My Growitup GreenHouse. Under construction.

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hey bud nice to see your build. Every thing looks good. remember to frame in for the ac unit as well as the window, and door. what kind of temps do you get there in summer. Are you going to be useing lights? there some heat there as well. if temps get high and you half to use ac, what are you going to use for insolation, to keep the cold air in. Im useing my ac now and its not spring yet, so keep that in mind, as you build. I se the floor looks good, but it will move on ya a bit. how much rain do you get a year, here we get alot in the next few months, gutters would help catch that rain water for you to use, I try to use as much of it as i can. carbon filter will help keep smell down. i put up lights in the back yard and yes they have motion detecters on them, i like them. i know if i jumped in to a back yard at night with the atent of stealing any thing and lights came on lololololl im out of there. like a scout on a new rout!!!! just put them were there not easly seen. and yes a dog would help big or small. if it barks to let you know some ones back there thats all it takes, you know. enough on security. your useing 2 foot centers. look at your window sizes and adjust your wall studs to fit the window, save ya some cuts and time when frameing it in. What size is the door. i put an regular exstrior door in mine. It helps, with the waether stripping and all. Not to metion its a metal door with a dead bolt lock as well. just some things to ponder on. keep up the good work my freind.
hey bud nice to see your build. Every thing looks good. remember to frame in for the ac unit as well as the window, and door. what kind of temps do you get there in summer. Are you going to be useing lights? there some heat there as well. if temps get high and you half to use ac, what are you going to use for insolation, to keep the cold air in. Im useing my ac now and its not spring yet, so keep that in mind, as you build. I se the floor looks good, but it will move on ya a bit. how much rain do you get a year, here we get alot in the next few months, gutters would help catch that rain water for you to use, I try to use as much of it as i can. carbon filter will help keep smell down. i put up lights in the back yard and yes they have motion detecters on them, i like them. i know if i jumped in to a back yard at night with the atent of stealing any thing and lights came on lololololl im out of there. like a scout on a new rout!!!! just put them were there not easly seen. and yes a dog would help big or small. if it barks to let you know some ones back there thats all it takes, you know. enough on security. your useing 2 foot centers. look at your window sizes and adjust your wall studs to fit the window, save ya some cuts and time when frameing it in. What size is the door. i put an regular exstrior door in mine. It helps, with the waether stripping and all. Not to metion its a metal door with a dead bolt lock as well. just some things to ponder on. keep up the good work my freind.

Temps in the summer are low 90's we get a couple weeks around 100° but mostly 90's. I went with a solid core interior door. I need a 30" door. I sealed the bottom though, like exterior door and Im gonna paint it with this latex paint. If it rots, I will buy another one.
I went 2 foot center cause that fits the siding and the polycarbonate panels. I got clear for the top and the white for the sides and they fit together at 24"
I can build a box, The thing I am gonna need some help on is the roof. Those roof panels are gonna meet up there and I want a few to open so where its hinged at the top of the beam, how would I water proof that? Second thing is, do I need any special bolts to go into concret or will a regular lag bolt work?

awesome build man. I like what I'm seeing. keep it up!
Thanks Doc.

actually a rainwater retention system is a hell of a good idea-
I agree, I just dont get enough rainfall here. I am thinking about nadding an r/o.
Todays Progress,

I got the side walls up. After framing in the window and A/C I went to open the window and it didnt stay open. Now I know the difference between single hung window and a double hung. I cut a couple 2x4 off and framed it sideways. The second window is the same kind but with the door on that side I dont have room for it. Im gonna skip that window. If I need it, well it wont be to hard to add one later.




Tomorrow I will attach the last 4x4 post to the concrete and start on the front wall.​
if it was an actual house i would cation against mounting the window sideways...i t will leak. but i dont think it matters here.
looking good man. the builds are always my fav part.
awesome man. I like how the brick ties right into the slab. looking cherry dude!

Right on man, It's comming together.

if it was an actual house i would cation against mounting the window sideways...i t will leak. but i dont think it matters here.
looking good man. the builds are always my fav part.

Thats the way it is suppose to be. I thought it was a vertical window but it wasnt. I had to take it apart and re frame it sideways. Oh well, live and learn. Gonna drill holes in the concret tomorrow to stable that 4x4 and help support the door frame... see how that turns out.
i would put a piece of 2x2 wrapped in trim coil extending 2 or 3 inches past the edge of the hinged roof window (the aluminum trim would have to go UNDER the upper roof panel then up and over the 2x2-just like you would flash a chimney)
that would act as a diverter to channel most water around the window-coupled with a well designed weather strip system you would have leaks only in torrential rain
maybe just take the rubber weather strip like a tube with a nail flange on it(
) and mount to the 2x4 that makes your window frame with the tube up and sticking above the frame just a little so when the window closes it compresses the strip slightly-
caulk the corners of your strip to seal (OSI Quad Seal is the BEST) they have it at HD
I am subd to this. Great build Cruz! Didnt see it mentioned but probably missed it. They make expansion bolts for concrete. It is what sport climbers use to put bolts/protection in rocks. It involves drilling a hole for the sleeve and then putting the bolt in which expands the sleeve making even contact with the drilled hole walls. Very strong.

Also, they make roof vents that operate automatically on a temp switch. These are standard greenhouse items that use natural air-flow to vent the greenhouse. your air intake is perfectly located, if you had even one roof vent that was automated you would probably only have to run the A/C unit nominally.

Drip systems are pretty easy. Get a 300gph pump with 20 head-feet at least. just hook it to a timer and but in the rez. If your area gets rain put some gutters around the building and funnel them to a large bucket with a filter screen to collect the rain water.

Just some ideas man! That thing looks awesome, I am envious. I have wanted a green house for sooooo long. Shoot, I just want one to grow my own food year round..LOL.
It looks great, wow starting to look like a building already!
Yea I got a bit more done then I expected yesterday. I forgot how much I like building stuff.

i would put a piece of 2x2 wrapped in trim coil extending 2 or 3 inches past the edge of the hinged roof window (the aluminum trim would have to go UNDER the upper roof panel then up and over the 2x2-just like you would flash a chimney)
that would act as a diverter to channel most water around the window-coupled with a well designed weather strip system you would have leaks only in torrential rain
maybe just take the rubber weather strip like a tube with a nail flange on it and mount to the 2x4 that makes your window frame with the tube up and sticking above the frame just a little so when the window closes it compresses the strip slightly-
caulk the corners of your strip to seal (OSI Quad Seal is the BEST) they have it at HD

OK, I got it now. Thanks Murf.

I am subd to this. Great build Cruz! Didnt see it mentioned but probably missed it. They make expansion bolts for concrete. It is what sport climbers use to put bolts/protection in rocks. It involves drilling a hole for the sleeve and then putting the bolt in which expands the sleeve making even contact with the drilled hole walls. Very strong.

Also, they make roof vents that operate automatically on a temp switch. These are standard greenhouse items that use natural air-flow to vent the greenhouse. your air intake is perfectly located, if you had even one roof vent that was automated you would probably only have to run the A/C unit nominally.

Drip systems are pretty easy. Get a 300gph pump with 20 head-feet at least. just hook it to a timer and but in the rez. If your area gets rain put some gutters around the building and funnel them to a large bucket with a filter screen to collect the rain water.

Just some ideas man! That thing looks awesome, I am envious. I have wanted a green house for sooooo long. Shoot, I just want one to grow my own food year round..LOL.

Great ideas man. Yea, I want natural ventlation and just use the AC a couple weeks out of the year. But I need to be able to keep the cool air in. What I think I will do is run weather stripping (the sticky stuff that dont stick) where the panels ends meet and around the vents. That and the flashing Murfy mentioned should do it. Oh and cant forget "great stuff" that shit fills holes real good.
good questuon, what kind of open area you talking about up top, framed window or home made, with those with those self opening window latchest you were talking about, it will have to be a home made window type and how strong are they when they shut? 3" dry wall screws should be fine. to secure them raffters in.
Well, It going to peak at 2 feet in from the back and travel 6 feet down to the front.
I found a name: Sawbox roof design. At the peak is where I didnt know how to cover but I found it. Roof ridge caps. They got them at home depot. In between the rafters I will build a frame maybe out of 2x2's for the vents. The auto openers only lift 15 lbs so its gotta be light but strong. I'm looking at maybe aluminum frame if I can build it. Then cover with the poly panel over lapping when closed. How's that sound?
I will go get some drywall screws. Sounds better then nails. Thanks man.

Yesterday I got the post and bottom rail anchored to the concrete.
Pain in the ass drilling the hole until my neighbor lent me a hammer drill. Man that thing works great drilling in concrete. Anyway, didnt have time to start the front wall and it was suppose to rain so I moved the rest of the material under cover. when I grabbed the last 2 4x8 sheets of siding and twisted I fucked up my back. Looks like I gotta take today off.
Heres a shot from yesterday.


Thats where I'm at. Tomorrow I will get to work on the front wall and add cross members.
looking good cruzer. Its really starting to come together. Do you have an estimated completion date based on the progress you've made? Keep up the good work. Looks like it will be a real nice greenhouse when its done.
Hi Integra, Yea it is starting to take shape. If I had my way I would be out there right now. I dont know man, It will probably be done in a week or so. Shouldn't take long to run electric and plumbing. I'm pretty sure I am going to put an r/o out there. I have a hose bib about 20 feet away I can tap into but the waste water would have to be run up about 10 feet and follow the roof line of the house under the eves about 150 feet then into the garage and down a drain.
Do you know if I can run the waste/runoff line of an r/o up like that or does it need a gravity feed?
The auto openers only lift 15 lbs so its gotta be light but strong.

Cruzer, Make sure it is strong!, Wind, rain, falling debris.... You can counter-weight it with weights or springs, kind of like a garage door or how windows work. This way you can keep it strong,heavy and secure while keeping the lifting weight light. Hope it makes sense. Depending on the design you can always use a mechanical leverage advantage too.
Yeah, you can run the drain line how you want. It gets pressurized. Mine is about a 25ft run that goes about 5 feet up then over and 8 ft down. No problems whatsoever.
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