Mg scale a bit off?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that's what I expected when I bought mg scale for 17 dollars that usually goes for 90 from China that it wasnt going to be fucking magical. But if it's within 10mg you're good for weighing things in the 100+ range, sadly that does some no good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and im followin them right, but it starts at 10.000 when i put the weight on then it drops from there. Is the weight a little light maybe?
I didnt read anything else before I replied (besides this) so ignore this if you fixed it or its unrelated .

If theres any vibration (music) , strong air circulation (fans) , or if you have a scale on a uneven surface (something angled or a table that tips back and forth) . that could be causing it . if not . then I say return it . also , Im guessing you are , but just in case . USE NEW BATTERIES . hope it helpped .


Active Member
Yeah i think it was the unstable surface and fan in my room. I calibrated it on the hard floor and it was right. Thanks for the help you guys. I appreciate it
I have this balance and never have had any problems. Have you tried taking a negative reading with it? I mean using the tare function while the calibration weight is on it and seeing what it reads when you remove it?