First Grow & First Post



I signed up in here a couple of months ago and this is my first post. I sure have read a ton of good stuff in here and really enjoy how everyone helps everyone out. I've also enjoyed all the pics and reading all of everyone's journals.

I started a couple plants from weed a friend gave me - nice mellow buzz and helps me sleep good. I found some of the seeds in the buds. I have no idea what kind they are. But I am psyched that they are girls! Just yesterday I put a magnifying glass to them and the pistils are there!

I started the seeds on a plate with a damp paper towel on them with a bowl on top of that. Shoved them in a drawer and 3 days later I had sprouts.

I put each seed in it's own party cup and kept them each under a Prepara Powerplant grow lamp. They grew pretty quick and w/in two weeks I transplanted them into bigger pots.

Kept them in a southern bay window, along with the lights until the cat started chewing on them.

Two weeks after transplanting I had to put them into bigger pots. I think these are 2.5 gallon ones.

I didn't spend a ton of money - just wanted to see how they would do on a simple budget.

The whole time I've used Shultz's potting soil mixed with vermiculite. Was watering them every few days with distilled water and I added 7 drops of Miracle Grow per gallon.

They got too tall in the window and with the cat and prying eyes, I moved them into another room. I took the Prepara grow bulbs (since the plants grew taller than the Prepara lamps) and put them into those metal clamp lamps you get at Lowes. I put each lamp over each plant that sits on a small table (clamped them onto a picture on my wall and adjusted as they grew). I added two more of those bulbs with clamp lamps on the bottom of the table angling upward. So all together I had 4 lights - 2 shining from the top and 2 from the bottom. And I had the sunlight on them also.

I was keeping the lights on 20/4. They got pretty big and I chopped the tops - probably should have let them grow but I wanted to keep them on the shorter side. And from what I've read in here, I might not have had enough light and they stretched.

After the chopping (about a week ago), they are both close to 2 feet tall and have been on 12/12 now (with Shultz's plant bloom food) for flowering and just this week I see they are girls - just have no idea what kind. The room smells WONDERFUL :mrgreen:. Lights go on at 7 a.m. and lights off at 7 p.m. and then they get put into a closet. I have a fan on them during the day.

So anyway here is a pic. I know I'm not a pro like alot of you in here - I had no idea how well they'd do but they are alive and breathin!

Next time I do this I'm going to do some stuff differently with what I've read in here and let them get taller. Also with the summer coming I'd love to try this outside but a little worried about animals getting to them, not to mention nosey people.

Great site - best one out of all of them out there.




Would you happen to know what kind of plants I have? I've got alot more learning to do in here.

My kid can't even tell me but he was surprised at how good they grew. If they come out good, I'd like to take a cutting and start one for him.

Plants lookin good

Welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
welcome to rui and growing. looks great for a first grow. one suggestion would be to keep your lights closer to the plant. for your type of light (compact fluorescent light or cfl for short) you should adjust the lights daily so they always stay within couple of inches of the plants. doing that will give you a shorter, stronger plant with more nodes that can produce more pot.


Active Member
Its impossible to know what strain it is, i doubt anyone will be able to tell you. I can tell you traits of it are indica traits, the wide leaves and the bushy short way they have grown are both indicative of indica dominate hybrids.


Thanks for the suggestion about the lights and and telling me what traits they have. I'll adjust them to get them closer and I think I can move the bottom ones from the table edge to the edge of the pot and angel them upwards that way - they'll be closer if I do that. Thanks again.


hey bro wats up. nice to see another beginner like me. I'm like 2 or three weeks away from my first harvest and like you i started on a very small budget and have expanded as time goes on. check out the albums in my profile, im growing hydro. But either way bro good luk, and just fyi your plants are gonna triple in size in like the next 3 weeks so be ready for it. my girl went from being 8 inches tall at the first day of flowering and a month later she was almost 3 feet and now its well over 4 feet tall and I treid to keep her short. but she has quit growing taller now she's just packin on bud weight, thank god cuz i been kinda worried but shit its all good. hit me up bro if you need some tips to do shit for your beatiful plants on a low budjet


and just fyi your plants are gonna triple in size in like the next 3 weeks so be ready for it. my girl went from being 8 inches tall at the first day of flowering and a month later she was almost 3 feet and now its well over 4 feet tall and I treid to keep her short. but she has quit growing taller now she's just packin on bud weight, thank god cuz i been kinda worried but shit its all good. hit me up bro if you need some tips to do shit for your beatiful plants on a low budjet
That is why I chopped them a bit - after reading on here how much more they grow I don't think I can house 6ft tall plants indoors. They are now in the guest room but my husband has a good nose and can smell it throughout the house and he keeps telling me the house reaks but I think it smells good and I can only smell it when I'm in that room.

I rooted the cuttings that I cut and they were doing great but the darn cat ate those when they were in the bay window so now I'm wondering when I can clip some more and try again. I don't want to bother the plants when they are now in this stage?

So how did your plants stop growing tall? I have to just let them "be" when they go into flowering, right?

Nice album - I would like to learn next time how you did yours - how you are tying them down - that way more light gets on them right?


Well-Known Member
Welcome mate. Im on my first grow I have 24 plants growing. currently 1 week in to flower. I veg'd them for 5 weeks. I used LST ( low stress training ) and im using CANNA products. I have had to repot 3 times and am currently using square 45 liter pots ( 9 gallons ) The strains are 8x armageddon 8 x white russian and 8 x PPP. There all under 3 x 600w HPS and are growing like crazy plants. Take a look at my thread for a lot of great info.

GL with the grow. I'll be watching.


P.s few pic's of mine to get your interest........bongsmilie



NICE setup you got there! Wish I could do that but Im already getting into arguements about me have just two plants. :roll:

Welcome mate. Im on my first grow I have 24 plants growing. currently 1 week in to flower. I veg'd them for 5 weeks. I used LST ( low stress training ) and im using CANNA products. I have had to repot 3 times and am currently using square 45 liter pots ( 9 gallons ) The strains are 8x armageddon 8 x white russian and 8 x PPP. There all under 3 x 600w HPS and are growing like crazy plants. Take a look at my thread for a lot of great info.

GL with the grow. I'll be watching.


P.s few pic's of mine to get your interest........bongsmilie


That is why I chopped them a bit - after reading on here how much more they grow I don't think I can house 6ft tall plants indoors. They are now in the guest room but my husband has a good nose and can smell it throughout the house and he keeps telling me the house reaks but I think it smells good and I can only smell it when I'm in that room.

I rooted the cuttings that I cut and they were doing great but the darn cat ate those when they were in the bay window so now I'm wondering when I can clip some more and try again. I don't want to bother the plants when they are now in this stage?

So how did your plants stop growing tall? I have to just let them "be" when they go into flowering, right?

Nice album - I would like to learn next time how you did yours - how you are tying them down - that way more light gets on them right?
thank you, ok lets address the smell problem, what you need is some activated carbon, some screen( window screen), a card board box, duct tape, and a small fan. You get the activated carbon from pets mart they use it for fish tank filters. the basic idea is that you want the air in the room cleaned by using the fan to pull smelly air through the box and exhaust clean air. cut a hole in the side of the box ( 8 inch diameter) and using the tape and screen make a bowl shape in the hole so that you can pour the carbon into the hole in the box and be caught by the screen. then cover the hole with screen so that carbon cannot pour out. now keeping the carbon filled hole on the top of the box, cut a hole for the fan to fit with no gaps. you want the fan to blow out of the box. what happens is the smelly air gets pulled through the carbon into the box and the clean air is suked out of the box and blown bak into the room. I hope that helps with the smell I will post again to answer your otha questions.


That is why I chopped them a bit - after reading on here how much more they grow I don't think I can house 6ft tall plants indoors. They are now in the guest room but my husband has a good nose and can smell it throughout the house and he keeps telling me the house reaks but I think it smells good and I can only smell it when I'm in that room.

I rooted the cuttings that I cut and they were doing great but the darn cat ate those when they were in the bay window so now I'm wondering when I can clip some more and try again. I don't want to bother the plants when they are now in this stage?

So how did your plants stop growing tall? I have to just let them "be" when they go into flowering, right?

Nice album - I would like to learn next time how you did yours - how you are tying them down - that way more light gets on them right?
personally i wont take cuttings past two weeks into the flowering stage but some people do, its just that the clone doesn't have as good of a chance of survival as it does when taken during veg cycle. cutting the top is a way of stopping the plants upward growth just not recommended. I found that pulling the plant over a little more each day helps with height and allows the side branches a lot more light. i use what ever i can find. i used paper clips and string and now im using pipe cleaners. I never just let my plants be im always pullin the branches and fan leaves out of the way of bud sites. i started lst on my newest female two weeks into flowering now alot of people say that that stunts the growth of the plant but thats exactly what i was tryin to do, do to limited space. I hope that helps let me know if you got any otha questions. and growing hydro is easy and im having really good results. there is alot of threads on hydroponic set ups my set up is called ebb and flow, or some call it flood and drain, check it out.


Thanks for your help Snowbyrd! Guess I won't be taking any trimmings - unless I do it this week sometime. Then I'll be in trouble for having more than two plants LOL! Can I take cuttings after it's all done flowering? Or can you veg a plant again? I still got lots of reading to do on here.


Thanks for your help Snowbyrd! Guess I won't be taking any trimmings - unless I do it this week sometime. Then I'll be in trouble for having more than two plants LOL! Can I take cuttings after it's all done flowering? Or can you veg a plant again? I still got lots of reading to do on here.
u can take cuttings when ever you want but when u take them during flowering they take a while to root and grow. you can reveg a plant but again not reccomended. well good luk with your grow and tell the hubby he should support u more i know my wife is my biggest supporter when it comes to growing and smokin the bomb i grow, happy growing.:bigjoint:


Thanks I am trying to do this just because I've done well with other plants - I love orchids :) Also I see a dr. for pain (disc problems) and I want to get off the painkillers because this works just as good, if not better. I just can't believe how this stuff is illegal. I mean it grows like any other plant, no chemicals added to it, it doesn't make you violent like alcohol with some people. I just don't get it. I am glad people in other states have it legalized medically - I hope it happens all over the country.