Hey everyone,
Still not showing any signs of sex, but her branching is looking great!

i did my first res. change and after reading the back of my FloraNova bottle it says you should change the res. at least somewhere around once a week cause the nutrient level will deterioate!

So today i did it! i also up'd the nutes a good bit since she obviously isnt a "seedling" anymore! ha i was running 1/2 tsp./ 2 gallons, and i am now upping it up to 2 tsp./ 2 gallon which is what the bottle reccomends!!!

So hopefully she will REALLY like this and i hoping that is what caused my leafs to cup upwards cause some people have said that it could be a cal./mag. deficiency??? I will keep you updated on how she reacts to it!
PIC 1. my res. now it is def. a little darker

PIC 2. My baby and her roots! the roots are growing like crazy
PIC 3. is my nosey little girl, she wants to sit right by me and watch EVERYTHING i do with the plant.. haha she is my assistant!