the link you sent me is about a tent being toxic. is it in that thread?
hey man you are in the wrong profession! there is no way you should'nt be at someones hospital as a surgon,i just read this journal from top to bottom and man those early pic's almost made me cry, lol i really felt bad for you by the time i got to the last page s**t you did a hell of a job on theses babies thats one of the greatest comebacks ive seen on here yet keep up the good work gllad i stopped by will be following you from here on..Peace
By the way i only use 2 types of soil Miricle Grow Organic and or Super soil..never had a problem on any grow ive done to date just remember to not add any nutes to your babies during the first 5 or 6 weeks of veg from then on you can add as you see fit while i veg i only use super thrive....thyen my last weeks or two i use fish emulsion grow nutes no burn type Alaska grow..
cool cool im not sure if you are in the states but you can go to lowes or home depot garden section and the have some cheap PH testers i use one now the water tester $6.00....PeaceThanks Stinkbud. yeah i need to get aph meter. They are just so expensive. But im feeding her big grow 6-4-4 diluted 2 tspns to the gallon. Feding every other watering. usually water every 4 days
you check the PH of your soil with the run off of the water from it, with this test kit when you water your plants collect the runoff and test it..the water tester will only test the water though right? what would you recommend for checking the soil ph
So your pots are ruffly about a gallon and a half,, i said all that for no real reason at all lol sometimes im an idiot, what im trying to say is i water by weight and feel. first let your pots dry almost completely out before you water next time, when you do this pick up your pots and weigh them by hand get a feel for how it feels dry.. Now that we know this we water our plants one at a time very slowly, the faster you pour your water into the pot, the easier it will run straight through and drain so do it slow and when you see the first drainage start you know it is at peak water intake,so when do you water again? when you pick your pot up and it feels light again..Hope this helps you out..Peaceyour a fucking genious. LMAO or im just dumb. Thanks im going to get one later. W8 its easter ok tomorrow. But im going to water my ladys right now. Hey im scared to overwater my plants so i feel that i dont feed them enough. Whats a good measure to use when watering compared to pot size. I have 6.5 qt buckets.