idont know if you heard of a staghorn fern? ultimately it would have to be outside but intially they are small and dont need dirt. they are one of the oldest plants on the planet dating back 9 million years....i think? ha lol seriously though they will eat your dead MJ leaves....they are a plant that host on another planrt when big...they are not a parasitic plant in the sense that they do not do damge to host your case u would hang the staghorn in ur space and as leaves died or u cut them off u would place them in the staghorns "mouth" so to plant for gettin one lolgoing to look into pink jasmine and plomeria, maybe some carnivorous plants too......... seems to have a really cool selection of them.
thanks for the info +rep
more suggestions are welcome, so are pictures
thats waaaay fuckin cool!idont know if you heard of a staghorn fern? ultimately it would have to be outside but intially they are small and dont need dirt. they are one of the oldest plants on the planet dating back 9 million years....i think? ha lol seriously though they will eat your dead MJ leaves....they are a plant that host on another planrt when big...they are not a parasitic plant in the sense that they do not do damge to host your case u would hang the staghorn in ur space and as leaves died or u cut them off u would place them in the staghorns "mouth" so to plant for gettin one lol
Wild dagga (leontious leonaurus) has very unique and colorful flowers (and u can smoke it!) thats cool. does it contain any mind altering properties?