California Conundrum


Well-Known Member
I think we'll lose more than just $$$. This whole underground network and counter culture may go bye-bye. That seems more sad than losing just money. I still want legal bud but it will lose a lot of glammer and interest especially from the younger set. I think the prices will remain (IF legalized) for a few years. Then as other states legalize and production ramps up to meet demand then look out for the 10 dollar 1/8 or 60 dollar oz. of kind.

Disclaimer: I could be wrong.:roll:


Well-Known Member
I feel there is a LONG way to go to truly Leagalizing,,,First off the Fedral government has to change it's Rules,,,The states are getting away for now and that could all chage in a blink of an eye,,,I'm sure decrim states are seeing a huge drop in "profits", in the underground sector while start ups are doing very well,,,I have alway's heard that "Big Companies like Phillip Morris already has fields waiting for legalization,,,If that's true,,,Than that will be the end of the line,,,,I'd say I will not see it? I'm torn if ya' know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
its all hearsay, but i was told by a good friend Phillip morris already has warehouses full of boxes of pre rolled joints, in 10pak boxes.

the thing about that is, ya you will probably get high, but its not like the actual ritual of breaking down your own nugs and packing a bowl or rolling it up.

i think there will still be a demand for the quality trees, at least in the beginning.

i'm not for legalization. i'm for decriminalization.


Active Member
Market forces will eliminate the lucrative underground grower presence. But in the long run, I don't see this as a bad thing. Clandestine growers use remote areas in state and national forests/parks. They often damage the area and aren't supposed to be there in the first place. In SoCal these government land growers are financed by Mexican drug gangs.

All of that will be eliminated. It kinda sucks for the current grows to find a new way, though. Think of it this way - a lot of them may go to other states to maintain their lucrative trade. That, in turn, will enlarge the black markets in those states. And marijuana will become more ubiquitous. And there will be more medical marijuana laws and more decriminalizations. Eventually, other states will follow Cali.


Well-Known Member
its all hearsay, but i was told by a good friend Phillip morris already has warehouses full of boxes of pre rolled joints, in 10pak boxes.

the thing about that is, ya you will probably get high, but its not like the actual ritual of breaking down your own nugs and packing a bowl or rolling it up.

i think there will still be a demand for the quality trees, at least in the beginning.

i'm not for legalization. i'm for decriminalization.
To me that sounds Like BS,,,A corparation that Big already scrutinized by the govenment would not have any Pre-rolled J's in there warehouses,,,That's False.
Since tobacco took such a big a hit,,, there are many fields just waiting for something profitable.


I got my joint all picked out. After hopefully no more than 1 1/2 -2 yrs of hard work, I wanna be a licensed producer in new mexico. sumwhere near Taos or Angel Fire. sumplace inthe mountains. I wanna live near my mom and I know my son wants to live near his grandma. We could find common ground in a new place for both of us. In a place where my lifestyle could be moore socially acceptible


For a pound in cali once its fully legal it's going to be $200-$400 a Pound for some good chronic and all that good purple shit cuz everyone is going to be growing and just trading and tossing weed around like cigs I think the value of pot will go down extremly from 3k a lbs to $300 lol I will stop growing and just by then. What you guys think of the value of that good chronic strains gonna be if fully legal? Ppl who make a living off pot now WILL have to work at home depot then.
No, the prices will not drop to these levels, at least not for good bud. The most likely scenario is that the state is going to charge for growing and distributing licenses that will cost between 2500 and 5000 a year to renew. Not everyone is going to pay or qualify for these. The demand will also go up exponentially if it is put into the same legal, socially acceptable category as alcohol.

I dont think the price will drop by more than 20-50% . An ounce of the kind, grown and cured properly is still going to be worth 200-250 an oz. min.


Active Member
If weed is legalized i'm only buyin local stuff. i think that's a way to keep the counter culture intact. but it's going to be very few people. i like buying from someone who respects the plant. who takes care of it on a personal level lol. but seriously decriminalization is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
with the introduction of medical marijuana laws, sales and production increased in california. why would this be any different?


with the introduction of medical marijuana laws, sales and production increased in california. why would this be any different?
I agree. If this becomes fully legal, there will be hundreds of thousands of "new" customers that will now buy more on a regular basis because they wont be so worried about drug tests at work, etc.

The price may hold it's current levels for all we know at this point. There is even a chance the price will go up.

Look at the medical situation. EVeryone who is a patient can legally grow their own bud, but most people don't have the talent, the time, or the drive to grow and cure their own so they spend a billion dollars a year buying it from the clubs.

The sky is not falling.


Well-Known Member
My cuz stays in Costa mesa he was saying the cops shut a bunch of dispensaries down not long ago,thats out of order,letting them open then busting them?Its weird,fed laws then state laws,101 ways to bust your ass.


Active Member
I am not to far from there, but the reason those clubs are getting shut down is there failure to comply with the laws. There either not paying sales tax, not doing proper ID checks ect... There have been a few owners of clubs who have been pulled over with 100k in cash on them, but whos to say that was not to get more product...

My cuz stays in Costa mesa he was saying the cops shut a bunch of dispensaries down not long ago,thats out of order,letting them open then busting them?Its weird,fed laws then state laws,101 ways to bust your ass.


My cuz stays in Costa mesa he was saying the cops shut a bunch of dispensaries down not long ago,thats out of order,letting them open then busting them?Its weird,fed laws then state laws,101 ways to bust your ass.
Things were quiet for a long time in Orange County, but yes, recently several clubs in L.A. and Orange counties were raided and the employees arrested and released for " operating an illegal business ". The charges never stick as the DA always drops them.

The interesting part is, local LEO was responsible for these raids, not the feds. My favorite club was shut down for a day or two by Long beach police, and this club is in garden grove...very strange.


Well-Known Member
Interesting discussion. As many have stated before - legalization would be great - unless you are making money on your grows _ then it is problematic.
My opinion on cost going up or down is based on who will be calling the shots. The gov sees weed as a cash cow. Here in Oregon they are talking about $100.00 an OZ tax on sales + a tax on the growers. You see the price dropping anywhere in that scenario? Also ask yourself this question. If the gov is collecting 10% (low ball) on a price of $3000.00 a lb ($300.00) - would they allow a price drop to $1000.00 a lb ($100.00) or would they keep upping the tax to make up the difference?
If you use cigarettes as the example, the average factory price is $2.35 a pack. How much do you pay in your area? Do you think weed would be any different?
At this point we are all just guessing - now you know my guess