot of flowers, rosemary, ect around it to mask the smell. Still a risk though as cannabis is much more potent smelling than other plants


Well-Known Member
i would recommed keeping it short and plant a lot of flowers, rosemary, ect around it to mask the smell. Still a risk though as cannabis is much more potent smelling than other plants
how bout lst that fucker to grow all across the ground, in zig zag formation till it covers like a 5x5 square then top it so it stops growing outward and it would be just inches from the ground and then put a netting around it or something. Would this work?


Well-Known Member
It is still going to smell. Especially if its that big it will hopefully be really strong. I can typically get a good whiff of a blooming outdoor plant at around 30 feet away on a warm day without a breeze.


It definitely is.... however it's all gonna be that safe if they happen to have similar plants in their yards as well :)
Had a similar plan and acquired strains I thought would be stealthy (short) and low odor. Northern Lights and ICExGrapefruit. Was planning only 4 plants hidden throughout the yard in large pots, behind strategically pruned bushes/etc (50'x175' yard). We're vigorous gardeners otherwise, so the odor is the only concern.

When I used to grow indoors years ago (took a hiatus), certain strains were smelly as hell, but others, like Mango, were not smelly at all...even indoors without any kind of smell control other than a closed door. Seemed from my recollection that this low volume outdoor plan would work.

Is the consensus that, even with the "low odor" strains, these will be too smelly to try this? Don't know that neighbors would turn me in, but don't want to have to make that choice.


Well-Known Member
last year i did this with with 4 northern lights vegged them to a foot tall then put them out on the first of september they got like a foot and a half tall and i got a little less than a quarter pound.