Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Blue cheese sounds awesome I just got a bag of cheese and it is dopey stoney stuff. Seems like it would mix well with blueberry.

Everyone is saying Bubba Kush is the new thing... I am going to find out. I have a couple beans in the germ now, that I got as freebies a few months back.
I wish I had gotten the BK freebies. I got a power kush whatever that is lol

white widow and bubba kush but i 'm not going to start anything right away my parent are coming and my in laws .hell everyone's coming for grad. when all that's over then i ll start a new one.
Congrates on the grad. Thats great, best of luck to you goofy :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I read the violator kush was killer :leaf:


Active Member
hey how much do you guys know about killowatts per hour and stuff i need some help on how to keep it ona low profile and keep it sneaky i just moved into an apartment yuh dig


Well-Known Member
DAYYYUMMMMMMM!!! lol. Fuckin NICE man!! wow.. you know what I just realized.... our plants are almost on the SAME EXACT day of flowering!! Ooooo. wait. neva mind.. mine are on day 40.. almost tho.. but "technically".. i im on DAY 39.. and after toNIGHT it'll be day 40.. lol. Looking REALLY REALLY nice man! Wow.. The Red Dragon seems like its the fattest of them all tho.. looks really good! I JUST uploaded my pics too.. but yours are lookin much better.. might be time to change your avatar pic huh? lol. Im in the process of choosing a pic to switch mine with. Your plants are doin much better than mine.. the BB has some VERY dark red hairs! My WW doenst have any red hairs yet..not sure if it will get any.. mine are all REALLY REALLY BRIGHT orange hairs.. looks good tho. your are filling out alot more than mine too.. but then again.. you got an HPS.. i only have CFL's.. but im happy with what I got! But tis crazy to think ours are on the same day. lol. oo yea.. the BB.. watsup with the nanners man?? di du purposely pollinate it?? or did it just turn hermie on you? are those the only ones you got? or are tehre more? cuz it usually seems like they start from the bottom.. and work their way UP the plant? that kinda sucks.. but at the same time.. you'll have some extra seeds now! =D and they should be Feminized too!! Well heyy... if your in a giving mood... and you wanna send a couple of those seeds my way.... =) i wont be mad. lol. my birthdays in August.. still a lil while away.. but you could send me an xtra special B-Day card with a couple seeds from my favorite strain... lol. jk jk. well hopefully you wont end up with many seeds man.. its good they came now.. adn not earlier in the grow. Well.. i think ima go back adn admire some more of your pics man... Keep up the good work! and im sure at least ONE of yor plants will end up being chopped the same day as mine! lol. =) Soo we can chop 2getha. Laterrr Man. you can check out my pics if ya want.


Well-Known Member
DAYYYUMMMMMMM!!! lol. Fuckin NICE man!! wow.. you know what I just realized.... our plants are almost on the SAME EXACT day of flowering!! Ooooo. wait. neva mind.. mine are on day 40.. almost tho.. but "technically".. i im on DAY 39.. and after toNIGHT it'll be day 40.. lol. Looking REALLY REALLY nice man! Wow.. The Red Dragon seems like its the fattest of them all tho.. looks really good! I JUST uploaded my pics too.. but yours are lookin much better.. might be time to change your avatar pic huh? lol. Im in the process of choosing a pic to switch mine with. Your plants are doin much better than mine.. the BB has some VERY dark red hairs! My WW doenst have any red hairs yet..not sure if it will get any.. mine are all REALLY REALLY BRIGHT orange hairs.. looks good tho. your are filling out alot more than mine too.. but then again.. you got an HPS.. i only have CFL's.. but im happy with what I got! But tis crazy to think ours are on the same day. lol. oo yea.. the BB.. watsup with the nanners man?? di du purposely pollinate it?? or did it just turn hermie on you? are those the only ones you got? or are tehre more? cuz it usually seems like they start from the bottom.. and work their way UP the plant? that kinda sucks.. but at the same time.. you'll have some extra seeds now! =D and they should be Feminized too!! Well heyy... if your in a giving mood... and you wanna send a couple of those seeds my way.... =) i wont be mad. lol. my birthdays in August.. still a lil while away.. but you could send me an xtra special B-Day card with a couple seeds from my favorite strain... lol. jk jk. well hopefully you wont end up with many seeds man.. its good they came now.. adn not earlier in the grow. Well.. i think ima go back adn admire some more of your pics man... Keep up the good work! and im sure at least ONE of yor plants will end up being chopped the same day as mine! lol. =) Soo we can chop 2getha. Laterrr Man. you can check out my pics if ya want.
Thanks chb they are starting to fill out. Real happy with the frost. Should get bigger and frostier. I think they are not as big as they should be because of me fuckin with the nutes. I have not seen any hermie. I hope I dont have seeds but if I do I wont complain.

It is not a seed it some weird leaf growth...

Man those plants are really frosting up! Hey just curious which ferts are you using? Are you on he Fox Farms regimin?
BB1, SB1 and LSD1 are on FF and the rest are on DynaGrow.


Well-Known Member
do you use the Open Sesame Beastie bloom and Cha Ching? I didn't and my bud was super airy and light wondering if that was why.
I am not using them this time. The buds are very dense just not as big as would have hoped. That might be normal with a topped, cropped and LSTed plants.
I have backed off nutes trying to maintain my leaf health. Last time on the WW that stuff fried my leaves to a crisp.

I may pick one or two plants and give them a little dose to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Yeaaa. no I dont think they're seeds.. they look like small pollen sacs.. I am not sure.. but it REALLY looks like thats wat they are.... =/ =( I dont wanna kill ur modd or anything.. cuz im no expert.. but especially with that pic u showed me.. i jsut good "nanners on my weed plant" and found a thread that was talking about it.. heres the link..

Look about 1/2 way through the thread.. post #56.. he said he found nanners on his plant too.. adn has pics of them.. im not sure how long it takes b4 they can actually pollinate ur plant(s).. u might be OK since it started kinda late.. but i am not 100% sure. I am REALLY hopin im wrong man... but if i am right.. your best bet would probly be to put that BB plant somewhere away from ur other plantss.. sooo that it doesnt pollinate ur other plants.. let me know what you think after u read that thread.. u might wanna do some research of ur own.. and or ask some people who are following your thread if they think thats what they are....

Mann.... like I said... I REALLY hope I am wrong Bro.... i do. let me know what you think tho


Well-Known Member
I found a couple of these on my last grow. DONT PANIC. As long as you only have 2-3 weeks left they shouldn't be able to actually pollinate. What you can do if possible remove the plants from the grow area, if not at least kill all fans. Use tweezers and carefully pluck the ball sacks, trying not to break them and spread the pollen everywhere. Usually the pollen isn't genetically capable of seeding at that stage, but I took precautions anyhow. Good luck and don't give up on em!


Well-Known Member
wow SL2 those plants look amazing!! I'm pretty interested 2 c how that LSD and SB turn out..
Thanks BNDH should be ready in 3 or 4 weeks :leaf:

Yeaaa. no I dont think they're seeds.. they look like small pollen sacs.. I am not sure.. but it REALLY looks like thats wat they are.... =/ =( I dont wanna kill ur modd or anything.. cuz im no expert.. but especially with that pic u showed me.. i jsut good "nanners on my weed plant" and found a thread that was talking about it.. heres the link..

Look about 1/2 way through the thread.. post #56.. he said he found nanners on his plant too.. adn has pics of them.. im not sure how long it takes b4 they can actually pollinate ur plant(s).. u might be OK since it started kinda late.. but i am not 100% sure. I am REALLY hopin im wrong man... but if i am right.. your best bet would probly be to put that BB plant somewhere away from ur other plantss.. sooo that it doesnt pollinate ur other plants.. let me know what you think after u read that thread.. u might wanna do some research of ur own.. and or ask some people who are following your thread if they think thats what they are....

Mann.... like I said... I REALLY hope I am wrong Bro.... i do. let me know what you think tho
Ive had a hermie and a male and these dont look like the pollan sacks that were on the hermie or male. It may be but its all good. Ill just have some Blue Shark, American Dragon, LSDberry and Kushberry Blues seeds!!!:weed:

I found a couple of these on my last grow. DONT PANIC. As long as you only have 2-3 weeks left they shouldn't be able to actually pollinate. What you can do if possible remove the plants from the grow area, if not at least kill all fans. Use tweezers and carefully pluck the ball sacks, trying not to break them and spread the pollen everywhere. Usually the pollen isn't genetically capable of seeding at that stage, but I took precautions anyhow. Good luck and don't give up on em!
The only one in a panic is chb. lol
He has had bad luck with hermies so I understand.

I tried plucking sacks on a hermie and it still pollanated everything. I must have missed some.

Ill check them tonight. I had a simular thing on the WW and they didnt have any seeds.

It would not be a bad thing to have Blueberry crossed with SB, LSD, KB and RD. Might be some killer smoke!!!


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
dont denie it skeet you know thats a hermie, take it from me i know youve been got brother. the up side is u should get some nice cross breeding but they may be real prone to hermie everytime.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna denie it until the end! lol

They are Dutch Passion BB seeds and I read they tend to hermie so Im not surprised...Im going with DJ Short BB next time.

Ill take some pics of the sacks in question tonight and post them up for all to see.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the he/she just keep a close eye on it pick the ball sacs everyday as they in i havent had a herm b4 but i read once they herm u gotta check them everyday


Well-Known Member
lol. I know im panicing for ya Bro. lol. An dyes.. Ive had VERY bad luck with hermies! lol I really hope you end up provin me wrong!! But like you said.. if worse comes to worse... youll have a bunch of BOMB-ass seeds! shit, I would actually be kinda happy. hahaha. But hopefully ur right adn there just sum wierd looking leaves.. see I/we can only go by the pictures you take.. your the one who gets to look at it in person and examine it... soo u would probably know.. and if u had a hermie before.. then u know wat to look. for. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
what we talking about anyways where the pics at i havent seen em. if we are talking about a lil bud site right where the fan leaf tips all connect in the middle thats happend to me b4. one of my plants had a bud site in the center of the fan leaf trip me out but it wasnt herm was just a lil bud growing there but that leaf eventually died and fell off like the others cuz i didnt give it enough N during the begin cuz i had crap nutes


Well-Known Member
what we talking about anyways where the pics at i havent seen em. if we are talking about a lil bud site right where the fan leaf tips all connect in the middle thats happend to me b4. one of my plants had a bud site in the center of the fan leaf trip me out but it wasnt herm was just a lil bud growing there but that leaf eventually died and fell off like the others cuz i didnt give it enough N during the begin cuz i had crap nutes
lol. we're talkin about the pic from the last page.. (page 59 i think?) and look at the pics on BB2... pic 3,4,5,6,and 7. You'll see those lil yellow things that almost look like open pollen sacs. SL2 is sayin that theyre just yellow leaf tips tho, soo it might be like u said.. and just a yellow leaf tip that will eventially die off.