Okay everybody it's update time!!!!

This applies to ONLY the sprouts that were started on the 17th...
They look great, EXCEPT AK47 #4 & #7, (pic# 5 & 6) whata ya think it is??? Should I give them some cal-mag or epson salts on the next feeding<(which will be JUST PH'd water!) or do a mini FLUSH???<like 18oz of PH'd water??
My last feeding was on monday, 3/29. which was double the amount of what I gave them on their first feeding< with the exception of superthrive<only 1 drop per gal still....They all seem to love it! jus LOOK @ them!

It looks like that the biggest looking Ak47, (#6) [pic# 1,23,24&21] may be a male

..that's why I moved it to the other tray to keep a eye on it..None of the others are showing yet...
Look how the ONLY ak47 x auto bb,(the runt) has taken off! <jus sum twisted, weired lookin leaf growth, but other than that, is nice and green with no spots!! [pic #7 & 8]
The ONLY LR2 has rebounded as well! NICE & GREEN!!!! [pic #9 &10]
pic# 13 & 14 are Ak#9 which sprouted on 3/23 and is 8 dayz old..
pic# 3 & 17 are my babies that sprouted on 3/23< growing real slow though! 8 dayz old! WTF?
pic# 18<back row are the 5 WD fems,{last one is wd# and that sprouted on 3/19} 1rst one in 2nd row is 8 day old ak47 & 1rst row are; healthy ak, auto ak x auto bb, LR2, and sick ak47 #4 & #7...
and pic# 19 & 20 is a ak47, #12 seedling that didn't make it!
So out of all seeds germed...18 Ak47's, 6 didn't crack & 1 didn't grow...
8 LR2's, 5 didnt crack & 2 didnt sprout....
5 AutoAK x Auto BB, 4 didn't crack!....
5 White Dwarf, ALL are growing!!
So I have 13 AK47's, 1 LR2, 1 AK47 x Auto BB & 5 White Dwarf's growing out of 36 seeds.....kinda sucks! but whatever...wait till you see what my next round of seeds will be!!!!
**just a lil side note: those LR2, AutoAk x Auto BB & 5 Ak47 seeds were" not stored properly"< was in the process of movin and they were left in a HOT AZZ truck in a dvd case for 2wks!!! temps prob. were 100+ in the truck...YEAH, STUPID! AND THIS IS WHAT CAUSED MY BADD GERM RATIO!!
Anywayz, I swicthed the lights from 20/4 to 18/6 since Thurs. night< 3/25....
Now on another note, LOOK @ those damm Thai Super Skunk!!!!!DAMMMMMM! I really hope 1 of them is a Girl! [pic #1,2 & 20]
And those Unknowns are doing great as well.....[pic #1,2 &20]
Temps have been steADY @ 89-81 IN THE DAY & 69-70 @ NIGHT, with humidity around 50%,(day) & 70%,(night)....
AND I AM Almost finish setting up main tent too! Will post pics of the tent when done....< should be today or tomm...I was waiting on my carbon filter, (26" L Active Air with a 2.5" carbon bed!< 1/2" more than Can66 and CO$T $45 LE$$...) Damm that bitch iz heavy too!, (45lbs) I hope those support straps hold it up well!!??
Still have to set up portable A/C! < that's next!
Then go purchase, "locally" my Fox Farm Soil< to expensive to order on-line because of the weight...
Anyone knows how many bags it will take to fill 12 3gal bags???
Anywayz, here are what you all been waitng for.......PICS! Enjoy!