Flood duration...


This is my first experience with an ebb and flow system and curious what everyone is using for flood times etc. I have 6 girls growing. 3 each in two tubs...flooding to 1/2" below my rockwool which sits in Hydroton. I flood for 15 minutes 5 times a day but I am thinking they are getting too much. Both trays are also filled to the top with Hydroton to protect roots from light etc.


Well-Known Member
I was flooding 4 x's per day but my ladies started to droop so I started to flood more to see what happens but I think thats fine. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I started to flood more and OMG the came out HUGE, my friend said to water like every 45 min I was like dame thats to much so I did every other hour and they came out wonderful. But the drooped a little bit like just b4 lights out so Im goin to try every 2 hrs so how the go. Thet really seem to love the water cuz I looked into my resv and the drunk alot of water. My friend said im doin hydro so they need to be watered more cuz theres no soil. I hope they continue. Id appreciate feedback on the water timeing hydro style if anyone knows thanks


Well-Known Member
This is my first experience with an ebb and flow system and curious what everyone is using for flood times etc. I have 6 girls growing. 3 each in two tubs...flooding to 1/2" below my rockwool which sits in Hydroton. I flood for 15 minutes 5 times a day but I am thinking they are getting too much. Both trays are also filled to the top with Hydroton to protect roots from light etc.
Whats wrong why do you think your feeding to much?


Just looks like a nute deficiancy? I thought it might be getting too much nitrogen with yellowing of the leaves. After posting this I found mites and thought it might be that. I have knocked out that problem and went to 6 times a day for 15 minutes and they are lookins worse so it seems they are getting too much? I have seen pics of some gardens that water on a 12/12 schedule and then I hear of these 2 hour flooding but none of the above postings with the exception of one listed flood duration. Kinda crucial info. I have 6 in soil that are just kicking everyones ass in the garden and they caught up from baby clones and now the best. Gonna yank the hyrdo system and go back to old school and what works. I'm bummin.....