Take a pile of chicken manure. Compost it. IE let it rot while mixing and turning frequently. Now dump some water on the pile and collect the nasyt *ss brown *rap that runs out. That is hygrozyme. It is the leachette of composted chicken *hit. No more, no less. They say they also add a few other enzymes that also grew in other such nasty environments. It is amazing the things they charge big bucks for. It is really more amazing how many people actually buy it. It is simply an organic tea/fertilizer made from water run through partially decomposed organics feeds, antidiotics, ephedrine, cementand other stuff they make the chickens eat, plus the very little bit of straw and saw dust they add to keep the compost loose so air can enter the pile. While it is beneficail with soil grows/absorbant medias and organic nutrients it should not be added to chemical nutrient reservoirs as it essentially turns your reservoir into a sewage treatment lagoon. It will smell like one also. All the major and secondary nutrients and the chelated trace nutrients are taken up without any difficulty by the MJ roots. the enzymes are not beneficail in a chemical nutrient system except pporly designed or construcy ted systems that are prone to root rot. Even so chlorine and H2O2 work better with a chemical nutrient growing system than the hygrozyme in that area also.