Supercropping FREAK OUT!

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I've found that once you have pinched a stem an left it for a couple of days it will snap if you try to bend it back down. Its normal for them to look a bit funky for up to a week.
dont worry about it at all... i supercrop on the reg and at first thought i was "fuckn up" but they always come back and i have even experenced some of my best plants from broken stems/tops... they are super resiliant...


Active Member
i have begun to notice plants are very strong, i my broken stems are shouwing good signs of coming back so to speak. i was wondering what are some signs that the plant top isnt going to recover?


Well-Known Member
this answer might sound kinda dumb but if its dying all over the place and the stem is not healing. in truth its pretty difficult to break a branch bad enough that it wont recover. ive seen plants on here that were maybe 5-10% of the stem/branch still connected bandaged up and heal after a week or 2. while its easy to mess up a plant, its actually pretty hard to totally destroy it so badly it cant recover with time.


Active Member
Literally all of them have come back strong. Now I'm wondering if I should SC during the first week of flowering to reduce some of that stretch.


Active Member
Patience is a virtue. All of my FLO ladies are looking good, and each one has 3 to 5 main colas. I will most likely practice supercropping on all of my grows from now on. Second week of flowering.


ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
just give it time an it will soon sort itself out i had a top sknk 44 that my dog attackd an bit the top of it took a week but when it started growing again it bushed out mega


Active Member
this answer might sound kinda dumb but if its dying all over the place and the stem is not healing. in truth its pretty difficult to break a branch bad enough that it wont recover. ive seen plants on here that were maybe 5-10% of the stem/branch still connected bandaged up and heal after a week or 2. while its easy to mess up a plant, its actually pretty hard to totally destroy it so badly it cant recover with time.
Agreed. Every single SC'd branch came back stronger than ever.