In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?


Well-Known Member
Nuclear weapons need constant maintenance because radiation damage affects the materials and triggering devices that must act together to make the weapon work.

The same is true for chemical & biological weapons, especially nerve agents, they must be stored under inert conditions with the absolute exclusion of oxygen and moisture.

So no, you cant just leave them in 1 of the big yellow storage company's lock up's.

lol how embarrassing.:lol:

Peace keeping force in Somalia?
Don't you mean, the piss-taking force in Angola penitentiary in Louisiana?
First off, not many people believe Saddam had nuclear weapons. In fact I don't ever remember the Bush administration saying that nuclear weapons were believed to be present. He said Saddam was trying to acquire them. As far as chemical weapons storage goes, you have no idea who you are talking to. Not that it's any of your business but I was a combat medic for a Marine Recon Battalion. I served during the first Gulf War, Bosnia and Somalia. I saw combat in all 3 conflicts. Being a recon corpsman I had a vast knowledge of WMD's (I had to go through extensive training on what they are, how they work, how to treat the injuries associated with them and wait for it, wait for they are stored!). Furthermore, I was a firefighter/paramedic and Hazardous Materials Technician for 15 years. After the 9/11 attacks all firefighters in the U.S. had to be trained in the handling of WMD related injuries which required an extensive class on the subject. Hazmat technicians had to go through even more extensive training. My entire professional life has been spent taking classes and learning the nature of WMD's.........But you're right, I don't know shit.:roll:

As for the personal attacks about my military service..............keep 'em coming. Everyone is starting to see your true nature. :dunce:


New Member
His true nature is a person completely uninformed and easy to manipulate by spin media.

Being a blank slate means others get to write their programs into your memory.

He has no filter.... and has my sympathy. What a awful way to go through life.

Have a bong hit....have two. :wink:

It's never too late to get an education can be done.


Well-Known Member
His true nature is a person completely uninformed and easy to manipulate by spin media.

Being a blank slate means others get to write their programs into your memory.

He has no filter.... and has my sympathy. What a awful way to go through life.

Have a bong hit....have two. :wink:

It's never too late to get an education can be done.
Sad indeed CJ. :sad: It's funny how we still hear the same weak rationale even from people across the pond. I don't really care about nuclear or biological weapons as it pertains to Iraq. Nobody ever made the claim that they had these things. Chemical weapons we know they had but nuclear and biological..............we were simply worried about their desire to seek these technologies out. Granted it is quite a bit more difficult to manufacture and maintain nuclear and biological weapons but chemical weapons basically only need a secure facility. I used to live a couple of hours away from where the country kept its stockpile of VX. The cannisters were kept in cold war era ammunition bunkers. Nothing really special about that. And embargoes don't stop everything from getting in. It would've been about as difficult to get certain illicit items during an embargo as it would've been without an embargo. :bigjoint:


New Member
My first reaction to someone British posting is to give them a fair chance (commenting on OUR politics). My friends from England all went to Marlboro or Eton. I guess that shades my perspective....but I imagine now that we aren't getting many Brit's on this forum with that level of education.

I have to remind myself of that at times.....


Active Member
Those of you that think every Muslim is a terrorist are so uneducated and uninformed....Uncover your eyes people....this is called RADICAL ISLAM not to be mistaken for Islam....I know many and I love this country..Im as american as apple pie... I know many, many muslims and I will tell you when they see this bullshit on TV...they despise it, condemm it and are outraged by it.....For anyone to come out and say that every muslim is a terrorist is just really a country bunkin mentality..... Years later..absolutely nothing positive has been accomplished other than inflaming the rest of the Arab world and contiuning the spread of the seed of hate to the younger generations of terrorist sponsored states who now have made it their plight to bring us down.....Their is radical Catholics, Christians, etc... there are good Muslim mothers, fathers, children...they just want to live in peace...

Theres Muslims all over the world...and their not all bad... Spain, Phillipines, Russia, Asian...the world over...

Why don't you go bitch out Israel for continuing to build on Palestinian territory ?


Well-Known Member
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. :)
Welcome Mr. Orwell............Mr. George Orwell.:weed:

Those of you that think every Muslim is a terrorist are so uneducated and uninformed....Uncover your eyes people....this is called RADICAL ISLAM not to be mistaken for Islam....I know many and I love this country..Im as american as apple pie... I know many, many muslims and I will tell you when they see this bullshit on TV...they despise it, condemm it and are outraged by it.....For anyone to come out and say that every muslim is a terrorist is just really a country bunkin mentality..... Years later..absolutely nothing positive has been accomplished other than inflaming the rest of the Arab world and contiuning the spread of the seed of hate to the younger generations of terrorist sponsored states who now have made it their plight to bring us down.....Their is radical Catholics, Christians, etc... there are good Muslim mothers, fathers, children...they just want to live in peace...

Theres Muslims all over the world...and their not all bad... Spain, Phillipines, Russia, Asian...the world over...

Why don't you go bitch out Israel for continuing to build on Palestinian territory ?
This thread isn't about Israel. It was asking if Islam is a hate crime. I haven't seen any posts on here claiming that all muslims are bad. I know my fair share of muslims as well and they are good people IMO. Yes there are some ignorant people who will lump all muslims in with the extremists but that's human nature. Most of those folks can't be reasoned with anyway. This isn't a muslim bashing thread. Please read the entire thread before making the assumption that this is an attack on Islam. Perhaps an attack on radical Islam but not Islam itself. :peace:


New Member
No one says all Muslims are bad.

On the other hand what no one sees either is the "good" Muslims rising up in opposition.

It's time for all of the good Muslims to rise up and clean their own house. How bout that?


Active Member
Right on brothers... Its not a hate crime...theres a great deal of compassionate, loving, Allah-fearing good muslims out there although im not muslim......I just wanted that to be clear...Lately whenever I hear Islam it instantly becomes synonmous with terrorism....thats bad for jumpin the gun...Im down with that.... Much love, respect...Peace in the Middle East.....


New Member
:lol: Believe me...I am agreeing with you 100% !!

But the solution lies not in the west. It is a place of refuge for Muslims that want to lead somewhat "normal" lives however.


Active Member
Is Islam a hate crime is definetly an insinuation on some level......Is Catholicism a crime against children ? (not all catholics are bad...although history has shown that a good majority have committed horrible crimes against children... All over the new, just yesterday...)


Well-Known Member
Right on brothers... Its not a hate crime...theres a great deal of compassionate, loving, Allah-fearing good muslims out there although im not muslim......I just wanted that to be clear...Lately whenever I hear Islam it instantly becomes synonmous with terrorism....thats bad for jumpin the gun...Im down with that.... Much love, respect...Peace in the Middle East.....
No worries my friend. Radical Islam is most certainly a cancer which is eating away at that religion and perpetuates the prejiduces that some people feel. I wish there didn't have to be a war on terror but we were attacked. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed. We simply cannot turn a blind eye to that sort of thing. It's a delicate balancing act because some are viewing this as a war on Islam. It's anything but a war against Islam. It's a war against terror...............just so happens the terrorists were muslim. Had they been Jewish or Christian extremists I would hope we would've responded the same way. :leaf:


Active Member
Im just being a devils advocate...I love all of humanity... There is good people amongst every, creed, race, religion, etc... It just sucks that there are bad apples out there that wear sheeps clothing and fuck it up for the rest....but as long as there people like you and me that ask questions and look at diffrent long as their are places like here were we can express our minds, faiths, diffrences, likeness we can overcome ignorance and hyped media or anything..... I ask myself all the time how will this all end ? when will this all end ? Im 30 now....What will become of this world in my lifetime, what will become our realities...We have a lot of other countries aside from Radical Islam that would love to see us go down..IE North Korea...A great deal of the mid-east and a few other tyrants that if they could would...How will this all play out...


Well-Known Member
Is Islam a hate crime is definetly an insinuation on some level......Is Catholicism a crime against children ? (not all catholics are bad...although history has shown that a good majority have committed horrible crimes against children... All over the new, just yesterday...)
Totally not the same thing. What some catholic priests did to these children was atrocious and some of these people should have their genitals cut off and shoved up their own asses. It's one thing to deal with some pedophile's another thing altogether to deal with extremists whose only stated goal is the destruction of the west and death to the infidels. :joint:


Active Member
I whole heartedly agree doc111 its totally, totally diffrent but i was attempting to just show a "bad side" of another religion if you will....completely diffrent but just to show the deviation.. the "radicalness"...I mean that is really, really "radical" its actually fucken sick.....I agree anything involving innocent, helpless children deserves the most horrible, painful, mind-numbing punishment out there....


New Member
Im just being a devils advocate...I love all of humanity... There is good people amongst every, creed, race, religion, etc... It just sucks that there are bad apples out there that wear sheeps clothing and fuck it up for the rest....but as long as there people like you and me that ask questions and look at diffrent long as their are places like here were we can express our minds, faiths, diffrences, likeness we can overcome ignorance and hyped media or anything..... I ask myself all the time how will this all end ? when will this all end ? Im 30 now....What will become of this world in my lifetime, what will become our realities...We have a lot of other countries aside from Radical Islam that would love to see us go down..IE North Korea...A great deal of the mid-east and a few other tyrants that if they could would...How will this all play out...
Welcome to earth!


Well-Known Member
Im just being a devils advocate...I love all of humanity... There is good people amongst every, creed, race, religion, etc... It just sucks that there are bad apples out there that wear sheeps clothing and fuck it up for the rest....but as long as there people like you and me that ask questions and look at diffrent long as their are places like here were we can express our minds, faiths, diffrences, likeness we can overcome ignorance and hyped media or anything..... I ask myself all the time how will this all end ? when will this all end ? Im 30 now....What will become of this world in my lifetime, what will become our realities...We have a lot of other countries aside from Radical Islam that would love to see us go down..IE North Korea...A great deal of the mid-east and a few other tyrants that if they could would...How will this all play out...
It's not looking too good right now. I have children so I have some hope that things will improve but right now it's not looking real good. :sad:


New Member
Welcome to earth! said it brotha.... we need divine
heh.... divine intervention.... isn't that what all the fighting is about already?

If that DID wars would immediately erupt.

"no!, he was talking to US!!" Instant WW4