24 Hour light or 18/6 day/night photoperiod/


Active Member
I am wondering what the best is for starting out and veg growing, cause that is what i have currently in my closet? Should i use "24 hours of light on" or "18 hours on 6 off". wich would u guys tell me to use? what is the best? because people keep telling me different stuff so im trying to get the majority vote and use that. Currently im useing "24 hours of light on" at the moment. so please help me out. im new to this. here is a pic of my setup too.



Active Member
your gonna hear people say 18/24 20/24 24/24 some people will say after 20 hours of light its a waste, others will say that plants need a few hours of darkness to rest and grow. if your worried about eletricity do 18/24, i do 20/24 seems to work for me


Active Member
so your tellin me you use 20 hours of light on/ and then 24 hours of light off?? i thought it would be 20 hours of light on, and 4 hours of light off. or 18 hours light on and 6 hours light off.
your gonna hear people say 18/24 20/24 24/24 some people will say after 20 hours of light its a waste, others will say that plants need a few hours of darkness to rest and grow. if your worried about eletricity do 18/24, i do 20/24 seems to work for me


Active Member
nevermind i didnt understand what you wrote but now i do so ignore the last message.
so your tellin me you use 20 hours of light on/ and then 24 hours of light off?? i thought it would be 20 hours of light on, and 4 hours of light off. or 18 hours light on and 6 hours light off.


I have been going 24 straight. I think it depends on preference. This is my second grow so im not experienced by any measure, however I have been keeping a daily log/journal noting my light cycles, watering, growth, temp, humidity, etc. By doing this, the next time around I will have something to compare to.
After reading your thread, Im going to note to try a light change for my next grow. I would like to share that whatever light cycle you decide, its important to stick with the same cycle till flowering time. I have read that plants thrive when provided with routine. Good luck and happy growing.:joint:


24 hour of light per day allow explosive plant growth because the plant does nothing but produce carbohydrates(sugar) that they in turn use to grow more leaf matter. Using a 18/6 schedule will allow ample time for carbohydrates to build and the 6 hour "night time" allows hormone production so pre-flowers appear sooner. again it's all about your system. I'm in the planning stages of building a SOG cabinet grow, I plan to use 24 hour light schedules while cloning and after the mothers need to re-veg. after the clones "stick" I plan to change to 18/6 schedule so that they are ready to flower by 6" tall, obvioussly not evryone has my set up and they may choose to use 24 light schedules for veg because they'll flower closer yo 18-24" tall. To each his own! Good Luck bro!


Active Member
so if i switch to 18/6 light period then my plants will flower earlier? because i heard plants dont get absorb anymore sunlight after 20 hours anyways. well let me know because if so i will change to 18/6 , i just changed my timer today to 20/4.


Be careful when choosing your light schedule, it's not so bad in veg but DO NOT switch your light schedules while flowering. this will cause stress to your plants and increase your likelihood of hermie plants. I can't say about if the 20/4 or the 24 hr light schedule is faster because I only use 24hr and 18/6 and that has worked just fine for me.


Active Member
lol yeah i understand its my herb, but ive never really done this before, and im jumpin right into hydroponics and everything. soo i was just trtin to get a few pointers and see what worked for them. but believe me i know its my bud. CAUSE IMA BE SMOKIN THAT SHIZZZYYY!!!:leaf::leaf:!:bigjoint::leaf::leaf:
doo what you want its your weed you will find out what work best for youj in time.


Active Member
i usually go about a week or 2 on 24hr light using 2, 24watt florcents the i switch to my 400HPS for a 18/6 veg perioid then when i feel they are ready for flowering i switch the light to 12/12


Active Member
i just took these this morning. i feel like they r healthy. what do u guys think.thanx for the input guys. here r some new pics. i transplanted them into ten inch pots and moved some to two to the shelf up top. bought a few more cfls too. i also sold three so i have more room and can concentrate on the other ones more.


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Plants release toxins during the dark phase and convert sugars stored up during the day. The plants are still in a sense very awake at night distributing chemicals and hormones around the its self. I've definitely gotten better results with clones on 24 hours for the first three days and then 18/6 until flowering. Too long on 24/0 and I find the plants become weaker and more susceptible to nute burn/deficiencies


Active Member
yeah ive been using 20/4 lighting, but im switching to flowering(12/12) in three days do to space issues. and by calulations i should have exactly a lil more room then im going to need to flower them.


Well-Known Member
hey nice plants:mrgreen:, may i suggest something i see tin foil and clear plastic bottles , if it is tin foil then remove it and use those white walls . tin foil is worse . and you may want to transplant those into grow pots . roots dont like light. other than that looks great . :blsmoke: i see a hydro set up there , keep on that track and you will love it . i moved on from soil to hydro and i love it ( i sucked with soil had bad luck ) i only start seeeds and select mothers from soil...thats that . nice job, happy growing


Well-Known Member
ive never used tin foil as it creates hot spots . either white plastic/painted walls or mylar will give you best results


Active Member
hey riu messed up all the pics on all my posts. they arent the ones i uploaded. i ahve no idea whos they are. but here are my pics.
