Connecticut growing|when to plant this year???


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,:weed:
Im am just wondering when it is safe to plant here in CT. Anyone know when it should be safe to plant. I dont want my girls dieing early on me.!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I live in PA and started germinated a "test batch" yesterday with bag seeds. If it stays warm like this into April I might take a risk and put some of my bag seeds sprouts out withing the next few weeks. I ordered an "outdoor mix" from Attitude today (hope they arent garbage, like the ones they pick up off the floor and the end of the day, haha) so I plan on starting them as soon as I get them. If they take 2 weeks to get here and I germinate indoors 1-3 weeks that has me putting them outside last week of April. Wish I had more room for them in my house. Ideally I would like to be putting plants out early May that are already 2-3 months old...


Active Member
i am gonna start them off as indoor window sill plants. i hope to plant my babies in the ground on April 10th.

I'm doing the same thing. I started germinating my seeds today. We are suppose to have warm weather here in CT. Hopefully my plants will only have to be window sill plants for 2 weeks or so.