Genesis 1:12


Active Member
Seems like alot of people like to appeal to a higher authourity on alot of issues....

Here is food for thought:

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:12

Not ok, not average... but Good... personally I think Great might just be in order....


Active Member
Thanks man.... The more I know about the Herb... the less I really know.... we are coming out of the dark ages of Cannabis....500 years they will study this period in history.....


Active Member
And God saw that it was good.... the blessings of one plant... and so misunderstood... one day the collective consciousness will be raised....


Active Member
He darnk wine, why not burn one. Rep for Jesus
He did drink wine, but from what I have been taught, the wine back then was not fermented. This is what has always confused me about smoking it right or wrong? God says not to do anything that will "fog" your mind?? (this is what I have been taught, and I fairly believe it) so...weed alters your state of mind, but in my view, its in no way like alcohol or hard drugs, so i still smoke it. :bigjoint::leaf:


yeah its crazy... all those crazy bible goers that are condemning it... even your own book says its ok.
sorry about the rant but i hate it when people say that god hates stuff...


Active Member
And God saw that it was good.... the blessings of one plant... and so misunderstood... one day the collective consciousness will be raised....

im sure that phrase is not meant for this one single plant. honestly it sounds like he's talking more about grain. but no doubt every plant on this planet is beautiful and has secrets only it knows. mary jane is a wonderful lady. you know that thc was found in a study to actually kill aging cells in the lungs when smoked. that's why no one can link cancer to mary. because although the tar and such is still scarring your lungs, the thc renews the cells. now this leads me to think thc combined with other plant components may be the answer to cancer that we've been looking for.


Active Member
They are doing studies on Cannabinoids causing Autophagy (cellular suicide):fire:.... this is so promising.... the plant :leaf:holds the keys to many miracles yet to be found....:-P:leaf:


Active Member
I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?
Willie Nelson