Roots growing up


Well-Known Member
Lately, I have been cloning in Oasis cubes which I don't like because they hold too much water.

Anyway, for some reason, the roots have been growing up out of the top of the cube. Does anyone have any idea what causes this?


The tops of the roots? Not really, the stems are in the hole of the cube. But, my understanding is that roots grow toward gravity.
Is the root's normal path of egress through the bottom of the cube blocked by some impenetrable barrier?
This happened to me also, and the little root ended up turning into a mini MJ plant. I wasn't able to let it live long cause i had to go away for a month, so it only grew to about 3 inches. But you should definitely let it live, and watch it. see what happens, cause i thought it was pretty sweet! :D


Well-Known Member
There is no reason I can think of for this to occur except maybe the cubes being too wet or some type of pathogen causing it.

mr og

i may be wrong so if anyone would like to correct me then do so, i think the roots grow upwards chasing the food, from being top fed early.
are you top feeding the cubes? i get the same thing whenever i top feed the cubes for more than past the 10th day of veg. sometimes for my healthy ones, they grow up sooner. when that happens, i just stop the top feeding and start flooding and draining my tables. this stops the roots from growing any higher off the top of the cubes, it has always worked out for me.
the reason why i top feed instead of flood and drain in the first week is because just in case my cubes dont soak up enough water, and the roots arent big enough to reach the bottom to eat. just in case.