What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

ure not gettin peace through war, its not happenin, never has never will.

have you ever heard of WWII my friend?bongsmilie

instead of killing hitler and his slobs when we had the chance we waited and 100 million people ended up dieing in the end
Ukgrower.... let's just run this out to the conclusion. You want the USA out of global politics and conflict.

We should stay home. Mind our own business and no one will mess with us.

Since the EU has stated it as a matter of record...that they cannot pay for their own defense WITHOUT the USA GIANT umbrella in place now....what do you think would happen to the EU....Britain?

I'd give the EU ... twenty years....tops.

We go .... you go. Except we'll still have a country.
Look at the entire planet....everything. If a G*D intentionally made this place.... that G*D LOVES violence. Everything is based upon it. On Earth, if you stand still long enough ... something will kill you.
man, that video made me smile :)

I love seeing those towel head bastards suffer after what they tryed to do to my country.

Would you have the same tenacity to your words if it was your gov. who attacked you and not some "towel heads?"

What about if police entered your home with out a warrant?
Looked like these soldiers did their jobs. They assesed the situation, provided recon to the incoming ground forces, and used reasonable restraint on pulling the trigger. They had several armed/ unarmed ( pistols? explosives? who knows ? ) men travelling as a unit. they had a guy with a rocket propelled grenade lining them up from around a corner of a building....they requested and received permission to fire. The van that came to get these guys was not an ambulance, but players on the other team, basically more insurgent enemies.

war is hell, and the only thing more hellish is fighting an enemy you can't readily see. These guys are dangerous fanatics who look the same as the average citizen most of the time. children of varying ages are also enlisted to the other team, and whether a child is innocent or not, when they come running at you with 25 lb. of explosives strapped to them you stop them in their tracks.

I am an American. I believe we should not have gone to Iraq in the first place. I want us out as soon as the region can be stable in our absence. But I'm sick of outsiders judging and declaring all Americans to be greedy, bloodthirsty warmongers. This video shows the brutal reality of what is happening in the war over there, every day and every night. When you sign up to drop yourself into meatgrinder you can fight your war anyway you want.
That was AWESOME!!! Humans love to kill!! It's our basic instinct just like Chimpanzees they are the only other specie on the planet that will attack and destroy a neighboring village of other Chimpanzees and then they'll spread out the bodies as for show.
Did you all see the guy with RPG? Cuase I never did. I think that was a tactic to get permission to fire.

You didnt see the guy crouching around the corner of the wall when they were flying around the backside of the buidlings? look at around 4:19
If that was an RPG it was not loaded. I am sorry, but that just does not seem like enough evidence to slay 12-15 people. Should have waited till we were fired on to confirm. Now, there are innocent lives lost, and only a handful seem to care.
Did you all see the guy with RPG? Cuase I never did. I think that was a tactic to get permission to fire.
why does it matter if there was no rpg?They were fighting us,I wouldn't let my enemy just walk away so he can fight us the next chance he gets.
They were not the enemy though. They are citizens of thier country, like you and I are citizens of ours. It would be like if they flew over your moms house and killed your family.

Not everyone in that country is trying to kill us, and it seems we don't care, we plan to just kill them all.
i heard somewhere that even mother teresa was questioning if there even really was a gid before she died

here it is

Struggles of a Pious Leader

Throughout Her Life Mother Teresa Wrote Privately of Struggles With Her Faith

Aug. 24, 2007 —

In dozens of letters spanning 66 years, Mother Teresa described the "emptiness" she felt and confessed her struggles with faith and the existence of heaven in pages she had planned to have destroyed.
A decade after her death, they have been published in the book "Come By My Light" as part of the petition for her sainthood.

"The lives of the saints are personal, but they are not private," said The Rev. Brian Kolodiejchuk, who is publishing the letters. "The documents are really are quite valuable in that they speak of her own holiness and the value & to people who can relate to what she was going through."

They offer surprising revelations, including one instance in which she writes, "no faith -- no love -- no zeal -- [The saving of] souls holds no attraction -- Heaven means nothing & it has been like this more or less from the time I started 'the work.'"

Her work began when she heard God tell her to open a mission in Calcutta. The book includes her Jan. 13, 1947 letter in which she wrote to the Archbishop of Calcutta to request permission to found her own order, the Missionaries of Charity.

Several years later, she composed a letter as an exercise from her spiritual adviser to express her devotion to Jesus and passionately wrote, "I want to satiate your thirst with every single drop of blood that you can find in me. Don't allow me to do you wrong in any way." Click here to read the letter (courtesy of Doubleday).

To millions her work still shines as the example of Christlike devotion. It brought her the Nobel Peace Prize and beatification by Pope John Paul. But once she began her work in India she never heard God's voice again. Nine years after she founded her mission in Calcutta she wrote, "What do I labour for? If there be no God -- there can be no soul -- if there is no Soul then Jesus -- You also are not true."

"Even the sisters around her had no idea of the length and the depth," Kolodiejchuk said.

Faith vs. Benevolence

As many Catholics learn how long she suffered this crisis of faith, they are even more awed by her deeds.
"Unlike the other saints, who might have been going through their day with a lot of consolation from their prayer, Mother Teresa was running on empty and doing all these wonderful works," said Father James Martin.
But while the faithful see her struggle as inspirational, some atheists are taking it as confirmation of their own rational doubts and proof that the faithless can display enormous benevolence.
"Of course nonbelievers all over the world display compassion," said Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. "She was forced to go through the motions and admitted her own hypocrisy."
Ten years after her death, her Missionaries of Charity claims to have over a million volunteers comforting the sick and orphaned in 40 countries. This book is certain to stir those who pray the Vatican will canonize the nun from the slums. If it does, Mother Teresa may just be the patron saint of skeptics.

Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures
They were not the enemy though. They are citizens of thier country, like you and I are citizens of ours. It would be like if they flew over your moms house and killed your family.

Not everyone in that country is trying to kill us, and it seems we don't care, we plan to just kill them all.

lol we just plan to kill them all

come on dude, you really think that?
They were not the enemy though. They are citizens of thier country, like you and I are citizens of ours. It would be like if they flew over your moms house and killed your family.

Not everyone in that country is trying to kill us, and it seems we don't care, we plan to just kill them all.
im sure if any "civilians" over there had the chance they would be happy to decapitate anyone of us,including the pussy pacifist UK members lol j/k.